pie chart

The Tarot



Trying to build a full 78-card tarot deck using nothing but Magic cards!

The major arcana are Legendary cards (creatures or otherwise) that I felt captured the mood and the meaning of the card they are representing.

For the minor arcana, the "number" cards (ace through 10) are represented by a noncreature spell in the suit's color (Cups = , Pentacles = , Swords = , Wands = ) with a mana cost equal to that number. Also, I tried to find a card that best represented the meaning of the tarot card in question, although that becomes hard with the higher-mana-cost spells since there aren't that many of them.

The "face" cards are represented by a creature type, with lords representing the King and Queen (Cups = Merfolk, Pentacles = Elves, Swords = Soldiers, Wands = Goblins)

Major Arcana

0 The Fool - Ashling the Pilgrim
I The Magician / The Juggler - Braids, Conjurer Adept
II The High Priestess - Azusa, Lost but Seeking
III The Empress - Empress Galina
IV The Emperor - Darien, King of Kjeldor
V The Hierophant / The Pope - Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
VI The Lovers - Anax and Cymede
VII The Chariot - Skyship Weatherlight
VIII Strength / Fortitude - Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
IX The Hermit - Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit
X Wheel of Fortune - Mirari
XI Justice - Linvala, Keeper of Silence
XII The Hanged Man / The Traitor - Glissa, the Traitor
XIII Death - Night of Souls' Betrayal
XIV Temperance - Dosan the Falling Leaf
XV The Devil - Malfegor
XVI The Tower / Fire - Phyrexian Tower
XVII The Star - Kokusho, the Evening Star
XVIII The Moon = Kami of the Crescent Moon
XIX The Sun - Heliod, God of the Sun
XX Judgement - Mageta the Lion
XXI The World - Genju of the Realm

The one that I'm really proud of is Mageta the Lion. Because he's a Day of Judgment on a stick. I think I can do better on The Chariot and Wheel of Fortune, if you guys want to suggest stuff. Keep in mind they have to be legendary.

Minor Arcana

Cups - Water - :
Ace of Cups - Brainstorm
2 of Cups - Twincast
3 of Cups - Charisma
4 of Cups - Gifts Ungiven
5 of Cups - Desertion
6 of Cups - Walk the Aeons
7 of Cups - Dismiss into Dream
8 of Cups - Dig Through Time
9 of Cups - Dichotomancy
10 of Cups - Omniscience
Page of Cups - Augur of Bolas
Knight of Cups - Vodalian Knights
Queen of Cups - Merfolk Sovereign
King of Cups - Lord of Atlantis

Pentacles - Earth - :
Ace of Pentacles - Bequeathal
2 of Pentacles - Farseek
3 of Pentacles - Holistic Wisdom
4 of Pentacles - Abundance
5 of Pentacles - Stunted Growth
6 of Pentacles - Primeval Bounty
7 of Pentacles - Tooth and Nail
8 of Pentacles - Spawning Grounds
9 of Pentacles - Vitalizing Wind
10 of Pentacles - Primal Surge
Page of Pentacles - Elvish Piper
Knight of Pentacles - Elven Riders
Queen of Pentacles - Priest of Titania
King of Pentacles - Elvish Archdruid

Swords - Wind - :
Ace of Swords - Defiant Strike
2 of Swords - Abeyance
3 of Swords - Blood of the Martyr
4 of Swords - Circle of Solace
5 of Swords - Death or Glory
6 of Swords - Spectral Procession
7 of Swords - Dimensional Breach
8 of Swords - Divine Intervention
9 of Swords - Heroes Remembered
10 of Swords - Soulscour
Page of Swords - Champion of the Parish
Knight of Swords - Ranger of Eos
Queen of Swords - Captain of the Watch
King of Swords - Field Marshal

Wands - Fire - :
Ace of Wands - Quest for Pure Flame
Two of Wands - Guerrilla Tactics
Three of Wands - Act on Impulse
Four of Wands - Rekindled Flame
Five of Wands - Bitter Feud
Six of Wands - Lightning Diadem
Seven of Wands - Form of the Dragon
Eight of Wands - Scrambleverse
Nine of Wands - Blasphemous Act
Ten of Wands - Decree of Annihilation
Page of Wands - Goblin Guide
Knight of Wands - Goblin Roughrider
Queen of Wands - Goblin Matron
King of Wands - Goblin King


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #94 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 78
Avg. CMC 4.74
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Beast 5/5 G, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Interesting Decks, Cool, weird, Tracked decks, tarot, Neat stuff
Ignored suggestions
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