The Temur Endure. (DTK Suggestions?)

Standard firestar157


Bostrider says... #1

4 evolving winds is a lot i would try and use some of the common duel lands you usually get in boosters frequently, if not you may as well just use regular lands unless you have Courser

October 10, 2014 12:58 a.m.

firestar157 says... #2

Thanks for the feedback! Sadly, I don't have any coursers and I tend to not buy packs. But thank you for the land advice.

October 10, 2014 10:16 p.m.

mathblou says... #3

Should try to find as fast as possible more Savage Knuckleblade it is the best card in a deck like this. I am sure you would love your deck if you had 4 of them in. ;)I would also had 2 more Temur Charm it is a greet card in almost every situation. :)

October 29, 2014 9:33 a.m.

firestar157 says... #4

Yup, thanks man!

October 29, 2014 7:03 p.m.

crazycreeper55 says... #5

How about putting a Icy Blast to respond to their massing creatures.

Or maybe a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker would be cool in the deck


December 7, 2014 12:56 p.m.

firestar157 says... #6

@crazycreeper55 I dig Icy Blast, I will definitely playtest and probably put it in my sideboard. Sarkhan is cool but he is a little above my budget... Thanks!

December 7, 2014 1:02 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #7

Good stuff

December 11, 2014 11:51 p.m.

alexthegreat38 says... #8

I would suggest some Polukranos, World Eaters as another 4-drop. Additionally, Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Stormbreath Dragon, and Xenagos, the Reveler can seriously add to how threatening the deck is. You might want to at least sideboard some Lightning Strikes if not put them mainboard, they're fantastic for clearing off an early mana dork and they nab most of red's annoying aggro creatures like Goblin Rabblemaster and Mantis Rider. I wasn't expecting to see Clever Impersonator here, but I think I kinda like it. Same with Roar of Challenge, I've been wanting to try that in my Temur deck for a while. +1

December 13, 2014 10:45 a.m.

firestar157 says... #9

Thanks alexthegreat38, I'll probably sideboard lighting strike, but those other fatties are a little above my price range, mostly because I'm broke as hell right.

December 13, 2014 11:36 a.m.

firestar157 says... #10

right now*

December 13, 2014 11:42 a.m.

I feel ya man, it's rough trying to get the really good cards. Polis Crusher is cheap and definitely respectable as a 4-drop.

December 14, 2014 10:47 a.m.

Also, Boon Satyr is pretty cheap, it has a lot of utility, and it triggers ferocious for only 3 mana.

December 14, 2014 10:48 a.m.

firestar157 says... #13

I will definitely playtest them, thanks man.

December 14, 2014 1:01 p.m.

Grover007 says... #14

Its a great design, able to challenge any threat. Well done.

December 17, 2014 7:02 p.m.

firestar157 says... #15

Thank you RisingRogue!

December 17, 2014 8:18 p.m.

firestar157 says... #16

itachi45 sadly sylvan and courser are out of my price range :( tho they are very good cards. I don't like elvish because it only adds G whereas Rattleclaw can help me with Stubborn Denial, Crater's Claws or just fixing my mana in general. Also, it can block and trade with stuff like Goblin Rabblemaster which elvish can't do.

December 21, 2014 10:51 p.m.

Nightninja10 says... #17

Cool deck and thanks for the advice on my deck

December 22, 2014 11:35 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #18

I would be very intrigued to hear how this deck has fared at FNM or any other competetive setting.

I have noticed you have only the 4x [Rattleclaw Mystic] for your ramp? Has that consistently been enough? How are they not insta sniped with cheap burn or cards like [Despise]?

On top of having fewer rampers that I've ever seen in a Temur brew you also have a rather large amount of tap lands... is this deck a slow starter? Surely fast red decks run you over?

Love the creatures and design just stunned that it actually would work as i have been so fixated on 7 to 11 rampers!

December 28, 2014 2:58 a.m.

firestar157 says... #19

@DukeSteele in fact I just went 3W/2L at 12/26 fnm. 1st round I lost to a jeskai ascendancy with seeker, mostly because the only way for me to remove ascendancy is to counter it when it's cast, which isn't always possible if I'm trying to play a card on every turn, but I can plan for it and save mana.

2nd round I won against a simic ramp/infinite mana deck mostly because he didn't run any counter spells but also because I was able to clever impersonate his prophet of kruphix and then kill it with craters claws.

3rd round, lost to ascendancy infinite combo deck, both games were close but it was a really derpy combo that always seemed to work at last second.

4th round I won against a U/B ashiok and counter spell deck, he would consistently hit Ashiok on turn three, but would tap out for it so I was able to respond to it each game with a hastey Knuckleblade or just a craters claw. In general, it wasn't a very good U/B control deck, considering he only countered my less important shit like Ashcloud and boon, whereas my savage Knuckleblade landed every game. The first game I played first and played down an island with a stubborn denial in hand, then he played a swamp and tried to despise me, but I countered it, and that definitely made a difference.

5th round was against American control, without ascendancy, and I won. Although he was able to counter some of my shit something always eventually resolved. And at one point, he double lightning striked my Knuckleblade, and the next turn I top decked another one.

To address your other questions, I sideboard in Barrage of Boulders for rabble red decks, and that usually ruins those decks on turn 3 or 4. However, blue/white heroic decks just wreck this deck, because they are able to land and trigger an ordeal of Heliod AND Thassa on a hero of Iroas on turn 3. So yes, this deck can just get wrecked, but is surprisingly resilient at least in my local meta.

As for land, I run 15 basics and 9 slow, 6 of which have scry. I am rarely ever mana screwed, my mana works to hit UU GG or RR for boon, Ashcloud, and clever and I consistently cast either heir or rattle claw on turn 2. I don't know, basically, my mana works and don't question it.

December 28, 2014 5:09 p.m.

DukeSteele says... #20

Fair enough, glad to hear it is going so well!

You prefer Barrage of Boulders over Scouring Sands because of the Ferocious i presume.

How do you find yourself making the best use of Boon Satyr? Do you mostly bestow it or mostly cast it for card draw with Ascendancy/as a flash blocker?

Has 2x Temur Ascendancy been enough for consistently drawing that card? I found it was a bit sporadic until i scaled up to three.

December 28, 2014 6 p.m.

firestar157 says... #21

Yeah ferocious is my favorite new mechanic so far, I'm excited to see what fate reforged will yeid as far as additions to temur!

I have used Boon Satyr multiple times to flash block cards like courser, and it trades with most things in general. I generally don't use bestow, but it is an option if you have a Sagu Mauler on the field. I have also used it with Stubborn Denial to create a 4 drop hard counter with a 4/2.

I agree, 2 ascendancy is a bit sporadic, I will test +1 ascendancy for -1 boon.

December 28, 2014 6:42 p.m.

firestar157 says... #22


December 28, 2014 6:46 p.m.

DukeSteele says... #23

Also wondering how much work Heir of the Wilds is doing for you, i presume he is in this mix not only because of the benefits of Ferocious but also due to people being afraid of blocking a deathtoucher. He might be nice with Savage Punch to be honest, themed removal at low mana cost.

If you Savage Punch him he is a deathtouch 4/4. If you declare attackers then Savage Punch before blockers are declared he is a deathtouch 5/5... take THAT Master of the Feast you flabby flying S.O.B!

December 28, 2014 8:27 p.m.

Logan_r11 says... #24

Any idea how this deck may fare against Abzan Midrange? I feel like this deck is flexible enough to deal with it, but I'm still pretty new to magic.

January 4, 2015 1:01 p.m.

firestar157 says... #25

@Logan_r11 yes this deck fares well against Abzan, but you have to generally play more defensively, so instead of a turn 3 Knuckleblade pass turn and counter their Siege Rhino with Temur Charm. in the Abzan match up I also take out Surrak and put in an extra Clever Impersonator to copy a siege rhino, courser of kruphix, or whip of Erebos. Stubborn Denial is also very handy against Abzan because they run black removal. so another defensive strategy would be play down a Knuckleblade but instead of paying for haste, leave a mana untapped to hard counter any removal spell for one mana! If a siege rhino does land, I can usually copy it with clever to rebalance the scales then the following turn crater's claws to remove theirs.

January 4, 2015 1:42 p.m.

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