Imoti is a new commander from Commander Legends, and I think that she is a hidden gem. I haven't heard many people talk about her, but I think I know about her true power. The big part of this deck is the ability to create a waterfall of spells with Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty. Basically, if you cast a spell with 11 cmc with Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty out, you'll get to cascade. If you hit a spell with cmc>5, you'll get to cascade again. So, if you can get lucky, you can cascade continuously from a single spell. This can generate upwards of 15+ mana worth of value from a 7 cmc spell.
There are two main pieces to this deck's game plan. Ramp, and destruction.
If you haven't noticed, there are a LOT of mana artifacts in this deck. That is because the deck tries to get to 6+ mana as fast as it can, since most of the deck costs 6 or more mana. Once the big mana rocks are out, you want to try and get Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty onto the battlefield, since the deck functions at it's best when she's out. From there on out, the game plan is simple: cast as many big spells as you can and flood the board with awesome creatures. Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty can essentially turn any of your big cmc spells into 2, 3, or even more spells through the power of her cascading. You can close out the game in a few different ways:
1-An infinite combo
2-Massive board of beefy creatures swinging for lethal
3-Out valuing all of your opponents and grinding them out in the late game
4-Your opponents conceding because you have completely destroyed everything that they love and care about
this deck also has a fair amount of extra turn spells. This is for two reasons.
1- Extra turns are great to cascade into
2- All of the extra turn spells trigger Imoti's cascade
A large issue with extra turn spells is when you cast them with an empty board. You can't really follow up with anything explosive on your next turn because you don't have anything on your board. Imoti fixes that issue with her cascade ability. Each extra turn spell guarantees that you will get extra value.
This deck doesn't function very well without Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty. But, she is also five mana, so she can get pretty expensive if she is constantly dying. So, there is a small package of hexproof or shroud artifacts to help Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty stay alive.
There are many cards in this deck which could simply be instant win cards if they resolve.
-Apex Devastator is another new addition to MTG from Commander Legends. When this card is paired with Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty, it gives a grand total of 5, 10 cmc cascades. So, you will be cascading into basically anything other than the highest end of the deck. So, there is a pretty high chance that you'll cascade into at least one or two other large cmc spells, which will the cascade into other spells, and so on.
-Aminatou's Augury is more luck dependant. But, if you have a semi-good top eight cards that you can cast, then chances are very high that you would cascade into at least one extra turn spell. Aminatou's Augury digs eight cards, and then your cascades after that will dig even deeper. So, even if you don't get an extra turn spell, your board will be a lot bigger and you will probably be setting up a win for the next turn.
-Omniscience doesn't need much explanation. You can cast everything in your hand for free. If you have a large hand with big cmc's, you will simply win on the spot. Also you can infinitely cascade with Palinchron and cast your entire deck.
-card:Tidesprout Tyrant can't win alone, but it works great with Imoti. If you have a follow up spell that triggers Imoti, you can easily chain cascades and trigger card:Tidesprout Tyrant a bunch. Since you cast cascaded spells, card:Tidesprout Tyrant will trigger for every cascade that you get with Imoti.
-Tooth and Nail is simply a great tutor spell, because it can put the two big creatures directly into play. It can also search for Palinchron and Deadeye Navigator, which makes infinite mana. Or if you need to simply go on the beatdown plan, you can just get massive creatures (Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Metalwork Colossus, or any of the Eldrazis. Or, if you want more tutor effects you could get Grozoth or Conduit of Ruin. If you need a lot of card draw you could grab Arcanis the Omnipotent, Nezahal, Primal Tide or any of the Kozileks. If you need to control the board states you can get Terastodon, card:Tidesprout Tyrant or Roil Elemental. I could go on and on about the combinations that you can get. That's the true power of Tooth and Nail; it basically turns your deck into a massive toolbox.
This deck isn't meant to be super competitive, but it is very fun! Cascading is always fun and it's so satisfying when you cascade into something big. Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty provides an awesome commander where you can finally play all of the big spells that your heart desires.


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99% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 6.36
Tokens Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, On an Adventure
Folders cascade, Imoti CMDR, nice decks, TO TRY
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