**Forgotten in the annals of history, erased by those he betrayed, Sedris and his once great empire lay buried beneath the newly discovered Slumbering Isle. Sedris, the Traitor King ruled with an iron fist and a determination to do whatever was needed for his people and his legacy to thrive. However, Sedris' lust for success overtook him as he succumbed to a bargain with the all powerful Nicol Bolas. Bolas offered Sedris the ability to bring his people back from the dead of only Sedris were to surrender part of his soul to Bolas. Unbeknownst to Sedris, this new found power came with a harsh stipulation. He saw countless reanimated warriors on the battlefield turn to dust mere seconds later. Unhappy with the stipulation Bolas withheld from him, Sedris confronted Bolas. Bolas, outraged, banned Sedris and his entire kingdom to eternal slumber beneath The Slumbering Isle, branding Sedris forever as "The Traitor King."

Now with The Slumbering Isle stirring in the midst of new powerful Planeswalkers disturbing its eternal slumber, Sedris has been awoken, broken free of Bolas' hold over him. He now scours the land, tormenting anyone with information on Bolas' whereabouts, determined to revenge his fallen kingdom and clear his name. He has vowed that he will use the power granted by Bolas to bring down the tyrant. And so Sedris and his fallen comrades search. But at what cost...**


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.59
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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