This has been a personal project and brew of mine. I've continued to invest to make this as competitive as possible. This list is current to the cards I own.

Let's break this deck down

The draw engine:

Eidolon of Blossoms, Argothian Enchantress, Verduran Enchantress, Mesa Enchantress, and Enchantress's Presence all give us more card advantage than most blue players as our enchantments replace themselves. And as the game progresses stacking these effects puts the deck so far ahead.

I'd also like to include Sylvan Library, Courser of Kruphix , Dictate of Kruphix , Land Tax , and Abundance as these are all cards that provide card advantage. It's likely you're going to have a full grip playing this deck.

Creatures: Our creature package is light but very important. This deck runs Defense of the Heart which often hits Iona, Shield of Emeria and Avacyn, Angel of Hope.

Academy Rector slows down green, red, and black decks. All the while bringing out even Omniscience.

Eidolon of Blossoms is the best creature in the deck. All of our tutors can grab it, the card replaces itself on etb, and sets off most triggers built into the deck. Enough can't be said about how great this card is in the deck.

Notable synergies:

Jace, the Mind Sculptor,Sensei's Divining Top,Sylvan Library, and Abundance are all great at deck manipulation. Cards like Counterbalance make it even more worth while.

Rest in Peace is a great hate card as most edh decks also have some interaction with their graveyard, and this can completely blow out some decks. Energy Field Paired with an in play rip can even win games in itself. If that's not enough, Helm of Obedience when paired with rip will result in your opponent's entire library to be exiled.

I've also built in Hive Mind +Pact of Negation into the deck because both cards work well on their own in the deck.

Exploration, Land Tax , Sylvan Library, Burgeoning, and even a t2 Argothian Enchantress are very powerful starts for the deck as it readily helps us with the, "get ahead, stay ahead" game plan.

Winning the game:This is done in multiple ways. 1) the slow grind of playing as the control deck as we tend to have almost all of the answers and win with an army of angels from a Luminarch Ascension or a Sigil of the Empty Throne.

2) Rest in Peace+Helm of Obedience, this combo occurs quite often. As a two card combo, it's not difficult to find a remaining piece and rest in peace is relevant in most match ups.

3) "The Scoop" happens after a long and grueling game until finally we've reached a critical mass that's unable to be undermined by our foes. Typically occurring when stacks of Ghostly Prison affects, Privileged Position, or even Stony Silence are in play.

4) "going-off". My favorite way to win, we play the entire deck. This is reached turn 6+ and occurs when Omniscience is in play with at least one enchantress type effect in play (when you cast an enchantment, draw a card). In most games I go off I have two or more. Eventually you just draw into an unbeatable critical mass as well as other combos and Angels. Playing the entire deck in one turn is quite exciting. Abundance has proved to be quite extraordinary in these situations.

5) Starfield of Nyx beat down happens but not very often. Often, the success of this deck has been exploiting limited enchantment removal. This makes our precious enchantments susceptible to Murder and more importantly Wrath of God. I try to play it the turn I win or in most cases I use it to return some goods from the graveyard. Synergizes very well with Sigil of the Empty Throne.

What makes the deck good is that the entire deck synergizes with itself. You won't find a Sol Ring in here due to the fact that I run Stony Silence. This is my pride and joy and is a great experience to play. Feel free to comment and +1 and card suggestions are strongly encouraged!


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Revision 28 See all

(6 years ago)

Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

63 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
Folders commander, EDH, my dream of angus
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