This was my first relatively competitive deck that I poured time into learning and making good once I had a good understanding of magic. I love this deck, and understand it's no longer in standard, but I want to keep it around because of how good the memories are. I hope you enjoy it.
All the Value, All of it
This is a Bant Controlling deck based around using powerful Synergistic Enchantments to force the game to go long and win with ultimate value thanks to Eidolon of Blossoms, Courser of Kruphix and Primeval Bounty.
Card Choices
Enchantment Creatures
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4 Eidolon of Blossoms is the reason this deck is able to exist, without the value of cantripping our way through 25 of the 60 cards of our deck we would lose a lot of our resilience against any of the decks that want to go long.
4 Courser of Kruphix is quite possibly the second most important card in this deck for the following reasons: they are enchantments, stop early aggression, and help cantrip through the deck, 3 very important parts of the deck.
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4 Sylvan Caryatid, the great value creature, it's a bit of ramp, it's hard to kill and it stops early aggression, what's not to love?
2 Ajani's Chosen just lets us get a tonne of value off of our 25 enchantments, and given enough time can just win the game on the spot with the number of kitties it summons.
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3 Banishing Lights compliments our other 4 Detention Spheres, giving ourselves a tonne of removal to make the game go long. It's also an enchantment, so it cantrips.
4 Detention Sphere complements our other 3 Banishing Lights, these have all the extra value on top of Banishing Light of killing all the things on the battlefield with the same name, on top of cantripping with Eidolon of Blossoms
4 Mana Bloom, yes, you read that right, we're playing 4 Mana Bloom. In the early game, it gets us ahead a mana temporarily, but in the late game, where I have an Eidolon of Blossoms, an Ajani's Chosen and/or a Primeval Bounty* it can card that reads G: draw a card, then put 3 +1/+1 counter on target creature, then put a 2/2 white cat creature token onto the battlefield. Return this card to your hand at the beginning of the next upkeep. How does that sound?
3 Primeval Bounty. This is where the value comes from, all the value you could ever want or need. Just read the card, it's amazing! Having this in play for a couple of turns, hopefully with a couple of cards in hand (which shouldn't be hard if we can keep an Eidolon of Blossoms in play.
3 Sphere of Safety will help us get the game to go as long as we need it to, very little of the time do we want the 2nd, let along the 3rd, but the first is often necessary.
Other Spells
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2 Kiora, the Crashing Wave is an alternate win condition that's in our colours and helps the game go long. It also combos well with Courser of Kurphix
3 Kruphix's Insight at worst gets us past 6 dead draws, and at best draws us 3 cards worth of gas, but most of the time it's either a divination or a divination and a half that only draws us gas. It's very important to get an Eidolon of Blossoms out when we can, and this helps us find it or a removal spell when we need it.
1 Banishing Light is just the 4th part of the playset in case we need even more removal.
2 Supreme Verdict sometimes you need to take on the full control roll, mostly against aggro and midrange deck. When you do these come in and you try to play out less creatures. You might also want to side in your Rootborn Defenses in case you think you can get to seven mana with both in hand, but that's probably incorrect.
2 Negate, sometimes the opponent can cast Sphinx's Revelation or Cyclonic Rift and when they can, you're going to need to stop them. Bonus: hit's planeswalkers!
4 Nyx-Fleece Ram is an 0/5 enchantment for 2 mana that gains 1 life a turn, against aggro or burn what's not to love!
4 Rapid Hybridization is here for due to two things and two things only, creatures that can't be hit at sorcery speed and creatures at pro white. This deck can't deal with Stormbreath Dragon,
Blood Baron of Viskopa
or Obzedat, Ghost Council at all, and this gives us a way out from playing against them.
2 Rootborn Defenses kind of needs to be here due to supreme verdict, this deck is very much a creature based combo deck, and I really would like to have some sort of insurance against it.
Key Combos:
Eidolon of Blossoms
Mana Bloom
Ajani's Chosen
Mana Bloom
Mana Bloom
Primeval Bounty
Courser of Kruphix
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
Kruphix's Insight + The fact that 25 of the cards in the maindeck are Enchantments
Deck Notes
This deck has a rather good matchup against against Mono blue assuming they don't have a nut draw, I think most likely due to the large amount of removal in tandem with card advantage.
It has a kind of bad matchup against R/W Burn in game 1 unless it draws a Courser of Kruphix early or doesn't die before it can land a Primeval Bounty, however I think it has a good one game 2 with 4 Nyx-Fleece Rams
It is also very weak to any kind of Mill strategy, but thankfully that's not a large part of the meta game.
Otherwise I need to test against the other big decks a bit more, unfortunately I can't do that to a great extent until I can go to FNM, which I can't do until I get these 10 nonbasic lands, unfortunately they cost a total of about $100:
3 Temple of Enlightenment
2 Temple of Plenty
3 Temple Garden
2 Breeding Pool