Azori-ass-whuppin' | Azorious Budget Aggro

Standard* hassankachal

SCORE: 225 | 126 COMMENTS | 31237 VIEWS | IN 106 FOLDERS

hassankachal says... #1

shesocold give me the name and I'll do a shoutout!

May 10, 2014 4:28 p.m.

Caninse says... #2

Sweet! And really any guild, but I've always loved orzhov and selesnya, so I'm excited to see the selesnya one!

May 10, 2014 5:52 p.m.

shesocold says... #3

The Selesnya deck is up here it works similarly to this Azorius one but is more unpredictable due to all the instants.

May 10, 2014 11:32 p.m.

Stamina says... #4

Why is lifegain in the hubs when there is one lifegain card.

May 11, 2014 10:44 a.m.

One thing I would consider is adding Glimpse the Sun God and Launch the Fleet . With Battlefield Thaumaturge they cost one for your whole team, or with Glimpse it can be the whole team before your opponents attack phase, activating any heroics and scrying. I have them in my deck Daxos Wackos and it plays wells

May 11, 2014 11:29 p.m.

Teranius173 says... #6

I'm running something similar but more aggressive. Good deck though. +1

May 12, 2014 9:05 a.m.

Arorsthrar says... #7

+1 since this is a great deck (and I like the name of course ;) )

Say you did remove the fancy zendikar lands. That could open up some budget for Hero of Iroas instead of Akroan Skyguard . Flying is great, but Hero provides a much greater benefit. I feel like Meletis Astronomer is the second best U/W heroic creature after Hero of Iroas because can pretty consistently replace heroic triggers, and I think should be a four of. As a budget brewer myself, the curve is something really important to think of, and unfortunately, it seems as if the best U/W heroic creatures are all 2-drops. I think Favored Hoplite deserves some acknowledgement for being a one drop heroic, leading to crazy shenanigans on turn 2. I understand if you don't include it.

Gods Willing should be a four of over Ajani's Presence , as protection just as useful and more useful in every scenario except for Supreme Verdict . Ajani's Presence could go to the sideboard, but is understandable in the main board.

Gift of Orzhova is an enchantment worth considering in the main board to help against burn, aggro decks, and is just a great enchantment in general.

I think your sideboard looks good except for Guildscorn Ward and Hidden Strings . Guildscorn Ward seems like it has little to no application with the number of mono-colored decks and removal out there. Hidden Strings is a main board heroic trigger in the non enchantment heroic decks, but I don't really see any matchup I'd bring it in for. Banishing Light is good, but it could tip the $20 budget since it is a more expensive uncommon. Pacifism is a cheaper "removal" spell that handles a lot of things (but not planes walkers, Detention Sphere and other annoying stuff running around in standard).

My first competitive deck was Bant heroic that I won some FNMS with. It was fun :)

Once again, great deck (and I'll link this one to mine)!

May 12, 2014 8:57 p.m.

Stamina says... #8

May I ask how this is supposed to be played? Aggressively? Control the board? Heroic?

May 12, 2014 9:40 p.m.

shesocold says... #9

I played it at FNM last Friday. Most of the time I did one of two things. Buff Battlewise Hoplite until it got lifelink and became ridiculously strong or buffed Meletis Astronomer and buffed it as I cycled through the deck until he was strong enough to swing for lethal. The amount and scry in this deck is extrememly strong and that's what I aimed for. Buffing a creature or two while scrying/drawing what I want/don't want. Also it went 3-1 which isn't too bad for my first FNM ever lol

May 12, 2014 9:54 p.m.

hassankachal says... #10

Holy shit no way! You bought this? and it WORKED? I am so proud! lol

May 12, 2014 10:01 p.m.

shesocold says... #11

My dorm floor plays Magic and they don't use Blue so I could find most of the cards easily. I traded one Temple of Triumph to sift through some commons and uncommons and then spent $2 at a local card shop to get some of the more desirable commons. Didn't pull anything good but hey 3-1 is pretty solid. Gonna try running my Selesnya one in a couple weeks when I make some more changes.

May 12, 2014 10:08 p.m.

Stamina says... #12

I'm going to buy this before game day, I'll be playing my Rakdos Aggro deck on the first day and this deck on the second. Wish me luck!

May 12, 2014 10:11 p.m.

hassankachal says... #13

Good luck! Hope you go 4-0!

May 13, 2014 10:09 a.m.

hassankachal says... #14

What should I kill for the Gift of Orzhova s?

May 13, 2014 11:05 a.m.

shesocold says... #15

No idea but I would recommend keeping the Battlewise Hoplite s they were really strong at helping me draw what I wanted. What I did with this deck was side board the Lyev Skyknight and added 2 Hero of Iroas and then removed an Akroan Skyguard for a Meletis Astronomer because the deck begins to cut it close when you add Banishing Light . Or you could add a third Hero of Iroas or instead of -1 Akroan Skyguard do -1 Battlewise Hoplite but don't remove them entirely because the combination of scry and draw in there can work reall really well together.

May 13, 2014 11:40 a.m.

hassankachal says... #16

shesocold what? I literally did not understand anything there. Lol

May 13, 2014 11:45 a.m.

shesocold says... #17

May 13, 2014 11:52 a.m.

JamestheJoo says... #18

you have two playsets of Akroan Skyguard in your MD.

May 13, 2014 12:11 p.m.

shesocold says... #19

@JamestheJoo. Ok good to see that I'm not the only one seeing that. I shared my copy of this with hassankachal He'll probably look at it and then fix some of his errors in here and then maybe use one or two of my ideas and if not the Akroan Skyguard thing will be fixed soon at least.

May 13, 2014 12:19 p.m.

hassankachal says... #20

shesocold please stop checking all the cards you suggest, it's really annoying cancelling all the suggestion. I'm not mad but just a bit annoyed.

May 13, 2014 1:14 p.m.

shesocold says... #21

Oh ok my bad I'm still kind of new on this site so I don't know how the suggestion thing works.

May 13, 2014 1:15 p.m.

hassankachal says... #22

You check the box of the card to suggest it. It just gets tiring because I'm on an iPad.

May 13, 2014 1:19 p.m.

shesocold says... #23

With the new changes in the deck and I think switching one or 2 plains to islands could be useful. Also because of the high cost and devotion of Gift of Orzhova I would consider side boarding it. Like Arorsthrar was saying it helps against aggro decks and aggro is one of the few things that can end a game faster then this deck. I would remove Hidden Strings or possibly Triton Tactics. Up to you but I feel it could be a good change and I would play around with lands as well.

May 13, 2014 9:18 p.m.

shesocold says... #24

I meant Islands to Plains. My bad.

May 13, 2014 9:21 p.m.

hassankachal says... #25

What archetype would you say this deck is?

May 13, 2014 10:31 p.m.

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