My first 60 card brew that I (hopefully) came up with myself!
The main pieces:
Isochron Scepter - This is just value town here, the combo can use either Manamorphose or Lightning Bolt, but it's never a bad idea to tuck a Mana Leak under there.
Paradox Engine - A high cost, but the ramp lets us get to it in good time. This is what lets us combo off with the Scepter.
The combo is powered either by Palladium Myr or two Birds of Paradise and just keeps on truckin'.
Borborygmos Enraged - Yeah yeah a lot of people use Borby. But he's good! Landning Bolts are always fun, and you can cast him off of the stockpiled filtered mana you have if you combo out with Manamorphose.
Other cards:
Mana Leak and Remand - Having counterspells is always important in blue, and these two fit the deck well. Leak keeps good value, and Remand helps us cantrip and thin our deck a little more.
Echoing Truth - For those permanents you just can't bolt but you need gone anyways. Also cripples token decks and gets more valuable the more redundancy your opponent has on the table.
Birds of Paradise and Palladium Myr - Mana ramp is important, especially if we're going to combo off quickly.
Surgical Extraction - Can't find your combo pieces? Did your opponent already burn a troublesome card? Just rip out the rest and everything will start getting easier. BoP will even let us do it without paying life.
Mishra's Bauble - Information is always useful, and it puts us out nothing.
Ancient Stirrings and Whir of Invention - both of these will mostly be used to grab our combo pieces, as well as hit the other artifacts.
Witchbane Orb - Gets hit by Stirrings, provides protection against discard spells, and can be tutored out with Whir.
Sideboard tech:
Banefire and Stormbind - These will replace Borby G2 depending on the matchup. Banefire goes in for the control games and Stormbind if my opponent has heavy creature removal. Keeping our options open and bases covered keeps us flexible and able to take more matches favorably.
Destructive Revelry - This wonderful card will keep us going even after our opponent drops a Stony Silence. On top of that, it'll chew through Skites, Bridges, Blood Moons, Wurmcoils, Equipments (looking at you Affinity), and a ton of other utility cards. A good inclusion, but not in the main.
Vandalblast - Very useful to knock out a large part of Affinity's board, not likely necessary.
Crumble to Dust - Nothing says value like ripping out your opponent's Eldrazi Temple or Urza's Tower. It also gets hit by Stirrings.
Padeem, Consul of Innovation - Strictly a game 2 card. The main deck is light on creatures, so your opponent will likely board out creature hate and have less answers for a creature that shouldn't be allowed to stay on the field. Also generates card advantage.
Grafdigger's Cage - Everyone needs tech against Dredge.
Obstinate Baloth - A great card to have against Burn, and will let us stabilize after taking those first few bolts to the face.
Pyroclasm - Affinity, Prowess, Tokens, Exalted...this takes care of a lot of them before they become problems.
Still looking to make improvements, I want to make this list as best it can be