brief description
This a typical control deck with a twist that is quite entertaining to execute. How does casting Ribbons from the graveyard for 12 sound?
Intrigued? Here's the details.
key players
The Scarab God: has made a place in every good control deck but has added benefits in this one. The biggest benefit is he is causing my opponent to lose life which is converteted by neheb into mana.
Neheb, the Eternal: has a massive body making him hard to deal with without a kill spell. The real reason he is in the deck is because he converts loss of life into mana.
Cut: is a more competitive yet less flashy version of torment of hailfire. It is more competitive because it doesn't clog your hand (because strong removal is relevent 90% of the time) early game which is crucial in any deck hoping to have a chance against ramunap red or other aggro decks. Ribbons is where all mana generated through neheb is going. The deck wins about 50% of the time through this combo but wins equally as much by out playing the opponent through the scarab god while controling the board.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance: literly the perfect planeswalker for this deck. Can Serve as a ramp into ribbons or act as removal or deal direct damage which then gets ramped through neheb. What more can you ask for?
standard control choices
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Harnessed Lightning: this card is flexible removal. Can hit big late game thanks to glimmer or can hit soft to get energy for aether hub.
Disallow: Best standard counterspell.
Glimmer of Genius: Must have.
Yahenni's Expertise: not a super powerful board wipe but being able to cast cut after it will kill anything that's not indestructible or hexproof. I also often will play it into Baral for an immediate board presence.
Sweltering Suns: is in here cause you can cycle it away although in most of my games board wipes are what give me the upper hand.
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: filter to the answers and wincons and late game draw engine.
Supreme Will: early counter or helps dig.
Censor: cheap counter spell, cheap cycle.
Essence Scatter: cheap and effective counter spell.
Every blessed person please comment, I honestly don't care what about. As long as it's on the topic of mtg or cute animals than I really want to here what u have to say:)