
"Some decks focus on ramping into big creatures. Others choose, rather, to flood the board. Mine... heheh....well, mine simply cannot choose, now can it?"



This is my take on Karametra EDH. I have built this deck from the ground up and have spent many, many weeks of testing and hours of building to get it to the state it's in now. Rather than focusing on pure speed or strength, I went down another route -- synergy. If this deck could be pictorially designed, one would see not a line, nor a curve, but a web of techniques and design.

Also, I play big stupid green creatures. So...yeah.




What green deck would be worth talking about if it didn't have an assortment of creatures to discuss? I focused on creatures with landfall abilities, those who can take advantage of number of lands, and those who can provide me with a slew of small tokens when I need them. Big bonuses go to creatures that do this AND provide me the devotion to turn Karametra into a sizeable attacker to go for a commander damage victory where necessary. Here are some of the biggest players:

  • Avenger of Zendikar -- A powerhouse in basically any commander deck. Avenger synergizes incredibly by focusing on the number of lands we control WHILE also granting me access to a ton of tokens.

  • Craterhoof Behemoth -- Big fatty, meet your army of tokens. Craterhoof is one of our main win cons.

  • Sporemound -- Sporemound basically has landfall, and his landfall is to make tokens. I love tokens!

  • Emeria Angel/Rampaging Baloths -- See above.

  • Sigil Captain -- Massive devotion is fantastic. Plus, he turns all our saprolings into sizeable beasts. He loves him some Doubling Season.

  • Hornet Queen -- Hornet Queen provides me with a great way to deal with fliers, which this deck can be slightly weak to.

  • Trostani, Selesnya's Voice -- Trostani loves big creatures. Trostani loves making tokens. Trostani loves providing four devotion. Need I say more?

I think you're beginning to get the picture here




The other half of the strength of this deck comes from its enchantments. Why? The enchantments in this deck provide me with a ton of bonuses and utility while providing Karametra with a ton of hard-to-remove devotion pips. It's not uncommon for me to say "screw it" to my other creatures and just focus on winning with my commander alone.

  • Awakening Zone -- A super synergistic card in here. Its a great way to ramp into a bunch of big creatures while also providing utility into the late game by giving us free tokens every turn. Give 'em some counters and let them attack. So much joy.

  • Primeval Bounty -- This card makes every play impactful. But what's best is how it reacts with Karametra. Play a creature, get a token, go search for a land, gain some life, add to devotion, activate any other card effects from the field, Win.

  • Doubling Season/Parallel Lives -- If you play EDH you probably know about these cards. Having one on the field can create a powerful engine for the other cards in this deck to function on as things progress.

  • Glare of Subdual -- Ghazi-Glare anyone? This card provides a means of removal that gets around so many abilities and board states that it's not uncommon for me to be counting on it to win me the game.

Other Important Cards



  • Overwhelming Stampede -- Another one of my win-cons. It's basically a smaller version of Craterhoof except it loves when you have big fatties on the field. Ever heard of Karametra? She's basically a big ol' fatty.

  • Skullclamp -- Probably the most ridiculous card draw engine in a deck focusing on 1/1 tokens. When you're playing colors that have a hard time getting card draw, this is a godsend.

  • Boundless Realms -- This card is rocket fuel for any land-based engine I have on the field. Gaining 42 life or turning all my creatures into 15/15s isn't uncommon with this card.

  • Tooth and Nail -- This card needs little explanation, but in case you were curious, try entwining into an Avenger of Zendikar with a Regal Force and laugh at your opponent's face.

  • Soul Foundry -- Using soul foundry with a Wurmcoil Engine can win you the game on its own if the opponent has no artifact removal. Just add Doubling Season to make things absurd.




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My sideboard now contains a bunch of cards that I won't be adding to the deck just because they put too much of a target on my head during multiplayer. We will call these the "bullshit cards."

With that out of the way, I've begun to finish out the finer details of the deck. I've added in a bunch of synergistic spells and MagicalHacker helped me a bit with some ideas.

Currently, I'm looking for a spot to fit Rhys into the deck, but once that happens I feel like the deck will be more or less complete assuming there aren't cards that fit that I'm not aware of.

Thanks for checking out the deck and please +1 if you enjoyed!

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(10 years ago)

-1 Tooth and Nail main