MartialArt says... #2
Thanks JWiley129 I added Entreat the Angels and Decree of Justice since I wanted a way to utilize my huge amounts of mana. Silklash Spider and Arashi, the Sky Asunder are in there to deal with flyers since this deck has problems with them. The rest were cut. Now I'm a bit nearer to 99 cards.
February 6, 2014 6:12 a.m.
The best way to deal with creatures, of any sort, is through cards like Wrath of God or Day of Judgment . I would consider at least running 2 wraths for when your opponents get ahead of you. Plus, the only wrath that even gets close to removing Karametra, God of Harvests is Merciless Eviction which is great.
My only other advice on cutting down cards is to figure out how much you want to prioritize Karametra's triggered ability vs other themes. Good luck!
February 6, 2014 6:26 a.m.
MartialArt says... #4
Thanks again JWiley129. My problem is that Wrath effects kill my lands once I drop things like Life and Limb . Do you have any ideas how I could prevent this from happening?
February 6, 2014 6:49 a.m.
daniferrito says... #5
Terra Eternal might work, and it is great against any opossing wrath, as you will be very vurnerable to them once you drop either Life and Limb or Living Plane .
February 6, 2014 7:53 a.m.
Ooh. Yeah. Wrath effects wreck this deck. I don't know of any Commander decks that don't run those effects. That's a big hurdle to deal with.
You are definitely going to need some tech to combat that. Rootborn Defenses
is a must have here (too bad Boros Charm
is off limits). Faith's Reward
should also save you from board wipes. Avacyn, Angel of Hope
is also useful here.
All Is Dust
is a wrath effect you can leverage if you can keep your lands colorless.
Oddly enough, I would also consider Armageddon and up your land count. You can recover so much faster than your opponents can from a land wipe. Granted, a lot of people see this as un-fun so take this suggestion with a grain of caution.
February 6, 2014 10:21 a.m.
MartialArt says... #8
Thanks apt142.
I won't use Armageddon since my playgroup won't like it.
Rootborn Defenses along with my token generators sounds like a great plan. Faith's Reward replaces Second Sunrise .
Avacyn, Angel of Hope is already in here.
All Is Dust sounds like a great plan too.
This helped me a lot. Now I think I'm prepared for board whipes. The only problem now is cutting out a lot of cards.
February 6, 2014 11:31 a.m.
You have a ton of creature bounce. What about some comes into play shenanigans?
Tornado Elemental
smacks down fliers and has super trample.
ramping and bouncing and more ramping!
Brutalizer Exarch
is always nice.
Masked Admirers
or Elvish Visionary
give you card advantage.
Deadwood Treefolk
would be a tutor engine.
And there is Sylvan Primo.... son of a....
February 6, 2014 11:56 a.m.
squadcarxmar says... #10
I agree with Jwiley129. Especially Azusa, Lost but Seeking
. And Merciless Eviction
is a threat toyl your general but so is Return to Dust
and Revoke Existence
. If she's a creature then Dark Impostor
, Teysa, Orzhov Scion
, Unmake
, Swords to Plowshares
, Path to Exile
. Also things like Hallowed Burial
and Terminus
could be a problem. There are plenty of ways to get around indestructible and I probably only scratched the surface. Just saying.
I really want to see how this turns out when you trim it down. If you want more tokens and are mana accelerating Storm Herd
is always hilarious.
February 8, 2014 10:11 a.m.
squadcarxmar says... #11
Oops, misread that comment. Still Final Judgment and False Prophet if she's a creature. And an old red card I think.
February 8, 2014 10:36 a.m.
LittleBlueHero says... #12
Since you are already running Crucible of Worlds and Sacred Ground you should consider Jolrael, Empress of Beasts .
Running her would give you more flexibility with WHEN you want your lands to be creatures and avoid some of the wrath effects. Not to mention if someone decided to wrath you can turn all THEIR lands into creatures and make them pay for it.
Azusa, Lost but Seeking has been mentioned but keep in mind how helpful she could be AFTER you get wrathed letting you drop two lands a turn is crazy helpful if you are trying to get back into the game.
Lastly a couple cute cards could be Waiting in the Weeds and Hunting Wilds since you are running a lot of Forests.
Oh and don't forget little ole Fertilid . He comes down early and his effect can be used at your leisure. And Sterling Grove is great at keeping your enchantments on the board and can be used to tutor for something in a pinch.
February 17, 2014 12:20 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #13
Cool deck. Glad to see another person on the Karametra wagon. Whitemane Lion in place of Roaring Primadox . It is cheaper and does not have to wait a turn for it to be bounced. The flash is just a bonus for landfall triggers at instant speed.
March 2, 2014 9:02 p.m.
i highly recommend running Emeria, The Sky Ruin , in fact, when i first saw that as the general, i thought that was one of the cards that might have given you the idea. Burgeoning could be good for offloading land in hand. Baru, Fist of Krosa and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa could also be interesting cards. Gaea's Liege could provide disruption and a late game beater. Howl of the Night Pack could be an interesting late game play with that much ramp. Qasali Pridemage is a grea GW card in general. Glare of Subdual could add some control and a use for creatures not in play yet. Citanul Hierophants is probably my favorite token mana ramp spell. Eladamri's Call is a great creature search spell that wouldn't be disrupted by searching your library for land. lastly Reach of Branches could be very useful in a number of ways. it could be something to discard consistently vs a liliana or etc, an instant blocker, something to cast with open mana right before your turn, etc.
April 26, 2014 2:10 p.m.
MartialArt says... #16
Thanks for the suggestions Atsuma.
Emeria, The Sky Ruin could be really worth a thought but I can't search for it. But if I get it getting the plains out won't be a problem so I will consider it.
Burgeoning is interesting but playtests showed that it won't be needed.
Baru, Fist of Krosa and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa are really interesting. I think I will at least try out Kamahl.
Howl of the Night Pack is interesting but not as good as those X spells I have so it won't go in.
Qasali Pridemage is good but I don't see a place for him in here.
Glare of Subdual will definetely go in! Together with cards like Life and Limb (and this deck has a lot of them) it is simply mean.
Citanul Hierophants are good but as long as I don't get a token spell they're useless and I already get enough mana so they won't go in.
Eladamri's Call is pretty good and I will try to find a place for it to get out those landfall creatures.
Reach of Branches seems to fit well into the cheme but it doesn't give me enough for the mana it costs. I will still consider it for long term play.
greets MA
JWiley129 says... #1
Since you're going for more of a landfall theme I would up your land count to almost 40. This is because you will always get the land drops you need and you can go pretty big with this. Another card to consider would be Azusa, Lost but Seeking , since she would ramp you to an incredible extent and help the landfall theme.
Some cards I would recommend cutting so you're closer to 100: Elspeth Tirel (doesn't help you as much as you might think), Sylvan Primordial (he did get banned), Silklash Spider (cute, but unneccesary), Arashi, the Sky Asunder (not the deck for him), Realms Uncharted , Entreat the Angels (try Luminarch Ascension instead), and Decree of Justice .
February 6, 2014 5:59 a.m.