The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 576 | 195 COMMENTS | 63834 VIEWS | IN 251 FOLDERS

Mortlocke says... #1

PHATJER, so I know this is kind of well...late but another creature you should include in your build is anything with Undying such as Geralf's Messenger or Butcher Ghoul to accompany Yawgmoth, Thran Physician instead of Reassembling Skeleton .

September 17, 2019 8:18 p.m.

TheHallberg says... #2

Wow, extremely cool deck!

I have a question regarding the visuals of the deck - how did you make the wallpaper custom? I can't figure out how to do it, LVL_666. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

October 2, 2019 5:27 a.m.

PepsiAddicted says... #3

very nice & fking OP farmatting +1

October 3, 2019 4 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #4

TheHallberg, PepsiAddicted, thank you both for the compliments - I pride myself on making deck pages as nice as the decks themselves. TheHallberg, curious about customizing your wallpaper? The short answer is that I used a CSS stylesheet - check out FancyTuesday's guides on CSS programming:

Those three guides should get your started, I forgot the name of the element you need to target to change your background. When I remember it, i'll make another post.

October 4, 2019 4:11 p.m.

Poly_raptor says... #5

Awesome deck! I can not think of anything to structurally improve it.

I Love the flavour. You could add in Caves of Koilos for even more flavour.

In the lore, The Caves of Koilos were inhabited by the untouchables, a group of people who were ill from working on the mana rig and being exposed to power stones in Dominaria. It was the location that Dyfed opened a portal between Dominaria and Phyrexia and at the end of the war Yawgmoth took the remaining sick inhabitants through the portal to phyrexia, where they became the first phyrexians.

October 17, 2019 12:03 p.m.

What would be a good replacement for some of the super expensive lands (E.G. Scrubland and Bayou

October 19, 2019 2:11 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #7

Poly_raptor, thank you for the awesome card suggestion - I had no idea Caves of Koilos had so much story behind it. I actually remember opening this card with the old border back in high school. That foil would run me about $20 :( Including it would be more of a question of Flavor vs. Function. It'd have to jockey for Godless Shrine 's slot. For now, i'm going to just keep it on the back burner as I have a long-term plan for the manabase - get Revised Duals for the deck. So far, i'm well on my way. Speaking of mana...

ShadowedLucifer, for Bayou 's slot, i'd use Woodland Cemetery . That was the card in that slot previously. For Scrubland however I'd slot in ether Saltcrusted Steppe (that was the card previously in that slot) or Isolated Chapel . Hope those suggestions help - by the way, are you building a deck of similar design? I'd love to see your ideas.

October 20, 2019 8:13 p.m.

LVL_666 I'm trying to build one similar to it, but at the moment my budget doesn't allow for it sadly. Student loans got me like.

October 24, 2019 9:40 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #9

ShadowedLucifer, I graduated back in 2009 - dem loans still got me. I swear college feels like a scam at times. If you need any swap suggestions, let me know!

October 25, 2019 8:28 a.m. Edited.

LVL_666 jeez. im only 2 years into college and im like 40k in debt or something. STEM majors be like >.>. but as soon as i can start building a deck similar to this i'll be sure to let you know lol

October 27, 2019 3:13 p.m.

smleger says... #11

Love it! O(^o^)0

December 4, 2019 11:27 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

smleger, Thank you! <3

December 5, 2019 2:16 p.m.

smleger says... #13

You're welcome

December 5, 2019 3:45 p.m.

Raijundu says... #14

Oh my God ! I mean Oh my Atraxis <3 x3

I'm new to Atraxis but this Deck just seems so darn awesome! I'd that ! maybe i#ll try to get it assembled piece by piece :)

keep up the Good work !

December 28, 2019 1:41 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #15


Thank you for the compliment, Atraxa is one of the coolest commanders - and she definitely speaks to me. This deck is a work in progress, as i'm not entirely satisfied with where it is at the moment...but I enjoy the experimenting and brewing. I'm glad to see another player out there wants to build an Atraxa deck of their own - i'd love to see what ideas you've come up with.

December 30, 2019 9:05 p.m.
December 31, 2019 11:46 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #17


Hmm, I remember Planewide Celebration pinging across my radar when it came out in War of the Spark. It does have cool effects, but that CMC is ridiculous - even for this deck. A consistent theme for this deck is that If i'm paying somewhere around 7 mana for a card then it will potentially upend the whole board. Why spend seven mana on Celebration when I could just drop in Bae ? Or Side-chick Sheoldred ? I wish Celebration had a bit more oomph to it that would lend itself to this deck, but the best possible option of maybe 3 proliferation triggers and a returning of something good to play next turn (cuz i'm totally tapping out to play thing) is definitely in the "win-more" category.

I'm searching for a card that helps the deck more consistently Soft Lock the board state. Something nasty that will serve as a means of defeating/deterring opponent's strategies while I circumvent the boardwide locks I put in place. But at the same time can lend itself to Infect. Please, keep your suggestions coming though - I'm sure i've definitely missed some good cards out there that this deck could use.

December 31, 2019 11:55 a.m. Edited.

This is an amazing deck! It has inspired me to build my own Phyrexia Vorthos style deck! I'm still slaving away at working on it, trying to have some other cards that are present on Mirrodin/New Phyrexia in the deck as well, as well as a few more non-infect creatures here and there, but this has been a serious help in inspiration and in card cutting too! Have you considered maybe some of the Swords present on the plane? maybe Trigon of Infestation ?

January 13, 2020 12:34 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #19

TheDragonking564, thanks for the nice feedback and the +1, I'm happy to inspire more Phyrexia inspired decks because they're such an awesome and storied rogues gallery for MTG. Personally, i'd love to see them fill the massive dragon sized gap left by Nicol Bolas. I have considered some of the swords in the past, namely Sword of Feast and Famine and Sword of Light and Shadow . Both are very cool, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find a way to really capitalize on their effects. The currently included sword, Truth and Justice , was the perfect inclusion - honestly, I found myself wishing for such an artifact before Modern Horizons was announced. I haven't considered Trigon of Infestation , mostly because for just a 1/1 Infect - only once per turn gated behind just isn't very efficient in my opinion...unless i'm missing something?

January 13, 2020 8:24 a.m.

LVL_666 not particularly on the Trigon, i just thought it looked halfway interesting is all

January 13, 2020 8:42 a.m.

zenic247 says... #21

please take look sir, i have been running this since atraxa released and it has help up well over the years. its not so much about dragging the game out as it is ending it as fast as possible. please leave me some feedback.

Hey check out my deck Atraxa attempts to be fast

February 11, 2020 12:44 a.m.

Wicker says... #22

Are the Basic Lands coming out for Savannah, Tropical Island, and Tundra once you eventually get them? Are there any other cards you would add to this deck if money wasn't a factor? Please and thanks!

March 8, 2020 5:11 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #23

Hey Wicker,

So I do actually own a copy of each of the Revised Duals, but in my weird Magpie brain I didn't want to include them on the list unless the deck had it's own individual copy. Weird logic, I know. I cut a few lands, most notably the storage lands as after experimenting with them -and with input from a friend they just aren't very good. It takes far too long to gain a benefit from them. So some have been cut to make room for more ramp - can't believe I didn't have an Arcane Signet in here, and what you see is what I plan on piloting. I might cut another land to make room for more ramp - like a Kodama's Reach or something. Please let me know your thoughts on the changes.

March 14, 2020 5:40 p.m.

Wicker says... #24

Changes look great! I think 35 is a good number for a 4 color land base, I'd probably look at cutting the basic lands for Exotic Orchard, Bountiful Promenade, and Morphic Pool (assuming you're consistently playing against more than 1 person). I'd switch the Kodama's Reach out for a Farseek. Is there a specific goal you're trying to reach with the Reanimate? Having the option of a board wipe (like Merciless Eviction) or possibly completely removing an opponent (Caress of Phyrexia) may be more useful mid-to-late game?

March 22, 2020 8:22 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #25

Wicker, I appreciate the compliment. This deck is a constant work in progress, and I've yet to implement all these changes. I've considered Exotic Orchard, but none of the battlebond lands. If I do go ahead with your changes then Farseek would definitely be the recommended change. My only hesitation regarding Farseek is that the tutored land always comes in tapped. Reanimate is simply some graveyard recursion. I'd imagine an opponent would get some form of removal to target an important creature on my board such as a Praetor. Reanimate was just something I had on hand. I haven't come up with a more elegant solution, or anything different to address removal. Caress of Phyrexia did come across my radar at some point, but the CMC is far too high for my taste. just to give a player 3 poison counters just isn't impactful enough. Honeslty, I have my breath held for some more infect support in the upcoming Commander Legends set being released later this year.

March 23, 2020 8:02 a.m. Edited.

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