Nausea-inducing Bananas

Commander / EDH* Mark_Hill_AL


etapollo13 says... #1

nice deck! my main deck is a tasigur deck that works almost completely differently! my deck doesnt go infinite (against our house rules lol) but i commonly make 50-60 mana per turn.. i use 3 cards as wincons, and they might work nicely as finishers in yours. Villainous Wealth Mind Grind and Exsanguinate all work pretty well as finishers once youre generating enough mana. villainous wealth is my favorite, but mind grind is definitely more efficient. here's my deck if you wanna check it out!

July 26, 2017 6:10 p.m.

Mark_Hill_AL says... #2

Thanks, etapollo13! I have the infinite combo in there for playing against more competitive decks. If i'm playing more casually I will avoid that route and seek to reanimate and just out-value my opponents.

Villainous Wealth is such a fun card - was in this deck for a long time! I only took it out recently as I was trimming down substantially ready for some more competitive matches. I might side it in sometime! I haven't really though about the other two - they would certainly work though!

I had a look at your deck and it looks good. I think putting in some reanimation would be really great - you have some great curve toppers in there so cheating them out early with stuff like Entomb and Dance of the Dead etc seems pretty powerful!

July 26, 2017 6:57 p.m.

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