LeeRoy_Jenkiins says... #2
Thank you Nicol_Bolas3 for your comment!
As much as I love the idea of memeing on my opponents by having Dakkon's sword in the 99, but it sadly doesn't do anything like Dakkon Blackblade by himself... Dakkon and the sword do not provide any evasion to actually get to the lethal 21 commander damage. So a small squirrel can get in his way instead of murdering my opponents.
Also the sword makes me sad because it makes assumption that one of my favorite characters, Dakkon, is dead in MTG lore.
I did previously look into having 1 equipment in the deck to help Dakkon be more evasive. The one I have tried is Haunted Cloak. However, it kept being a dead card in hand.I have considered running Loxodon Warhammer instead because it is more useful attached to my smaller/evasive hatebears and may give wanted life gain for survival.
November 28, 2018 11:36 a.m.
Darkshadow327 says... #3
Well crap . . . I really didn't want to be slayed tonight.
I do have a Dakkon Blackblade deck myself if you want to take a look.
Revenge of Blackblade
Commander / EDH*
Although, mine takes more of the voltron control/route
December 8, 2018 6:39 p.m.
LeeRoy_Jenkiins says... #5
Thank you Quicksilver for your comment! I had a similar comment about adding Blackblade Reforged, but it got archived due to someone linking their deck without any feedback or asking before linking their deck. Sword of the Animist is a great ramp card, but I may only have one equipment in the deck and I do not think this equipment has enough upside to fill this spot.
Basically, if I was to run an equipment it has to be useful in providing some form of evasion, such as trample or flying, and the equipment should increase my survivability, such as lifelink. Right now I am currently thinking of adding Loxodon Warhammer since it fills both of these requirements.
Recently I got to play this deck by using proxies since my college budget is a bit tight then I would like it to be. So I will soon add an update about my initial thoughts about the first two games that I have played with it.
January 3, 2019 6:30 p.m.
LeeRoy_Jenkiins says... #7
Thank you Aaerys for your comment! Temporal Extortion is a very interesting card that I haven't seen before. However, I don't know how useful it would be in the average game. The "ceiling" of the card is that it helps win the game against the last opponent by either draining half of their life or taking another turn to possibly set up a win condition. The "floor" of this card is a 4 CMC sorcery, that requires all of 4 to be black mana, that drains an opponent for half of their life. Since we cannot choose the opponent, its not going to be exactly useful unless we are already winning.
I also don't know what I would do with an extra turn in this deck, although I may decide to add extra turn spells in the distant future. Currently, the deck is very slow and doesn't gain much attention from my opponents. Usually my turn consists of drawing for turn and then passing the turn unless I have something beneficial to play while still having mana open for interactions.
January 23, 2019 12:28 p.m.
Temporal Extortion is really nice at sorting out politics, when someone protects the group, they'll usually turn on him. If you ever want to proxy it, it can't hurt haha
January 24, 2019 9:01 a.m.
LeeRoy_Jenkiins says... #9
So, are you suggesting to use Temporal Extortion to bait out traitors? If so, I'm intrigued lol. I would love to add more political and Aikido interactions to the deck.
However, I still don't know if another turn does much for this deck since it is primarily interaction. Once I find a card that is lacking during a game, I will mentally replace that card with Temporal Extortion to see if it would be good at that time.
Nicol_Bolas3 says... #1
You should definitely throw in a Blackblade Reforged
November 27, 2018 3:09 p.m.