This is my version of standard 'Rock'
The main ways this deck gets card advantage is through Courser of Kruphix and Read the Bones. We take a bit of damage so the lifegain is very relevant and so is stopping early game threats.
The deck is very much based off of removal to grow your ooze or gain life from Deathrite Shaman.
4x Abrupt Decay: Perfect removal spell vs aggressive decks, Mono B, and gives you a fighting chance G1 against control decks, blowing up Detention Sphere and Banishing Light. Stays in against most matchups
3x Hero's Downfall: All around important removal, kills troublesome walkers and all creatures easy. Only 3 because BB on turn 3 is sometimes hard.
2x Putrefy: Hits Whip of Erebos and Bident of Thassa. Hits most creatures. All around good removal.
2x Bile Blight: Very good against aggressive decks, getting a 2-1 is always good, and this spell happens to 2-1 a lot.
1x Devour Flesh: I hate non spot removal. Sucks against Monsters variants, they just sacrifice a lame mana dork. Good against hexproof and aggro as cheap removal.
1x Ultimate Price: Good against most matchups, but doesnt deal with problem creatures like Nightveil Specter and Boros Reckoner
1x Doom Blade: Only 1 cos of all the black decks, amazing against everything else.
1x Silence the Believers: Top decking this late game can be a Plague Wind. Seems good.
1x Golgari Charm: Gives us another good card G1 against control. Can be a one-sided wrath against some aggressive decks and can 'counter' a verdict or removal spell. Deals with trouble enchantments. Easily mainboardable.
2x Vraska, The Unseen: Awesome catchall that can act as a win condition. All around good card.
2x Thoughtseize: It's Thoughtseize. No more copies mainboard because i dont like not timewalking opponents with a removal spell.
Basic idea for the deck: Open up the game with removal spells, then drop a hard to deal with threat, or a Deathrite Shaman / Scavenging Ooze and eat up the graveyard. It plays like a control deck, but beats face like a midrange deck.
Its G1 isnt always perfect against control, but postboard it just destroys control.
So far i haven't lost to Mono Black. Reaper is a house against them and being able to deal with Connections is great.
Monsters is easy if you can draw the removal you need at the right time. Xenagos, The Reveler can easily be an issue though. Thats easily the worst card against this deck.
Mono U is hit or miss, Thassa is tough to deal with, but make sure shes offline.
Thats the deck! Suggestions are appreciated.