The Roil: Chaos in 5C

Commander / EDH girlyvader


MagicalHacker says... #1

Fantastic, I like looking at all the great chaos cards in here while I take a break from my own deckbuilding lol

Would you like Telepathy as another copy of Revelation (that is also better since you don't have to reveal your hand)?

August 27, 2017 12:18 a.m.

girlyvader says... #2

MagicalHacker I actually prefer showing my hand when running this deck; the entire idea here is to shift the flow of the game and make it fairly unpredictable or chaotic, and the kinds of things five color chaos can just have sitting in the hand and/or draw into also tend to be the kinds of things that force opponents to avoid optimal lines of play, opening them to more interaction. It's always amusing when I'm one blue/white off Dovescape and I watch everyone start dumping their key combo pieces right into each other's opportunistic removal and/or counterspells when I wasn't even planning on playing Dovescape yet. Revelation is also an Enchant World, which tends to confuse players the first few times they see it.

Zur's Weirding was the other revealing enchantment I ran, but sadly that card tends to translate to "players will be forced to discard anything that is not a basic land unless someone happens to have removal in hand or a way to cheat removal in" once used in a game with even one slightly serious player.

August 27, 2017 12:42 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #3

Interesting! I think that sounds like fun haha

What do you think about Eye of the Storm, Endless Whispers, and Perplexing Chimera?

August 28, 2017 4:39 p.m.

girlyvader says... #4

MagicalHacker Sorry, I've been away for a while. Perplexing Chimera, like many permanents that require me to give them to an opponent who can then swap them back or hijack my spells, tends to just get the next targeted spell I cast throw back at me for spite; chaos is distinctly not control, and Perplexing Chimera is much more suited to helping a control deck keep storm under control via the threat it presents than helping chaos mess with people's math and cause things to happen. Conjured Currency is much better for Chaos; when players can't get their own permanents back, they tend to sit on it unless someone throws out a bomb. Play goes on, but the end of the game is delayed, giving me time to draw into Warp World or The Great Aurora. Eye of the Storm is, in my opinion, a terrible idea for chaos: the control player just loads it with a bounce or counterspell and suddenly the game is soft-locked. Endless Whispers has promise offline, but I primarily play this deck online in what is effectively a blind meta, so I try to avoid cards that interact with only creature decks; most of the decks I see are at least creature-based combo decks. (I have over 300 games with this deck online).

August 29, 2017 7:48 p.m.

girlyvader says... #5

MagicalHacker This is my public brew, however I do have a more updated private brew I may upload and share with you. To point out some things that I found to be ineffective in this variant and were replaced: Infernal Genesis, Cruel Entertainment (I actually swapped Eye of the Storm in for this one; I loaded up a bunch of blue's most broken draw spells, and control tends to leave the Eye alone for a while if they can abuse it for free cards), Child of Alara became my commander because the mana base combined with Child sends "Damnit, that has to be Boonweaver" through the heads of most serious players online during the opening stage of play, which allows me to get a few free chaos plays through while they try to figure out what line of play I could possibly be pursuing. I won't go into detail here for the other swaps, but suffice to say the next variant included far more draw and blue wheels (Chaos, as I play it, wants players to have options; I won't intentionally prevent the game from ending, but I'm definitely trying to make it long and... eventful, plus the blue draw I included was largely intended to allow me to further optimize my deck, swapping tutors for less effective cards).

August 29, 2017 8:09 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #6

That makes sense to me!

August 29, 2017 9:59 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #7

Looking good :D There are definitely a ton of chaos effects, so while I would drop Order of Succession, Mindmoil, Telemin Performance, and Witch Hunt for Endless Whispers, Yidris and Friends, Psychic Battle, and Perplexing Chimera, it really depends on what type(s) of chaos you want to cause, and how much of each type if multiple types. I find using the custom categories to be very helpful in looking at the deck to see what effects I have too much of and what I don't have enough of. For example, you could aim for 10 cards that draw you more, 10 cards that ramp and smooth your mana, 7 chaos cards that switch control of stuff, 7 chaos cards that make people's instant/sorceries target different things than what they want or get copied, 7 aikido cards, 3 board wipes, 4 cards that protect your stuff, 7 cards that change board states drastically, and 7 cards that help you cast more stuff. Those number can be tweaked as the deck is built, but building it that way let's your decision making be easier (it's easier to cut a card from 7 slots than from 62 slots), and ensure that you don't have a hand full of cards that all do the same thing that isn't chaotic enough for a particular board state (diversification is easier when you know what diverse effects you want).

Also, I will say that with only four white cards in the deck, I would be thinking about whether or not I want to change the commander to the aforementioned Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder for chaos in the command zone and a bit of an easier time with mana.


October 10, 2017 1:35 p.m.

girlyvader says... #8


I've looked at trimming white and/or black multiple times over the year and a half I've spent using and tweaking this deck, but I can't find a way to retain the frankly insane ramp this specific manabase offers. Lack of mana actually isn't an issue I have to deal with often, which is why I've taken to following the IT maxim of "If it works when all the rules you know say it shouldn't, don't touch it" and am rather unwilling to mess with the manabase.

Psychic Battle has been on my 'include this' list for a while and will be slotted in as soon as I actually remember it exists when trading.

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder is both a creature, which I've themed the deck not to have, and something which, when played, allows the opponents to mentally assign the deck as being a very odd storm deck. It doesn't matter that the assumption is wrong; it allows the more serious players I often face online to form a plan against the deck.

Perplexing Chimera isn't included because it is both a creature and, given what my relevant large spells are, usually more effective against me than the opponents I'm facing.

Endless Whispers was actually in the deck, however it was cut because I play this deck primarily online, which means I have no clue what I'm facing and the decks tend to be more serious/less creature heavy. Order of Succession is perfect for the one thing I actually want it for: messing up the many, many decks who rely almost entirely on their command in the early/mid phases of the match. If I were playing this physically, I'd definitely swap them back.

Witch Hunt is a placeholder for Psychic Battle, though I might try putting Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder into that slot just to see if it's worth dropping the no creatures theme to include it.

October 10, 2017 6:09 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #9

Sounds great! Since you are playing it more online than in person, it makes sense to focus card choices on staying under the radar. Mind's Dilation is the only one that stands out to me as being seen as worse than it actually is. It's great, but people think it's worse than it actually is, so what have your experiences with it been? Has it stood out in games and given you too much attention?

October 10, 2017 7:23 p.m.

girlyvader says... #10


Mind's Dilation is one of those things that I run mostly to stall the game at key stages where I'm often low on options and haven't hit draw yet. Players tend to be far more conservative if they risk losing a key combo piece, and I've had success at quite serious tables because of cards like that. Yes they are annoying and draw attention my way, but when you're mentally engaging 'serious' players, the key is to make removing the annoyance cost more than it's worth, and I've found 'serious' players at a four person table usually have other issues to worry about by that point in the match. Outside of this specific usage, however, how good dilation is depends on the playgroup you're running it in; that's going to give big creature decks far more pause than, say, a storm deck.

October 10, 2017 8:57 p.m.

PillzHere says... #11

October 4, 2018 6:22 p.m.

Skaven123 says... #12

maybe the new esper planeswalker commander? for her ultimate?

October 4, 2018 7:29 p.m.

Kilrane says... #13

Jodah, Archmage Eternal for Commander? It'll change 20% of your deck to 5 drops.

October 4, 2018 10:18 p.m.

girlyvader says... #14

PillzHere, I shy away from single target removal for one simple reason: this is a wide-scale Chaos deck. When crazy stuff happens, that means the deck is working, and single target removal won't do much to stem the tide against my other crazy effects.

Kilrane, I forgot to update the commander before deckcycling this XD yeah, I often run Jodah in this, though in some metas I swap Child back in because Jodah has this amusing tendency to draw hate among the casual crowd in the same way Child does at a serious table. I rarely have occasion to use his effect, however; the first spell you cast with Jodah is 9cmc not 5, and that still relies on his sticking around a turn. If I drop him on-curve, he doesn't. Given the mana base this deck runs, if I don't drop him on-curve he does nothing since I'll have enough mana to just hard-cast anything by turn 6 usually.

October 5, 2018 10:50 a.m.

girlyvader says... #15

Skaven123, while a good suggestion I do want to maintain this as a 5C deck, and without creatures in the 99 my commander is my only chump blocker. Great suggestion though!

October 5, 2018 11:14 a.m.

Skaven123 says... #16

Was thinking Aminatou, the Fateshifter as part of the 99. Maybe run Lightmine Field Or is it to staxy? Naked Singularity, Pyxis of Pandemonium and Havoc Festival might suit in her as well.

October 5, 2018 9:49 p.m.

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