The theory of the deck is to clear board with Apocalypse and then beat face with Pardic Dragon, Greater Gargadon or damage with Arc Blade.
- Apocalypse+Greater Gargadon+Shivan Sand-Mage Timed cast of Gargandon on an empty board
- Arc Blade+Apocalypse Board Clear and you have continuous damage
The decks basic idea is to suspend Pardic Dragon, Greater Gargadon and beat face. These cards are what you can use to filter out unused mana acceleration, lands and artifacts, respectively.
Arc Blade does incredible work as after you cast Apocalypse you can slowly wear your opponent down and/or remove board.
Your time counters should be strategically removed (and added in some cases). You wouldn't want; e.g. Greater Gargadon to have its last time counter removed the turn you are going to cast Apocalypse. You can avoid incidents by timing the casting of Shivan Sand-Mage. From the previous example of Greater Gargadon coming out early, simply add time counters from a timed suspend of Shivan Sand-Mage or alternatively a hard-cast.
Wheel of Fate is your card draw and 'search' engine.
Your mana is based off of accelerators and rocks, such as: Lotus Petal, Simian Spirit Guide, Rite of Flame, Pyretic Ritual, Chrome Mox and Fire Diamond.
Any excessive mana can be sinked it into Pardic Dragon or alternatively Detritivore if you are playing against a non-basic land heavy deck.
Thanks for checking out my submission,Make sure to Comment with any questions, suggestions or nice mentions.
Deck based on Darkmoot's original gimmick outline.