[[Primer]]-God of the Rising FULL Moon! Butts Up!!

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 637 | 280 COMMENTS | 70130 VIEWS | IN 224 FOLDERS

VexenX says... #1

Those look amazing! I wish I had a cool 3D printer to use... Lol

July 30, 2017 2:31 p.m.

baddkaarma says... #2

Hey mikeintosh, can you post the thingiverse link for that? Looks great!

VexenX, how do you feel about Mesmeric Orb?

July 31, 2017 12:33 a.m.

baddkaarma says... #3

Nvm, just read through the archive and saw what you said about it. I may try it out.

July 31, 2017 12:50 a.m.

worldtreason says... #4

Just wanted to say your list is very very cool!

Great list, I too am having a hard time finding cuts as the focus is zombie-mill-control which somehow works with scarab god.

As for cards I find subbing a zombie lord or two for zombie token generators is really good.

In your list atm there's a Cemetery Reaper and honestly I am just not a fan of this guy. Although he may be a generic lord with a cool ability, your commander does the exact same thing but better (for 1 more (or less with training grounds!)). A potential card I think actually works really well with Scarab God is Noosegraf Mob.

This guy essentially buffs up your commander's first ability over a few turns and when he dies you simply eternalize him and now you have a 9/9! Which in turn will make 5 more zombies before being a 4/4.

Also before adding anything else you should really really push in Phyrexian Altar ASAP, the card is bonkers and wins games instantly. It makes many many combos only a 3 piece win, which is a tremendous difference from a 4 piece win. Like with Altar of the Brood it will win with gravedigger immediately (as well as all the other combos). Sometimes you need to win fast, and having even 1 tutor with 3 piece combos can win immediately.

Other than that have you considered the evoke creatures? Namely Mulldrifter and Shriekmaw ? These guys you evoke them then simply eternalize them. So you get double the value out of them and then have them on a 4/4 body!

August 1, 2017 3 a.m.

VexenX says... #5

worldtreason: Thank you for the support and the upvote! I am actually waiting to get a few cards, but there is an update coming soon. At this point, the changes are as follows:

These changes have been on my mind for a few days now, so your suggestions are right on point!

I am trying to stay away with stuff like Mulldrifter in my list. Although it has a ton of value, it is a slippery slop to start adding a ton of ETB value creatures. Although this strategy is a sound one, it is not what I am trying to achieve. Thank you for the great suggestions though!

August 1, 2017 3:12 a.m.

VexenX says... #6

FYI, I also just added a list of my other decks at the end of the description. If you are interested.

August 1, 2017 3:22 a.m.

WUBRG97 says... #7


Endless Ranks of the Dead OUT FOR Phyrexian Altar:How has Endless Ranks of the Dead performed? Cause to me it seems like an extremely good card, also since you will be able to say it triggers before your commander and may be able to add 3 extra zombies and then scry an extra 3 and drain opponents for 3 life more? The 2/2 zombies are good as both blockers, sacrifice targets, attackers and your commanders triggered ability. The card seems sweet, why is this one on the cut list?

Phyrexian Altar ..... You know all the reasons for adding this card ;)

Temple of Deceit OUT FOR Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx:Seems like an excellent swap, Temple of Deceit lets you scry 1, which is maybe useful turn 1 or 2 and then never again with your commander, and most of the time the card will probably stay on top. And it enters tapped, which slows the deck down. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx enters untapped and makes alot of mana thanks to the devotion, so seems way better than Temple of Deceit. Dont know what your devotion is on the board most of the times and how good it will work out, but i do think this land is better in every way.

Dread Summons OUT FOR Memory Plunder:I have to say i dont see how good Memory Plunder will be, might depend on your playgroup, but is it that often there is an instant or sorcery in a grave that is worth copying for 4 coloured mana? To me Dread Summons seems like a way better card tuning up your zombie hoard and commanders ability and it targets all your opponents, that may be true for the copied spell as well but does that happen? Also, you have couple of ways to make infinite mana in your deck, does that not work amazingly with Dread Summons, with a Altar of the Brood this seems to get a lot of extra cards in graveyards? Maybe overselling Dread Summons a bit here, but i have a hard time seeing what Memory Plunder is really good for.

Cemetery Reaper OUT FOR Dreamborn Muse:Cutting Cemetery Reaper seems good, the second worst lord after Risen Executioner. But aren't you going to have the most cards in hand during the game? Won't Dreamborn Muse mill you way more than your opponents? And if you have Paradox Haze out it will just mill you even more.

To me Dreamborn Muse and Memory Plunder dont really seem that good to include :/ Unless i have missed some reasons to put them in :)

And to me it seems like Endless Ranks of the Dead and Dread Summons seems to good to cut, but again might need some reasons i haven't seen. Or it is from your playtesting that has shown these results :)

August 1, 2017 3:30 p.m.

man1ac says... #8

Odysseus_97 I made over 20 matches with these changes (I think some of them are because of me) and maybe I can say something to this:

Endless Ranks of the Dead : I had this card out a few times and early game it's an absolutely useless card. I late games where you are allowed to have 4-5 Zombies worth stuff like Grave Titan it's Game Over when you can at least counter the one wrath that is coming. So Ranks it's just playing in a win which you will get anyway.

Dread Summons I tried it few times to get better board presence and mostly cast it for X 4-6 and best case we're 4 Zombies at a table of 4..... That's simply not enough to reserve a place in the 99...

Now I'll need to attend my flight from Faro to Munich and will get back to you for the Dreamborn Muse later (She is awesome!!!!!)

August 2, 2017 1:25 p.m.

VexenX says... #9

Odysseus_97: Endless Ranks of the Dead has been VERY underwhelming. The only time it has really done anything is when I am already about to win the game. Early game it is useless, and late-game it is situational. It might fit in some decks, but I am not a fan.

Memory Plunder is a card that I wanted to play-test and see how it goes. There is quite a bit of mill in this deck, and getting back any Instant or Sorcery the is milled at instant speed seems really good! I know it is not much early game, but I have high hopes it will be great!

Dreamborn Muse is another card that I have been prompted to try out. The mill is great, and fuels The Scarab God. I'll let you know how it goes!

I agree with man1ac. I look forward to you sharing your experience with us!

August 4, 2017 12:36 a.m.

man1ac says... #10

So Back to Dreamborn Muse: Since I run a bit more Mill with Mesmeric Orb I really started to like it. Sure you will Mill yourself quite a bit and yes you will mill stuff you would want to draw.But at a table of 3-4 you hurt them more than yourself, and I call that advantage.The more targets there are, the more fun it is to get the goodstuff out of it. And stealing from a B buy stuff like Shroldred, Grave Titan or even some Eldrazis is priceless.

August 4, 2017 1:53 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #11

I think I'm going to be building a The Scarab God list (as a deck I can give to beginners to teach them about EDH), so I may be able to help here in the future :)

August 4, 2017 2:04 a.m.

mikeintosh says... #12

Hey guys

@baddkaarma here's the link: thingverse

@man1ac Totally agree about Endless Ranks of the Dead, very underwhelming card in the deck. Also Dread Summons underperformed. If you play against spell decks, it's pretty dead card. I'll run Rewind instead. 5-6 counterspells feel about right. Also Torment of Hailfire might be a good card in the spot. You either kill your opponents or make them discard and sacrifice permanents, hopefuly creatures you can eternelize later.

August 4, 2017 8:26 a.m.

man1ac says... #13

@mikeintosh thanks! I think Torment of Hailfire will make them discard shit they dont need - if you probably make X about 3 or so. I think still thats an underperforming discard effect.

August 4, 2017 11:53 a.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #14

I've found some mill/discard effects that have been working great in my deck:

Champion of Wits: working extremely well, especially when you eternalize it for 4 with Scarab God drawing 4 and discarding 2

Hedron Crab: Easy to get value off of this 1 drop. I like that you can choose who to mill with it (including yourself).

Memory Erosion: Seems non-threatening so opponents usually don't target it with removal. Gives incremental mill value over the long game.

August 4, 2017 1:03 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #15

man1ac: totally agree with you on your assessment of Endless Ranks of the Dead. My experience has been it's extremely slow. It's a shame because it certainly is on theme.

I'm not sure I agree about Dread Summons though. Even in the example you gave it performed quite well. The point of it isn't just to create zombie tokens, but also to put more creatures in graveyards for reanimation. In your example it gave you 4 zombie tokens and 4 more creatures in graves that could be reanimated with Scarab God. Not bad.

August 4, 2017 1:14 p.m.

VexenX says... #16

Holy cow! We broke 200 Upvotes!!! I will try and update the Primer tonight to reflect the changes we discussed!

man1ac: I played a few games this week, but have not been able to play Dreamborn Muse yet. Your experience caused me to try it out, I'll let you know how it goes!

Daedalus19876: Although this deck is not going to win most games in turns 1-5, it is still very powerful. I tend to ignore "competative" 1v1 list, because it kind of hurts the image of commander, if you ask me. I know many people that wont play the format because they build a fun deck, just to lose on turn 1-3 after watching someone play for 30 mins, just to explain their combo. I think there are a number of cards that should be banned in the format, to cut off the "Tier 1" lists, and try and save commander. Sorry, got on a rant, lol.

mikeintosh: I agree with man1ac about Torment of Hailfire. "Picking your poison" is not really my style. If end up playing it, let me know how it goes! Sound like it could be fun!

MegaMatt13: I think there are THREE other ways to build The Scarab God:

1) Heavy Mill

2) Control

3) Abusing your own GY (creatures like Sad Robot and Mulldrifter).

These three types can be blended, or highly focuses. I like to think my build is more focused on tribal and abusing The Scarab God's abilities. I am not saying that my build is the best out there, but I think it is very well suited for my own meta, and is generally very powerful and fun.

That being said, I am not really looking to go SUPER deep into the mill side of things. I think the mill I have in my deck are the best suited for what my deck naturally does.

Do you have a decklist?! I would love to see how your mill version is! If you want, I could even feature it in my Primer for others to see!

August 7, 2017 10:35 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #17

VexenX: I agree with your assessment and mine is a blend of the three you mentioned. I do have a decklist :) Any support you could give would be greatly appreciated.

The Scarab God, Grave Defiler is my decklist

August 7, 2017 10:40 p.m.

mikeintosh says... #18

So we played some games last night and twice I got to play Torment of Hailfire with ton of mana available (yup, Cabal Coffers). both times it was devastating and basically won the game on the spot. You really should give the card a try. If you get to the point that X>10 its hard to recover for your opponents.

August 8, 2017 4:43 a.m.

mikeintosh says... #19

Funny thing, Torment of Hailfire turned out to be that strong so our playgroup banned it within lower Tier commanders. Do I guess I am back at Dread Summons

August 9, 2017 7:03 a.m.

Zilkios says... #20

August 9, 2017 8:21 p.m.

VirtualBum says... #21

Deck looks great. Sorry to see you took out chromatic lantern. I find it very useful. One, it helps with blood moon. Two, I've been crushed with quicksilver fountain. But most importantly, I use it to activate abilities of other players creatures I eternalize.

August 10, 2017 10:12 p.m.

VexenX says... #22

mikeintosh: I think Torment of Hailfire would be better suited for a more control-like build, like MegaMatt13. My meta is more prone to aggressive decks that have large boardstates, so I don't think it is a fit for me. Thank you for the suggestion though!!! I am glad it is working out so well for you, and making really fun games!

noctis366: Deadeye Navigator is definitely a card I could see in a less tribal version that abuses your own ETB/LTB abilities, but I don't think I really run enough to justify it here.

VirtualBum: I think Chromatic Lantern is a meta by meta card in this deck. I don't face so many Blood Moons and Quicksilver Fountains in my group, but I can really see your reasoning behind it. I don't think the card is bad, but is just better suited for 3+ color decks most of the time.

Thank you guys so much for the comments! Sorry it took me a couple days to reply. Just started my last class of school, and work is a dozy!

Are there any cards from Commander 2017 that stick out to you??? Are Kindred Dominance, Kindred Discovery, Vindictive Lich, or Path of Ancestry worth considering???

August 10, 2017 10:33 p.m. Edited.

Gloks says... #23

I love the deck man keep it up

August 16, 2017 7:04 p.m.

Ripwater says... #24

Hey! Thank you for the great decklist! Building it myself now as well! Just got a few questions:1. Why not include Liliana, Death's Majesty. She really worked for me quite some time. Most of the time you can keep her protected and the extra zombie every turn is quite nice. 2. Why not include the boots (hexproof and shroud) to protect our commander? I have had it multiple times that he is removed before i can take my turn. Ofc he goes to my hand, but I hardly have him triggering.

The rest, i think the deck is awesome and finally a worthy commander for a zombie tribal!


August 17, 2017 7:27 a.m.

TheRealAdam says... #25

Hey, I used a combo of both this and the budget version and I think it might be my favorite deck ever. Anyways, I was looking through the new C17 cards, and I saw Taigam, Sidisi's Hand and see absolutely no reason not to run that card. Thoughts?

August 17, 2017 11:44 a.m.

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