Hey _Delta_, IAmTheWraith,
Thanks for the comments. I've basically been in constant brew mode when it comes to this deck. War of the spark has really gotten my noodle going. This deck is still missing something - besides an awesome deck page. But it'll all get done in due time. As for your suggestion IAmTheWraith Planar Celebration runs counter (pun intended) to my themes of Stax/Infect. For , I could put that mana to better use, like putting a Praetor on the field, etc. I'm with IAmTheWraith on that assessment. I just got my hands on another gameday foil Finale of Devastation , slotting it in for Become Immense because it has a similar effect, but has more utility - which in my opinion is better for EDH. Do ether of you agree with this choice?
May 15, 2019 5:54 p.m.
This deck seems pretty damn tight man. I'm not exactly a pro at deck building yet but Bond of Agony could be a game stealer if atraxa gives you an edge on your life total.
Atraxa is also pretty good at closing out games with commander damage, so maybe more pump spells for her.
+1 from me
June 15, 2019 7:25 p.m.
MizzMizz, why would you play that when instead you can simply cast Hatred on Atraxa, Praetors' Voice when no blocks have been declared :)
June 25, 2019 2:23 p.m.
Well, I can't think of what to add to this, mainly because it's beautiful, but K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth might work so your heavy duty black spells get a little faster. He can also help you cast Atraxa. I don't have much advice, so here is an upvote for your troubles.
August 6, 2019 11:23 p.m.
MrXilas, while I do appreciate the compliment I cant help but feel that it was a cheap copout on giving me any real meaningful feedback that I can use. No deck is perfect, and has faults even its builder cant notice...but I digress. You entirely ignored my post - instead you just clicked on the deckpage, said "it's pretty", and left me a +1 "for my troubles"...then hurriedly posted your own deck because screw helping anyone else here or promoting any goodwill toward your fellow tappedout denizens. Here, let me give you some suggestions so you can leave more meaningful posts...instead of shortchanging others:
EDHREC.com is an excellent resource to see what cards are popular based on the commander. It pulls from multiple sites including this one for its numbers. It can help educate you on typical builds for commanders. Who knows, maybe it could remind you of a card you once saw in a game...and maybe you could suggest it to someone like me?
Actually reading the freaking post. Some people who advertise their decks just want objective feedback to help them with their deck pages, or want feedback on cards they're considering (like me for instance).
Your attitude is a drain on the site, and the advertise your deck forum. Shape up. You're not here to serve your own whims - you're here to help build a community, and to help your fellow magic player build decks (and deck pages) to the best of their ability. Self serving attitudes dont improve anything about others' experience here.
August 7, 2019 7:48 a.m.
As I said in the Advertise Your Commander Deck, I will comment soon, unfortunately my personal life is first, so sorry if I comment late
August 7, 2019 9:22 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #11
Reference your questions on the Advertise Your Deck page:
The screen doesn't seem too hard on the eyes, but I do have a bit of trouble reading the white letters at times in the middle, with the white Atraxa art. If the letters were yellow, perhaps they'd be a bit easier to follow in spots?
I like Champion of Lambholt . It can shut down aggressive opponents pretty quickly, if that's an issue you face in your meta.
I'm a fan of the Weatherlight saga in general, and Volrath the Fallen is one of my favorite cards, so I'm super excited about Volrath, the Shapestealer . I'd say give him a go, just to see how it works out, but that's mainly because I'm just a fanboy.
Hope these help out some.
August 8, 2019 5:27 p.m.
So lifemtg doesn't feel like they have to pick-up my slack, here is what I managed to come up with:
Given the amount of infect creatures you have, wouldn't it make more sense to run something that gives trample instead of Tainted Strike ? Is it mostly there so Atraxa can swing in if she needs to? There are three one drop instants in green that grant trample that might push your infect creature through. I was thinking Berserk , Vigorous Charge , or Unnatural Predation . Ditto, but on white cantrips that grant flying.
On the stax front, due to the amount of hate Atraxa Infect draws, you might want more things that deter your opponents' from going after you such as Elephant Grass or Propaganda . Another oddball choice to that effect would be Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker . I honestly don't see Priests of Norn doing much work other than being a deterrent, so maybe that is what can get the boot.
Hopefully I answered your plight this time. I'll be mindful in the future.
August 9, 2019 10:08 p.m.
bushido_man96, thank you so much for the feedback!
I'm trying to figure out what shade of orange would be best, because the page's "theme color" is burnt orange, specifically hex #cc5500. It's a good color, but in my opinion it shouldn't be all over the page. I want to stick with white for the words - maybe make the letters "off" white? Specifically - White Smoke #f5f5f5 (slightly darker) or Gainsboro #dccdc (which is slightly brighter-ish). What do you think?
I've considered Champion of Lambholt in the past, but my inner Vorthos just kept screaming "She doesn't fit the aesthetic of Phyrexia!". Which has been the primary limiting factor on all my decks. I do agree with you that it's a great card that does fit the Stax subtheme. I'll have to see if I can get ahold of one in a trade to give it a try. What would you cut for it?
I was so excited that I actually pre-ordered one off of Card Kingdom for $5. Turns out there was a price drop down to about $3. But warning - there's a $3 Shipping and Handling fee.
MrXilas, thanks for the comment and +1, onward to your comments.
- Tainted Strike does seem a bit niche in it's use, but i've had better success with it by playing it on other players' creatures. Typically what would happen during a game is that my infect sources would get removed early on, and I won't be able to deal infect combat damage to the entire table (usually 1 or 2 players get infected before i'm stopped). But, when a player is swinging in with a 5/5 or more for a "harmless" bit of damage to get a trigger or a get a bargain on a deal that's when this little instant shines.
I do like the suggestion of Unnatural Predation especially though, as it pleases my inner Vorthos. I'll consider it, but for now Tainted Strike just gives me so much value.
- I've never heard of Elephant Grass - that's a really cool enchantment. Originally, this deck had a build that ran Propaganda , Norn's Annex , Crawlspace , and Ghostly Prison . But eventually I moved away from that position because Infect draws so much hate that players typically find a way to circumvent my pillow fort tactics.
You're right about Priests of Norn though, it's really just there as another decent infect source. Personally, i'd prefer just a better mono-white infect creature. Maybe one with evasion at a decent cost. Tine Shrike is just a piece of common hot garbage. Wish we could get a color shifted white Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon at a lower cost with only some evasion or something.
p.s. I also love Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker . Didn't know she existed either. She's very much in the same boat as the previously mentioned Champion of Lambholt - excellent card that I could use, but doesn't fit the aesthetic of Phyrexia. Still, if I see one for trade i'll definitely scoop it up. Thank you for the suggestions!
August 10, 2019 8:43 p.m.
THEDEMIGOD07 says... #14
Hey LVL_666, can you tell me the command you have for the text box on this? I really like it
August 12, 2019 4:42 a.m.
"Hey LVL_666, can you tell me the command you have for the text box on this? I really like it"
So i'm trying to understand exactly what you're asking here - i'm guessing you're asking is "How do I change the font for your headers?" Well, to change the font, you need to import one! It's really simple, You simply declare a new font using google fonts in your CSS sheet, like so:
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Metal+Mania');
Then, you simply apply it where you'd like the font to appear, like for my deck headers i'd target that specific container on the page:
.board-container h3
font-family: 'Metal Mania';
And viola! you have a custom font.
August 15, 2019 9:25 p.m.
THEDEMIGOD07 says... #16
LVL_666 oh no I meant the boxes everything is in. The brownish gray you have with all the text in
August 17, 2019 11:21 a.m.
THEDEMIGOD07, "LVL_666 oh no I meant the boxes everything is in. The brownish gray you have with all the text in"
I'm still not sure I follow what you mean buy brownish gray with all the text. Do you mean how I changed the color for the "Edit", "Live Edit", "Upvote" buttons?
August 18, 2019 4:40 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #18
LVL_666, sorry I'm so long in responding. I've been busy with home/work stuff...
An off-white coloring for the letters might be helpful...I'd have to see it to be sure. It could be just enough to help out.
As for Champion of Lambholt , and what to cut...that's tough. Perhaps Grateful Apparition ? It doesn't fit your Phyresis theme, either, really, and I imagine it eventually gets dealt with. At least with The Champ, it will put counters on itself, and then proliferate can take off. And I imagine you've got enough proliferate triggers in the deck that you wouldn't miss that one.
August 18, 2019 11:41 p.m.
THEDEMIGOD07 says... #19
What is circled in yellow the transparent boxes
what is circled in red the brownish boxes
I just want to know how thats done, and if that can be obtained by putting a command in the description of the deck while editing.
August 19, 2019 2:51 a.m.
THEDEMIGOD07 says... #20
LVL_666 Here is a link. Doesnt look like the image posted. Screenshot of deck page
August 19, 2019 2:53 a.m.
THEDEMIGOD07, "LVL_666 Here is a link. Doesnt look like the image posted"
So, i'm guessing you mean what's in the red circle - the Upvote, deckcycle, etc. buttons? Well. That's simple. So within .btn you can basically target a whole host of attributes. Here's some code along with comments. Have a look. But before we get too far ahead, just FYI - coding on your deck page is a privilege generally reserved for members only on this site. Nobody's really stopping you from coding your page anyway...but it's recommended that you donate. Technically...you're not supposed to be able to run CSS scripts - again, this is a privilege. Not a right. Support the Site if you want to run CSS on your deck pages. Now without further ado, here's some code:
background-color: #4D4743; /*color of the button*/
border-color: #18100C; /*color of the border around the button*/
color: rgb(182,182,162); text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgb(204, 85, 0); /*color of the text on the button*/
opacity: 0.7;
filter:alpha(opacity=80); /*IE transparency*/
.sidebar .btn:hover
background-color: rgb(204, 85, 0);
color: black;
.sidebar .vote-link:hover
background-color: rgb(204, 85, 0);
if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
August 21, 2019 10:04 p.m.
THEDEMIGOD07 says... #22
LVL_666 Ah ok, that makes sense. I have been a member for a while but i don't mind supporting the site. Ive been on it for years lol. Thank you for the help and theword of caution
August 22, 2019 2:17 a.m.
Wow, this is an amazing deck, very flavorful as well.
I do have a question though. I am very interested in building this deck but Stax is very frowned upon in my playgroup. So I was wondering, what cards do you think would work well in this deck if we remove the Stax cards?
August 26, 2019 2:32 p.m.
PHATJER, a shame your playgroup doesn't like Stax :( If anything, this deck relies more on soft locks - nothing like Winter Orb , Static Orb , or Sphere of Resistance ...but I digress. So to make sure we're on the same page, the Stax elements of the deck are 7 cards, specifically:
- Tangle Wire
- Parallax Tide
- Parallax Wave
- Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
- Sheoldred, Whispering One
- Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
We cut all the Praetors and the Artifact/Enchantments that synergize with proliferation triggers, what does that leave? Well that opens up slots to dive deeper into the remaining themes of the deck: proliferate, -1/-1 counters, +1/+1 counters, and infect. I'd recommend building out into all three, while still maintaining that sweet sweet vorthos - of course i'm going to suggest Yawgmoth, Thran Physician . To accompany him, the following infect creatures need to be added as well: Necropede , Corpse Cur and Core Prowler to gain more value for Yawgmoth's " Pay 1 life, Sacrifice another creature: Put a -1/-1 counter on up to one target creature and draw a card."
So now, that leaves us with 3 slots left. What should we fill those slots with? If you're going for flavor over function there's the very fun Fuel for the Cause . Then you could toss in an additional bomb in the form of Cathars' Crusade . Last, but definitely not least i'd probably toss in Beast Within for a bit more interaction, which never hurts. What's best about the previously mentioned is that it has a New Phyrexia printing which keeps things on flavor. So a quick recap of my suggested replacements:
- Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
- Necropede
- Corpse Cur
- Core Prowler
- Fuel for the Cause
- Cathars' Crusade
- Beast Within
Alternatively, you could opt for creatures that have more synergy with Yawgmoth, pretty much anything in the archetype of Reassembling Skeleton . That's pretty much all the ideas I could come up with off the top of my head. What do you think? Also, thanks for the +1.
August 27, 2019 8:51 p.m.
LVL_666 Thank you for responding to my comment. The new cards you suggested will become grrat additions to the deck and will also stay in flavor. I will swap these in to replace the Stax cards. Although after having a talk with my playgroup, I will at least be able to keep Elesh Norm as they feel she isn't as cheap as the others and don't stop them from playing Magic.
Keep on deck brewing, your decks are awesome. :D
_Delta_ says... #1
Hey here's another card you might wish to consider :). It's slightly a high cmc of course, but that 4x proliferate could be useful?
Planar Celebration . Sorcery.
Choose 4. You can choose the same mode more than once.
Create a creature Citizen token 2/2 that is all colors
Return a permanent card from your graveyard to your hand
Gain 4 life
April 14, 2019 4:33 p.m. Edited.