The Song of the Conclave

Commander / EDH Wildsong

SCORE: 115 | 83 COMMENTS | 29591 VIEWS | IN 82 FOLDERS

daedrafire says... #1

I like it, especially the vorniclex.Im just wondering why you picked Martyr's Cause as damage prevention over something like Druid's Deliverance or even Fog ? Cheaper to cast and you don't have to sacrifice a creature

August 29, 2014 3:57 a.m.

Wilt-Leaf Liege could really help here..

August 29, 2014 8:45 a.m.

Wildsong says... #3

Well, while both Druid's Deliverance and Fog are good and have a surprise factor, Martyr's Cause fill many gaps in my deck as it is an enchantment that would boost cards like Sphere of Safety and Serra's Sanctum , but it also provides me with the sacrifice mechanism that i need to keep my strategy rolling. Btw Fog and Druid's Deliverance can't give me protection against spell damage, only against combat damage and cant protect my core creatures against cards that deal spell damage.

I could try to put Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant but if i found myself under the 30 Life Points Rule, this card turns out to be pointless.

I could also try Vigor as it its a great card that holds my opponent thirst for attacking me, but is another card that finds a lot of hate in the game.

However both of them, while providing me with usefull effects, lacks the sacrifice mechanism.

I don't bother sacrificing my creature as long as i can contain the opponent and build my strategy till late game

August 29, 2014 8:48 a.m.

Wildsong says... #4

Wilt-Leaf Liege could be a great addition to any G/W deck the problem is what to remove for it. I tried it for a long time and its not a game changing card. I have preference for artifacts or enchantments that work as anthems like Coat of Arms , Mirari's Wake , Eldrazi Monument , maybe i find a place for Intangible Virtue . The only exception here are Imperious Perfect , Elvish Archdruid and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite for obvious reason. Wilt-leaf Liege is one of the cards that offered me a good gameplay but i don't think that it is really necessary for this deck as it can't buff my creatures that much nor it can ramp or provide disruption.

August 29, 2014 9:06 a.m.

Squirrel Nest that's what I would replace...

August 29, 2014 9:16 a.m.

also, Mimic Vat may be very interesting given your commander

August 29, 2014 9:18 a.m.

Wildsong says... #7

Squirrel Nest works fine in this deck as it is used in most of infinite combos that i have. it is one of the cards that make this deck possible to win on turn 3-4.

Mimic Vat Is beast i think about putting it back on this deck now that it have sacrifice machanism.

Acidic Slime + Mimic Vat

Academy Rector + Mimic Vat

Essence Warden + Mimic Vat

August 29, 2014 10:09 a.m.

Lyscian says... #8

Just a side note, Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith will go infinite and produce any amount of G/W mana.

Good looking very deck, very powerful. +1

August 29, 2014 12:54 p.m.

Deckologist says... #9

wait how does that go infinite?

August 29, 2014 3:18 p.m.

Wildsong says... #10

I'm trying to fit Willow Satyr in this deck in order to control another commanders and sac them. Working on a spot for Mimic Vat as well.

i still don't understand the combo Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith , since the last needs to be used on attacking creatures. I'll try it on MTGO, if it works then it will be an awesome infinite mana combo.

September 2, 2014 7:38 p.m.

Wildsong says... #11

I just figure out the Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith combo. It works only on combat phase.

Just need to attack with Argothian Elder then remove it from combat with Maze of Ith . Tap Argothian Elder to untap Maze of Ith and another mana generator land. Argothian Elder still counts as an attacking creature till the end of the combat phase even though it damage was prevented and he was removed from combat.

It is a good Combo. Unfortunally it can't be used to cast permanent spells, only to pay the cost of abilities and use instants, and my deck use just a few of them.

It could work better if i put Vedalken Orrery on the deck. However, it's not the priority right now.

September 3, 2014 6:08 a.m.

omer1ben says... #17

have you thought of adding Thunderfoot Baloth? It seems really good in Rhys because you almost always have Rhys on the field, and giving all your tokens a permanent overrun seems great. Craterhoof Behemoth also seems like a must in this type of deck (Trust me, he just wins games out of nowhere). Have you also considered Tooth and Nail? being able to search up a craterhoof, or elesh norn + kamahl (destroy ALL the lands!!!) seems good as well.

January 27, 2015 7:13 a.m.

Wildsong says... #18

omer1ben i tried Craterhoof Behemoth many times. Its a good card but 80% of time i find myself struggling to deploy it on the field. The problem is that it is an one turn shoot. If can't manage to win the game with one attack i may be punished hard in the comeback and it is a very mana intense card that may find some bad timing if i draw it in my opening hand or in the early game. A lot of ppl asked me about it and i have tried It but i had cards like Avenger of Zendikar and Elvish Piper on the deck to make big drops more stupidly fast and... well, bigger. Howerver i cleaned this deck from heavy stuff like Iona, Shield of Emeria, Vigor and Martyr's Bond; mana intensive useless cards like Heliod, God of the Sun; and slow cards like Land Tax, Master of the Wild Hunt and Hero of Bladehold In order To make this deck more elves attuned. Wich means more ramp, more pressure and more butthurt oponents. But i must say I realy liked your suggestion about LD tooth and Nail. I Tried it today once... "This seems Unfair" is precisely what i've heard. Nasty. Super nasty. I just dropped my Natural Order for it. Thank you for the suggestions.

February 2, 2015 1:56 a.m.

omer1ben says... #19

Glad I could help you lose some friends ;)

Maybe you could try craterhoof again now that you added more ramp. But I agree that lowering the curve is a good idea. Also did you try Thunderfoot Baloth? I haven't tried him in rhys yet but he seems very very good. Have you considered maybe swapping Slate of Ancestry for Skullmulcher? Slate forces you to discard your hand, and can often deck you, or draw you TOO many cards. I like that Skullmulcher gives you a bit more control.
Also just out of curiosity: how has Vedalken Orrery been preforming for you? I've been thinking about adding it to my deck but I'm not sure if it's worth it. same with freylalise.

February 2, 2015 6:56 a.m.

Wildsong says... #20

I don't like loosing friends :( but look at my tags, i like to play 'competitively'.

Vedalken Orrery Draws tons of hate. But when Seedborn Muse + Vedalken Orrery are together it's pretty much GG. i found myself having problems with blue players and their counters. Vedalken Solves this problem for me, cuz i can manage to cast my bombs on blue players turn, wich screws with their strategy. BTW, its good to make a comeback after a board sweep. Once i had this Battlefield full of tokens, then, in the opponent turn, he casted a Wrath or so. I had tons of elves and a Priest of Titania with vedalken on board. In response i tapped the priest and waited for the kill, then i casted Rhys the Redeemed again, a Hornet Queen and a Mycoloth. I used mycoloth ability to devour every other creature that i had, and Revenge Killed him with a 16/16 Mycoloth with another 12 saprollings on my side. Vedalken Orrery was godly.

I rarely got to the point that i can deck myself with a Slate of Ancestry And sometimes i have some cards in hand that doesn't have any use at that moment. Slate of ancestry worth the shot. I just don't like the idea of sacrificing my creatures with Skullmulcher in order to draw cards. Yes, i have Skullclamp but it is 2 for one and Mycoloth's Devour can make twice as many tokens with his sacrifice outlet. A token deck can swarm the battlefield but it is very mana intensive to create tokens and it's kinda slow to build game until we can deal proper damage. That being said, i just don't think that it is a good idea to remove Slate of Ancestry.

February 2, 2015 8:47 p.m.

I feel like True Conviction would be a good addition to this deck.

February 3, 2015 4:07 p.m.

Wildsong says... #23

HeroInMyOwnMind I used to play True Conviction in this deck for like a year ago. It's an awesome card but i always felt like it was very heavy. I feel like it can me compared to Collective Blessing, wich is very good with this deck, but i already have a nice amount of 6+ mana cards. I have like 11 of those cards, and they are very good cards. I can't afford to add one more card, and don't know what to remove either, because they all are decent cards.

Btw i already use Akroma's Memorial. No one expect to deal with Flying MuthaFokens Tokens that have Haste. It is better finisher than True Conviction.

With Rhys the Redeemed, Staff of Domination and Elvish Archdruid + Priest of Titania + Wirewood Channeler i can go infinite Tokens and Dig everything on my entire deck until i draw Akroma's Memorial and finish the game.

What do you suggest me to remove from the deck in order to put True Conviction back?

February 3, 2015 9:53 p.m.

klone13 says... #24

nice deck and thank you for having the patience to make detailed primer +1.

March 4, 2015 10:53 p.m.

Crayonmuffin says... #25

Convinced me to play Rhys. +1

March 4, 2015 11:47 p.m.

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