Creature (678)
- 1x Abbot of Keral Keep
- 1x Acidic Slime
- 1x Acolyte of Affliction
- 1x Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
- 1x Adorned Pouncer
- 1x Adriana, Captain of the Guard
- 1x AEtherling
- 1x Agent of Treachery
- 1x Akiri, Line-Slinger *f-etch*
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Wrath
- 1x Alela, Artful Provocateur
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Altered Ego
- 1x Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
- 1x Anafenza, the Foremost
- 1x Angel of Condemnation
- 1x Angel of Sanctions
- 1x Angel of Serenity
Anje Falkenrath
- 1x Anje's Ravager
- 1x Archangel Avacyn Flip
- 1x Archangel of Thune
- 1x Archfiend of Depravity
- 1x Archon of Sun's Grace
- 1x Arclight Phoenix
- 1x Arena Rector
- 1x Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
- 1x Arjun, the Shifting Flame
- 1x Artisan of Kozilek
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Atarka, World Render
- 1x Athreos, God of Passage
- 1x Atla Palani, Nest Tender
- 1x Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
- 1x Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths
- 1x Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
- 1x Aurelia, the Warleader
- 1x Auriok Champion
- 1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- 1x Avatar of Fury
- 1x Avatar of Woe
- 1x Avenger en-Dal
- 1x Azra Oddsmaker
- 1x Azusa, Lost but Seeking
- 1x Balefire Liege
- 1x Baleful Strix
- 1x Bane of Bala Ged
- 1x Bane of Progress
- 1x Bane of the Living
- 1x Baron Von Count
- 1x Basandra, Battle Seraph
- 1x Beanstalk Giant
- 1x Beast Whisperer
- 1x Big Game Hunter
- 1x Bioessence Hydra
- 1x Biogenic Ooze
- 1x Biomancer's Familiar
- 1x Birchlore Rangers
- 1x Birds of Paradise
- 1x Blightsteel Colossus
- 1x Blood Artist
- 1x Bloodbraid Elf
- 1x Bloodgift Demon
- 1x Bloodsoaked Champion
- 1x Bloom Tender
- 1x Body Double
- 1x Bonecrusher Giant
- 1x Bontu the Glorified
- 1x Boon Satyr
- 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
- 1x Bounding Krasis
- 1x Bramble Sovereign
- 1x Bramblewood Paragon
- 1x Brazen Borrower
- 1x Breaching Hippocamp
- 1x Breya, Etherium Shaper
- 1x Brightling
- 1x Brion Stoutarm *oversized*
- 1x Bronzehide Lion
- 1x Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
- 1x Butcher of Malakir
- 1x Butcher of the Horde
- 1x Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea
- 1x Captain Lannery Storm
- 1x Captivating Crew
- 1x Carnage Tyrant
- 1x Cartel Aristocrat
- 1x Cataclysmic Gearhulk
- 1x Cavalier of Dawn
- 1x Cavalier of Flame
- 1x Cavalier of Gales
- 1x Cavalier of Night
- 1x Cavalier of Thorns
- 1x Celestial Archon
- 1x Chainer, Nightmare Adept
- 1x Chamber Sentry
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 1x Champion of Stray Souls
- 1x Charming Prince
- 1x Child of Alara
- 1x Chittering Witch
- 1x Chromanticore
- 1x Chromium, the Mutable
- 1x Chulane, Teller of Tales
- 1x Clever Impersonator
- 1x Clocknapper
- 1x Clone
- 1x Cloudblazer
- 1x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Combat Celebrant
- 1x Combustible Gearhulk
- 1x Commander Eesha
- 1x Consecrated Sphinx
- 1x Consuming Aberration
- 1x Corridor Monitor
- 1x Crackling Drake
- 1x Crashing Drawbridge
- 1x Craterhoof Behemoth
- 1x Cromat
- 1x Crosis, the Purger
- 1x Cruel Celebrant
- 1x Dack's Duplicate
- 1x Daghatar the Adamant
- 1x Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders
- 1x Damia, Sage of Stone
- 1x Darigaaz Reincarnated
- 1x Darigaaz, the Igniter
- 1x Dark-Dweller Oracle
- 1x Darksteel Colossus
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 1x Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
- 1x Deathbringer Regent
- 1x Deathrite Shaman
- 1x Deceiver Exarch
- 1x Demanding Dragon
- 1x Den Protector
- 1x Deputy of Detention
- 1x Destiny Spinner
- 1x Devoted Druid
- 1x Diluvian Primordial
- 1x Dimir Cutpurse
- 1x Dimir Doppelganger
- 1x Dimir Guildmage
- 1x Disciple of Bolas
- 1x Djinn of Infinite Deceits
- 1x Dominus of Fealty
- 1x Doom Whisperer
- 1x Doomwake Giant
- 1x Dragon Broodmother
- 1x Dragon Mage
- 1x Dragonlord Atarka
- 1x Dragonlord Dromoka
- 1x Dragonlord Ojutai
- 1x Dragonlord Silumgar
- 1x Dragonmaster Outcast
- 1x Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
- 1x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
- 1x Dreadhorde Butcher
- 1x Dream Eater
- 1x Dream Trawler
- 1x Dromar, the Banisher
- 1x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Druid of the Anima
- 1x Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
- 1x Duplicant
- 1x Earl of Squirrel
- 1x Edric, Spymaster of Trest
- 1x Eidolon of Countless Battles
- 1x Eidolon of the Great Revel
- 1x Elder Deep-Fiend
- 1x Eldrazi Displacer
- 1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- 1x Elite Guardmage
- 1x Elves of Deep Shadow
- 1x Elvish Archdruid
- 1x Elvish Mystic
- 1x Elvish Piper
- 1x Embereth Shieldbreaker
- 1x Embodiment of Agonies
- 1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
- 1x Emrakul, the Promised End
- 1x End-Raze Forerunners
- 1x Endbringer
- 1x Endless One
- 1x Endling
- 1x Epochrasite
- 1x Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
- 1x Erebos, God of the Dead
- 1x Etali, Primal Storm
- 1x Eternal Witness
- 1x Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
- 1x Ethersworn Adjudicator
- 1x Evil Twin
- 1x Evolution Sage
- 1x Evra, Halcyon Witness
- 1x Faeburrow Elder
- 1x Faerie Artisans
- 1x Fallen Shinobi
- 1x Fauna Shaman
- 1x Feldon of the Third Path
- 1x Felidar Guardian
- 1x Fervent Champion
- 1x Figure of Destiny
- 1x Filigree Familiar
- 1x Firemane Angel
- 1x Flamerush Rider
- 1x Flametongue Kavu
- 1x Fleecemane Lion
- 1x Fleshbag Marauder
- 1x Flickerwisp
- 1x Frilled Mystic
- 1x Frost Titan
- 1x Fyndhorn Elves
- 1x Gadwick, the Wizened
- 1x Gallia of the Endless Dance
- 1x Garna, the Bloodflame
- 1x Geist of Saint Traft
- 1x Genesis
- 1x Genesis Hydra
Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero
- 1x Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- 1x Ghave, Guru of Spores
Ghired, Conclave Exile
- 1x Ghor-Clan Rampager
- 1x Giant Killer
- 1x Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
- 1x Giver of Runes
- 1x Glen Elendra Archmage
- 1x Glissa, the Traitor *oversized*
- 1x Goblin Rabblemaster
Goblin Welder
- 1x God-Eternal Bontu
- 1x God-Eternal Kefnet
- 1x God-Eternal Oketra
- 1x God-Eternal Rhonas
- 1x Golgari Findbroker
- 1x Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
- 1x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
- 1x Good-Fortune Unicorn
- 1x Grave Titan
- 1x Graveyard Busybody
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Greenwarden of Murasa
- 1x Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
- 1x Grim Haruspex
- 1x Grim Lavamancer
- 1x Griselbrand
- 2x Grumgully, the Generous
- 1x Grusilda, Monster Masher
- 1x Gruul Spellbreaker
- 1x Gutterbones
- 1x Gyre Sage
- 1x Haktos the Unscarred
- 1x Hangarback Walker
- 1x Harvester of Souls
- 1x Hazoret the Fervent
- 1x Heliod, Sun-Crowned
- 1x Hellrider
- 1x Hero of Bladehold
- 1x Hex Parasite
- 1x Hexdrinker
- 1x Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
- 1x Honored Crop-Captain
- 1x Hooded Hydra
- 1x Hope of Ghirapur
- 1x Horde of Notions
- 1x Hornet Queen
- 1x Hostage Taker
- 1x Hushbringer
- 1x Hushwing Gryff
- 1x Hydra Omnivore
- 1x Hydradoodle
- 1x Hydroid Krasis
- 1x Hypnotic Sprite
- 1x Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
- 1x Imperial Recruiter
Imperious Perfect
- 1x Imposing Sovereign
- 1x Incubation Druid
- 1x Inferno Titan
- 1x Infinity Elemental
- 1x Intet, the Dreamer
- 1x Iridescent Angel
- 1x Iroas, God of Victory *list*
- 1x Isperia, Supreme Judge
- 1x Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
- 1x Izzet Chronarch
- 1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip
- 1x Jace's Archivist
- 1x Jadelight Ranger
- 1x Jalira, Master Polymorphist
- 1x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
- 1x Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
- 1x Jazal Goldmane
- 1x Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
- 1x Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
- 1x Jodah, Archmage Eternal
- 1x Joiner Adept
- 1x Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
- 1x Joraga Treespeaker
- 1x Jori En, Ruin Diver
- 1x Judith, the Scourge Diva
- 1x Jugan, the Rising Star
- 1x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
- 1x Kalonian Hydra
- 1x Kambal, Consul of Allocation
- 1x Karador, Ghost Chieftain
- 1x Kargan Dragonlord
- 1x Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
- 1x Karmic Guide
- 1x Karona, False God
- 1x Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
- 1x Kefnet the Mindful
- 1x Keiga, the Tide Star
- 1x Kenrith, the Returned King
- 1x Keranos, God of Storms
- 1x Kess, Dissident Mage
Kestia, the Cultivator
- 1x Kheru Mind-Eater
- 1x Kheru Spellsnatcher
- 1x Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
- 1x Kitchen Finks
- 1x Klothys, God of Destiny
- 1x Knight of Autumn
- 1x Knight of the Ebon Legion
- 1x Knight of the Kitchen Sink A
- 1x Kokusho, the Evening Star
- 1x Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
- 1x Korvold, Fae-Cursed King
- 1x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
- 1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
- 1x Kozilek, the Great Distortion
- 1x Kraul Harpooner
- 1x Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
- 1x Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
- 1x Kruphix, God of Horizons
- 1x Kunoros, Hound of Athreos
- 1x Kykar, Wind's Fury
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis
- 1x Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip
- 1x Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
- 1x Lazav, the Multifarious
- 1x Legion Loyalist
- 1x Leonin Warleader
- 1x Leovold, Emissary of Trest
Licia, Sanguine Tribune
- 1x Lightning Angel
- 1x Lightning Skelemental
- 1x Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip
- 1x Linvala, Keeper of Silence
- 1x Linvala, the Preserver
- 1x Living Twister
- 1x Llanowar Elves
- 1x Llanowar Tribe
- 1x Loaming Shaman
- 1x Loch Dragon
- 1x Lochmere Serpent
- 1x Lovestruck Beast
- 1x Loyal Retainers
- 1x Luminate Primordial
Lyra Dawnbringer
- 1x Maelstrom Archangel
- 1x Magus of the Wheel
- 1x Managorger Hydra
- 1x Mangara of Corondor
- 1x Manglehorn
- 1x Mantis Rider
- 1x Marchesa, the Black Rose
Marisi, Breaker of the Coil
- 1x Markov Blademaster
- 1x Massacre Girl
Master of Waves
- 1x Masterful Ninja
Mathas, Fiend Seeker
- 1x Mayael the Anima
- 1x Melira, Sylvok Outcast
- 1x Meloku the Clouded Mirror
- 1x Memnarch
- 1x Mentor of the Meek
- 1x Merchant of the Vale
- 1x Merfolk Trickster
- 1x Meteor Golem
- 1x Midnight Reaper
- 1x Mikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1x Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
- 1x Mina and Denn, Wildborn
- 1x Mindblade Render
- 1x Mirran Crusader
- 1x Mirror Entity
- 1x Mistcutter Hydra
- 1x Molderhulk
- 1x Molten Primordial
- 1x Mother of Runes
- 1x Muldrotha, the Gravetide
- 1x Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
- 1x Murderous Redcap
- 1x Myojin of Cleansing Fire
- 1x Myojin of Infinite Rage
- 1x Myojin of Life's Web
- 1x Myojin of Night's Reach
- 1x Myojin of Seeing Winds
- 1x Myr Battlesphere
- 1x Nadir Kraken
- 1x Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
- 1x Narnam Renegade
- 1x Narset, Enlightened Master
- 1x Necroskitter
- 1x Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion
- 1x Neheb, the Eternal
- 1x Nekrataal
- 1x Nezahal, Primal Tide
- 1x Nezumi Graverobber Flip
- 1x Nicol Bolas, the Ravager Flip
- 1x Nighthowler
- 1x Nightveil Predator
- 1x Nikya of the Old Ways
- 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip
- 1x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
- 1x Niv-Mizzet, Parun
- 1x Niv-Mizzet Reborn
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
- 1x Nobilis of War
- 1x Noble Hierarch
- 1x Notion Thief
- 1x Noxious Gearhulk
- 1x Numot, the Devastator
- 1x Nylea, Keen-Eyed
- 1x O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
- 1x Oathsworn Knight
- 1x Ob Nixilis, the Fallen
- 1x Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
- 1x Oblivion Sower
- 1x Obzedat, Ghost Council
- 1x Odric, Lunarch Marshal
- 1x Oketra the True
- 1x Olivia, Mobilized for War
- 1x Olivia Voldaren
- 1x Omnath, Locus of the Roil
- 1x Order of Midnight
- 1x Oros, the Avenger
- 1x Overseer of the Damned
- 1x Ox of Agonas
- 1x Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner
- 1x Paradise Druid
- 1x Pashalik Mons
- 1x Pelt Collector
- 1x Peregrine Drake
- 1x Perplexing Chimera
- 1x Pestermite
- 1x Phantasmal Image
- 1x Pharika, God of Affliction
- 1x Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K.
- 1x Phoenix of Ash
- 1x Phyrexian Ingester
- 1x Phyrexian Metamorph
- 1x Phyrexian Obliterator
- 1x Piper of the Swarm
- 1x Pitiless Pontiff
- 1x Polukranos, Unchained
- 1x Polukranos, World Eater
- 1x Prime Speaker Vannifar
- 1x Prime Speaker Zegana
- 1x Primeval Titan
- 1x Progenitus
- 1x Prophet of Kruphix
- 1x Protean Hulk
- 1x Psychosis Crawler
- 1x Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded
- 1x Purphoros, God of the Forge
- 1x Questing Beast
- 1x Quirion Ranger
- 1x Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
- 1x Rakdos, the Showstopper
- 1x Rakshasa Deathdealer
- 1x Ramos, Dragon Engine
- 1x Rampaging Ferocidon
- 1x Ramunap Excavator
- 1x Rankle, Master of Pranks
- 1x Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
- 1x Rattleclaw Mystic
- 1x Ravager Wurm
- 1x Ravenous Chupacabra
- 1x Realm-Cloaked Giant
- 1x Reaper of the Wilds
- 1x Reclamation Sage
- 1x Reflector Mage
- 1x Regisaur Alpha
- 1x Rekindling Phoenix
- 1x Renata, Called to the Hunt
- 1x Restoration Angel
- 1x Reveillark
- 1x Reverent Hoplite
- 1x Rhonas the Indomitable
- 1x Rienne, Angel of Rebirth
- 1x Riku of Two Reflections
- 1x Rishkar, Peema Renegade
- 1x Rith, the Awakener
- 1x Robber of the Rich
- 1x Rotting Regisaur
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Rubblebelt Raiders
- 1x Rubinia Soulsinger
- 1x Ruin Ghost
- 1x Rules Lawyer
- 1x Ryusei, the Falling Star
- 1x Sage of the Inward Eye
- 1x Samut, Voice of Dissent
Saskia the Unyielding
- 1x Savage Knuckleblade
- 1x Scavenging Ooze
- 1x Scourge of the Throne
- 1x Scryb Ranger
- 1x Scuttling Doom Engine
- 1x Seasoned Pyromancer
- 1x Seedborn Muse
- 1x Selfless Spirit
- 1x Selvala, Explorer Returned
- 1x Sepulchral Primordial
- 1x Seraph of the Scales
- 1x Serene Master
- 1x Shadowmage Infiltrator
- 1x Shalai, Voice of Plenty
- 1x Shaman of Forgotten Ways
- 1x Shanna, Sisay's Legacy
- 1x Sharuum the Hegemon
- 1x Shattergang Brothers
- 1x Sheoldred, Whispering One
- 1x Shepherd of the Flock
- 1x Shifty Doppelganger
- 1x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Shrieking Drake
- 1x Shriekmaw
- 1x Sidisi, Undead Vizier
- 1x Siege-Gang Commander
- 1x Siege Rhino
- 1x Sigarda, Heron's Grace
- 1x Sigarda, Host of Herons
- 1x Signal Pest
- 1x Silumgar Assassin
- 1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1x Sin Prodder
- 1x Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
- 1x Sisters of Stone Death
- 1x Skarrgan Hellkite
- 1x Skullwinder
- 1x Snapcaster Mage
- 1x Soldier of the Pantheon
- 1x Solemn Simulacrum
- 1x Soul of Innistrad
- 1x Soul of New Phyrexia
- 1x Soul of Ravnica
- 1x Soul of Shandalar
- 1x Soul of Theros
- 1x Soul of Zendikar
- 1x Soul-Scar Mage
- 1x Soulherder
- 1x Sower of Temptation
- 1x Spark Double
- 1x Spawn of Mayhem
- 1x Spellskite
- 1x Sphinx of the Steel Wind
Squee, Goblin Nabob
- 1x Squee, the Immortal
- 1x Steel Hellkite
- 1x Steelbane Hydra
- 1x Stonecloaker
- 1x Stonecoil Serpent
- 1x Stoneforge Mystic
- 1x Stormbreath Dragon
- 1x Stormchaser Mage
- 1x Stormfist Crusader
- 1x Storrev, Devkarin Lich
- 1x Sun Titan
- 1x Sunder Shaman
- 1x Surrak, the Hunt Caller
- 1x Suture Priest
- 1x Swiftblade Vindicator
- 1x Sydri, Galvanic Genius
- 1x Sylvan Caryatid
- 1x Sylvan Primordial
- 1x Syr Konrad, the Grim
- 1x Tajic, Legion's Edge
- 1x Taranika, Akroan Veteran
- 1x Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
- 1x Tarmogoyf
- 1x Tasigur, the Golden Fang
- 1x Tatyova, Benthic Druid
- 1x Taurean Mauler
- 1x Tectonic Giant
- 1x Temporal Adept
- 1x Tendershoot Dryad
- 1x Teneb, the Harvester
- 1x Terastodon
- 1x Tetzimoc, Primal Death
- 1x Teysa Karlov
- 1x Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
- 1x The Big Idea
- 1x The Gitrog Monster
- 1x The Locust God
- 1x The Mimeoplasm
- 1x The Scarab God
- 1x The Scorpion God
- 1x The Ur-Dragon
- 1x Thief of Sanity
- 1x Thopter Assembly
- 1x Thorn Mammoth
- 1x Thornling
- 1x Thragtusk
- 1x Three-Headed Goblin
- 1x Thunderbreak Regent
- 1x Timmy, Power Gamer
- 1x Tireless Tracker
- 1x Tishana, Voice of Thunder
- 1x Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves
- 1x Tolsimir Wolfblood
- 1x Torchling
- 1x Torrential Gearhulk
- 1x Treva, the Renewer
- 1x Trostani Discordant
- 1x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
- 1x Tuktuk the Explorer
- 1x Tymaret, Chosen from Death
- 1x Tymaret, the Murder King
- 1x Ugin's Conjurant
- 1x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
- 1x Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
- 1x Ulasht, the Hate Seed
- 1x Ulvenwald Hydra
- 1x Underrealm Lich
- 1x Urborg Elf
- 1x Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
- 1x Uyo, Silent Prophet
- 1x Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
- 1x Vampire Hexmage
- 1x Vendilion Clique
- 1x Venser, Shaper Savant
- 1x Verdurous Gearhulk
- 1x Vesuvan Doppelganger
- 1x Vesuvan Shapeshifter
- 1x Vexing Devil
- 1x Vilis, Broker of Blood
- 1x Viridian Shaman
- 1x Viridian Zealot
- 1x Viscera Seer
- 1x Vizier of Many Faces
- 1x Vizier of Remedies
- 1x Voice of Resurgence
- 1x Void Winnower
Volrath, the Shapestealer
- 1x Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
- 1x Vorosh, the Hunter
- 1x Warden of the First Tree
- 1x Wasitora, Nekoru Queen
- 1x Willbender
- 1x Windreaver
- 1x Wirewood Symbiote
- 1x Withered Wretch
- 1x Woodland Wanderer
- 1x Wurmcoil Engine
- 1x X
- 1x Xenagos, God of Revels
- 1x Yarok, the Desecrated
- 1x Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
- 1x Yosei, the Morning Star
- 1x Zacama, Primal Calamity
- 1x Zealous Conscripts
- 1x Zegana, Utopian Speaker
- 1x Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
- 1x Zulaport Cutthroat
- 1x Zurgo Helmsmasher
Sorcery (173)
- 1x All is Dust
- 1x All Suns' Dawn
- 1x Allure of the Unknown
- 1x Aminatou's Augury
- 1x Angrath's Rampage
- 1x Animist's Awakening
- 1x Armageddon
- 1x Austere Command
- 1x Balance
- 1x Banefire
- 1x Baral's Expertise
- 1x Beacon Bolt
- 1x Beacon of Tomorrows
- 1x Beacon of Unrest
- 1x Beck / Call
- 1x Black Sun's Zenith
- 1x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Blood for Bones
- 1x Boneyard Parley
- 1x Bonfire of the Damned
- 1x Braingeyser
- 1x Bring to Light
- 1x Buried Alive
- 1x By Force
- 1x Call the Gatewatch
- 1x Call the Skybreaker
- 1x Casualties of War
- 1x Chain Lightning
- 1x Chandra's Ignition
- 1x Clan Defiance
- 1x Cleansing Nova
- 1x Command the Dreadhorde
- 1x Conflux
- 1x Contract from Below
- 1x Covetous Urge
- 1x Crater's Claws
- 1x Crow Storm
- 1x Crux of Fate
- 1x Cultivate
- 1x Curse of the Swine
- 1x Cut / Ribbons
- 1x Damnation
- 1x Dark Petition
- 1x Deafening Clarion
- 1x Decree of Pain
- 1x Deliver Unto Evil
- 1x Demonic Tutor
- 1x Devastation Tide
- 1x Divine Reckoning
- 1x Drawn from Dreams
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Dreadbore
- 1x Duneblast
- 1x Earthquake
- 1x Echo of Eons
- 1x End Hostilities
- 1x Enter the Infinite
- 1x Entreat the Angels
- 1x Escape to the Wilds
- 1x Expropriate
- 1x Exsanguinate
- 1x Finale of Devastation
- 1x Finale of Eternity
- 1x Find / Finality
- 1x Flame Slash
- 1x Game Plan
- 1x Genesis Wave
- 1x Ghastly Conscription
- 1x Glimpse of Nature
- 1x Grave Upheaval
- 1x Green Sun's Zenith
- 1x Grim Tutor
- 1x Guided Passage
- 1x Hate Mirage
- 1x Hour of Devastation
- 1x Hour of Reckoning
- 1x Ill-Gotten Gains
- 1x Immortal Servitude
- 1x In Garruk's Wake
- 1x Incendiary Command
- 1x Indomitable Creativity
- 1x Infernal Offering
- 1x Invoke the Firemind
- 1x Jokulhaups
- 1x Kamahl's Druidic Vow
- 1x Kaya's Wrath
- 1x Khorvath's Fury
- 1x Kodama's Reach
- 1x Languish
- 1x Lava Coil
Living Death
- 1x Martial Coup
- 1x Mass Manipulation
- 1x Merciless Eviction
- 1x Mizzium Mortars
- 1x Mnemonic Betrayal
- 1x Molten Disaster
- 1x Natural Order
- 1x Never / Return
- 1x Nissa's Renewal
- 1x Nylea's Intervention
- 1x Order of Succession
- 1x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 1x Planewide Celebration
- 1x Play of the Game
- 1x Praetor's Grasp
- 1x Primal Command
- 1x Primevals' Glorious Rebirth
- 1x Profane Command
- 1x Purphoros's Intervention
- 1x Pyroclasm
- 1x Quasiduplicate
- 1x Radiant Flames
- 1x Ransack the Lab
- 1x Reality Scramble
- 1x Retribution of the Meek
- 1x Revival / Revenge
- 1x Rift Bolt
- 1x Rise from the Grave
- 1x Rise of the Dark Realms
- 1x Rise to Glory
- 1x Rishkar's Expertise
Rite of Replication
- 1x Rolling Earthquake
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 1x Rout
- 1x Ruinous Path
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Sevinne's Reclamation
- 1x Shard Convergence
- 1x Shatter the Sky
- 1x Show and Tell
- 1x Solar Blaze
- 1x Strategy, Schmategy
- 1x Sublime Exhalation
- 1x Sudden Demise
- 1x Supreme Verdict
- 1x Sylvan Offering
- 1x Sylvan Scrying
- 1x Tempt with Glory
- 1x Tempt with Immortality
- 1x Tempt with Reflections
- 1x Terminus
- 1x The Countdown Is at One
- 1x The Elderspell
- 1x Throes of Chaos
- 1x Time Reversal
- 1x Time Walk
- 1x Time Wipe
- 1x Timetwister
- 1x Tooth and Nail
- 1x Torment of Hailfire
- 1x Torrent of Souls
- 1x Tragic Arrogance
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Twilight's Call
- 1x Unburial Rites
- 1x Unexpected Results
- 1x Upheaval
- 1x Urban Evolution
- 1x Urza's Ruinous Blast
- 1x Vandalblast
- 1x Vindicate
- 1x Virtus's Maneuver
- 1x Wargate
- 1x Wheel of Fortune
- 1x Windfall
- 1x Winds of Abandon
- 1x Winds of Change
- 1x Worm Harvest
- 1x Wrath of God
- 1x Yahenni's Expertise
- 1x Zndrsplt's Judgment
Artifact (101)
- 1x Aetherflux Reservoir
- 1x Argentum Armor
- 1x Armillary Sphere
- 1x Astral Cornucopia
- 1x Azor's Gateway Flip
- 1x Batterskull
- 1x Behemoth Sledge
- 1x Bident of Thassa
- 1x Black Lotus
- 1x Blackblade Reforged
- 1x Blade of Selves
- 1x Bloodforged Battle-Axe
- 1x Bow of Nylea
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Chaos Wand
- 1x Colossus Hammer
- 1x Conqueror's Galleon Flip
- 1x Contagion Engine
- 1x Coveted Jewel
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Crucible of Worlds
- 1x Cultivator's Caravan
- 1x Darksteel Plate
- 1x Dowsing Dagger Flip
- 1x Embercleave
- 1x Everflowing Chalice
- 1x Everythingamajig A
- 1x Everythingamajig B
- 1x Everythingamajig C
- 1x Everythingamajig D
- 1x Everythingamajig E
- 1x Everythingamajig F
- 1x Executioner's Capsule
Expedition Map
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Forcefield
Gilded Lotus
- 1x Godsend
- 1x Grim Monolith
- 1x Hammer of Nazahn
- 1x Hammer of Purphoros
- 1x Heart of Kiran
- 1x Heartseeker
- 1x Helm of the Host
- 1x Horn of Greed
- 1x Legacy Weapon
- 1x Lightning Greaves
- 1x Loxodon Warhammer
- 1x Mana Crypt
- 1x Mana Vault
- 1x Mimic Vat
- 1x Mox Emerald
- 1x Mox Jet
- 1x Mox Opal
- 1x Mox Pearl
- 1x Mox Ruby
- 1x Mox Sapphire
- 1x Nevinyrral's Disk
- 1x Nyx Lotus
- 1x Oblivion Stone
- 1x Oracle's Vault
- 1x Panharmonicon
- 1x Paradox Engine
- 1x Parhelion II
- 1x Perilous Vault
- 1x Planar Bridge
- 1x Predator, Flagship
- 1x Primal Amulet Flip
- 1x Quicksilver Amulet
- 1x Ring of Three Wishes
- 1x Scythe of the Wretched
- 1x Shadowspear
- 1x Skullclamp
- 1x Smuggler's Copter
- 1x Sol Ring
- 1x Spear of Heliod
- 1x Spectral Searchlight
- 1x Spine of Ish Sah
- 1x Swiftfoot Boots
- 1x Sword of Dungeons & Dragons
- 1x Sword of Feast and Famine
- 1x Sword of Fire and Ice
- 1x Sword of Light and Shadow
- 1x Sword of Sinew and Steel
- 1x Sword of Truth and Justice
- 1x Sword of War and Peace
- 1x Teferi's Puzzle Box
- 1x The Cauldron of Eternity
- 1x The Circle of Loyalty
- 1x The Great Henge
- 1x The Immortal Sun
- 1x The Magic Mirror
- 1x Thran Dynamo
- 1x Trading Post
- 1x Treasure Map Flip
- 1x Umezawa's Jitte
- 1x Unstable Obelisk
- 1x Vivien's Arkbow
- 1x Weatherlight
- 1x Whip of Erebos
- 1x Wishclaw Talisman
Instant (149)
- 1x Abrupt Decay
- 1x Absorb
- 1x Abzan Charm
- 1x AEtherize
- 1x Aetherspouts
- 1x Ancestral Recall
- 1x Ancient Excavation *list*
- 1x Anguished Unmaking
- 1x Assassin's Trophy
- 1x Atarka's Command
- 1x Aurelia's Fury
- 1x Azorius Charm
- 1x Banish into Fable
- 1x Bant Charm
- 1x Bedevil
- 1x Benevolent Offering
Boros Charm
- 1x Brainstorm
- 1x Capsize
- 1x Chaos Warp
- 1x Chord of Calling
- 1x Comet Storm
- 1x Counterflux
- 1x Counterspell
- 1x Crackling Doom
- 1x Cryptic Command *list*
- 1x Cyclonic Rift
- 1x Deathsprout
- 1x Deflecting Palm
- 1x Deprive
- 1x Despark
- 1x Dig Through Time
- 1x Dimir Charm
- 1x Disallow
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Divergent Transformations
- 1x Dovin's Veto
- 1x Dream Fracture
- 1x Dromoka's Command
- 1x Drown in the Loch
- 1x Eat to Extinction
- 1x Electrolyze
- 1x Emergency Powers
- 1x Epiphany at the Drownyard
- 1x Erebos's Intervention
- 1x Esper Charm
- 1x Evacuation
- 1x Fact or Fiction
- 1x Faith's Reward
- 1x Fall of the Titans
- 1x Flame Sweep
- 1x Flash
- 1x Force of Will
- 1x Fumble
- 1x Generous Gift
- 1x Gifts Ungiven
- 1x Golgari Charm
- 1x Grixis Charm
- 1x Gruul Charm
- 1x Heliod's Intervention
- 1x Hero's Downfall
- 1x Hinder
- 1x Incinerate
- 1x Incubation / Incongruity
- 1x Inferno
- 1x Integrity / Intervention
- 1x Intellectual Offering
- 1x Intuition
- 1x Izzet Charm
- 1x Jeskai Charm
- 1x Jund Charm
- 1x Just Desserts
- 1x Justice Strike
- 1x Kaya's Guile
- 1x Krosan Grip
- 1x Lightning Axe
- 1x Lightning Bolt
- 1x Lightning Helix
- 1x Lightning Strike
- 1x Liliana's Triumph
- 1x Magmaquake
- 1x Malicious Affliction
- 1x Mana Drain
- 1x Mandate of Peace
- 1x March of the Multitudes
- 1x Mardu Charm
- 1x Mindswipe
- 1x Mortify
- 1x Mystic Confluence
- 1x Naya Charm
- 1x Negate
- 1x Nexus of Fate *list*
- 1x Oblation
- 1x Onward / Victory
- 1x Order / Chaos
- 1x Orzhov Charm
- 1x Overwhelming Denial
- 1x Paradoxical Outcome
- 1x Path to Exile
- 1x Polymorphist's Jest
- 1x Pull from Tomorrow
- 1x Putrefy
- 1x Rakdos Charm
- 1x Reality Shift
- 1x Realms Uncharted
- 1x Render Silent
- 1x Response / Resurgence
- 1x Return of the Wildspeaker
- 1x Return to Dust
- 1x Risk Factor
- 1x Secure the Wastes
- 1x Selesnya Charm
- 1x Simic Charm
- 1x Skullcrack
- 1x Spell Crumple
- 1x Spell Swindle
- 1x Sphinx's Revelation
- 1x Starstorm
- 1x Status / Statue
- 1x Steam Augury
- 1x Stoke the Flames
- 1x Sudden Substitution
- 1x Sultai Charm
- 1x Swan Song
- 1x Telling Time
- 1x Temur Charm
- 1x Terminate
- 1x Thassa's Intervention
- 1x Thrilling Encore
- 1x Tragic Lesson
- 1x Tragic Slip
- 1x Trap Essence
- 1x Turn / Burn
- 1x Tyrant's Scorn
- 1x Unbreakable Formation
- 1x Unexpectedly Absent
- 1x Utter End
- 1x Vampiric Tutor
- 1x Very Cryptic Command B
- 1x Very Cryptic Command C
- 1x Very Cryptic Command D
- 1x Very Cryptic Command E
- 1x Very Cryptic Command F
- 1x Vona's Hunger
- 1x Vraska's Contempt
- 1x Wear / Tear
- 1x Who / What / When / Where / Why
- 1x Wretched Confluence
Enchantment (104)
- 1x Abzan Ascendancy
- 1x Act of Authority
- 1x Animate Dead
- 1x Arguel's Blood Fast Flip
- 1x Armadillo Cloak
- 1x Assemble the Legion
- 1x Attrition
- 1x Banishing Light
- 1x Beastmaster Ascension
- 1x Bitterblossom
- 1x Black Market
- 1x Blind Obedience
- 1x Cathars' Crusade
- 1x Citadel Siege
- 1x Curse of the Fire Penguin
- 1x Dance of the Dead
- 1x Debtors' Knell
- 1x Detention Sphere
- 1x Diabolic Servitude
- 1x Doom Foretold
- 1x Dreadhorde Invasion
- 1x Elspeth Conquers Death
- 1x Ethereal Absolution
- 1x Evolutionary Leap
- 1x Exploration
- 1x Frontier Siege
- 1x Genju of the Realm
- 1x Gift of Orzhova
- 1x Goblin Bombardment
- 1x Grasp of Fate
- 1x Grave Betrayal
- 1x Growing Rites of Itlimoc Flip
- 1x Hadana's Climb Flip
- 1x History of Benalia
Impact Tremors
- 1x Improbable Alliance
- 1x Invocation of Saint Traft
- 1x Jeskai Ascendancy
- 1x Journey to Eternity Flip
- 1x Journey to Nowhere
- 1x Keldon Twilight
- 1x Kiora Bests the Sea God
- 1x Legion's Initiative
- 1x Legion's Landing Flip
- 1x Luminarch Ascension
- 1x Maelstrom Nexus
- 1x Mana Breach
- 1x Mardu Ascendancy
- 1x Martyr's Bond
- 1x Mind's Dilation
- 1x Mirari's Wake
- 1x Mirror March
- 1x Mirrormade
- 1x Monastery Siege
- 1x Mystic Remora
- 1x Necropotence
- 1x Oath of Kaya
- 1x Oath of Nissa
- 1x Oblivion Ring
- 1x Omniscience
- 1x Outlaws' Merriment
- 1x Outpost Siege
- 1x Overburden
- 1x Palace Siege
- 1x Path of Mettle Flip
- 1x Phyrexian Arena
- 1x Phyrexian Reclamation
- 1x Phyrexian Scriptures
- 1x Possibility Storm
- 1x Prison Realm
- 1x Profane Procession Flip
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Rhythm of the Wild
- 1x Rites of Flourishing
- 1x Seal of Doom
- 1x Seal of Fire
- 1x Search for Azcanta Flip
- 1x Season of Growth
- 1x Shielded by Faith
- 1x Sneak Attack
- 1x Spectra Ward
- 1x Splinter Twin
- 1x Staggering Insight
- 1x Storm the Vault Flip
- 1x Sultai Ascendancy
- 1x Sunbird's Invocation
- 1x Survival of the Fittest
- 1x Sylvan Library
- 1x Tectonic Reformation
- 1x Temur Ascendancy
- 1x The Abyss
- 1x The Eldest Reborn
- 1x The Mirari Conjecture
- 1x Theater of Horrors
- 1x Time of Ice
- 1x Trade Routes
- 1x True Conviction
- 1x Underworld Breach
- 1x Vance's Blasting Cannons Flip
- 1x Warstorm Surge
- 1x Words of Wind
- 1x Worship
- 1x Zendikar Resurgent
Planeswalker (95)
- 1x Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants
- 1x Ajani, Caller of the Pride
- 1x Ajani Goldmane
- 1x Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
- 1x Ajani Steadfast
- 1x Ajani, the Greathearted
- 1x Ajani Unyielding
- 1x Ajani, Valiant Protector
Ajani Vengeant
Aminatou, the Fateshifter
- 1x Ashiok, Nightmare Muse
- 1x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
- 1x Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears
- 1x Calix, Destiny's Hand
- 1x Chandra Ablaze
- 1x Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
- 1x Chandra, Awakened Inferno
- 1x Chandra, Fire Artisan
- 1x Chandra, Flamecaller
- 1x Chandra, Pyromaster
- 1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
- 1x Dack Fayden
- 1x Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast
- 1x Domri, Anarch of Bolas
- 1x Dovin Baan
- 1x Elspeth, Knight-Errant
- 1x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
- 1x Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis
- 1x Elspeth Tirel
- 1x Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury
- 1x Garruk, Apex Predator
- 1x Garruk, Caller of Beasts
- 1x Garruk, Cursed Huntsman
- 1x Garruk, Primal Hunter
- 1x Garruk Relentless Flip
- 1x Garruk Wildspeaker
- 1x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
- 1x Gideon Blackblade
- 1x Gideon Jura
- 1x Gideon, Martial Paragon
- 1x Huatli, Radiant Champion
- 1x Huatli, Warrior Poet
- 1x Jace, Architect of Thought
- 1x Jace Beleren
- 1x Jace, the Mind Sculptor
- 1x Karn Liberated
- 1x Karn, Scion of Urza
- 1x Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
- 1x Liliana, Dreadhorde General
- 1x Liliana of the Veil
- 1x Liliana Vess
- 1x Lord Windgrace
- 1x Nahiri, the Harbinger
- 1x Nahiri, the Lithomancer
- 1x Narset, Parter of Veils
- 1x Narset Transcendent
- 1x Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
- 1x Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
- 1x Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
- 1x Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver
- 1x Nissa, Steward of Elements
- 1x Nissa, Vital Force
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
- 1x Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
- 1x Ob Nixilis Reignited
- 1x Oko, the Trickster
- 1x Oko, Thief of Crowns
- 1x Saheeli Rai
- 1x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
- 1x Sarkhan the Masterless
- 1x Sarkhan Unbroken
- 1x Sarkhan Vol
- 1x Serra the Benevolent
- 1x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
- 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
- 1x Sorin Markov
- 1x Sorin, Solemn Visitor
- 1x Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
- 1x Tamiyo, Collector of Tales
- 1x Tamiyo, Field Researcher
- 1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
- 1x Teferi, Temporal Archmage
- 1x Teferi, Time Raveler
- 1x The Royal Scions
- 1x Ugin, the Ineffable
- 1x Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
- 1x Urza, Academy Headmaster
Venser, the Sojourner
- 1x Vivien, Champion of the Wilds
- 1x Vivien Reid
- 1x Vraska, Golgari Queen
- 1x Vraska, Relic Seeker
- 1x Vraska the Unseen
- 1x Wrenn and Six
- 1x Xenagos, the Reveler
Creature (37)
- 1x Enigma Drake
- 1x Ephara, God of the Polis
- 1x Grand Warlord Radha
Greven, Predator Captain
- 1x Havengul Lich
- 1x Huntmaster of the Fells Flip
- 1x Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper *f-etch*
- 1x Karametra, God of Harvests *f-etch*
- 1x Karlov of the Ghost Council
- 1x Khenra Charioteer
- 1x Kiora's Follower
- 1x Lavinia of the Tenth
- 1x Lightning Stormkin
- 1x Lotleth Troll
- 1x Loxodon Hierarch
- 1x Master Biomancer
- 1x Meren of Clan Nel Toth
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist
- 1x Mogis, God of Slaughter
- 1x Mystic Snake
- 1x Nin, the Pain Artist
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Phenax, God of Deception
- 1x Pristine Skywise
- 1x Progenitor Mimic
- 1x Qasali Pridemage
- 1x Renegade Rallier
- 1x Reyhan, Last of the Abzan *f-etch*
- 1x Risen Reef
- 1x Rubblehulk
- 1x Rushblade Commander
- 1x Tahngarth, First Mate
- 1x Tomebound Lich
- 1x Trygon Predator
- 1x Vial Smasher the Fierce
- 1x Vithian Renegades
- 1x Wrexial, the Risen Deep
Instant (9)
- 1x Fire / Ice
- 1x Kolaghan's Command
- 1x Ojutai's Command
- 1x Plasm Capture
- 1x Silumgar's Command
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 1x Sylvan Reclamation
- 1x Undermine
- 1x Voidslime