The Token Fatty | Karametra EDH
Commander / EDH*
Ramz-E: I thought a lot about your suggestion (mostly bc I both own and love the Eidolon). Here's what I came up with:
What does eidolon bring to the table, synergy-wise? He provides a way to make a ton of small creatures into a tall threat instead of a wide one. That's really good. But I do not have an enchantment sub-theme so him being one means nothing. I also don't have any auras, so that's also a not so good thing.
If what I'm excited for with the Eidolon is his ability to make a creature with p/t = to the # of creatures I have, I already have Voice of Resurgence , which makes a creature as such who synergizes more with it being a token. I do have a slim amount of populate in here, after all. And then, additionally, why would I not just run Wayfaring Temple instead? I can't bestow with him, but he has the chance to make more creatures, or even populate a voice elemental token to make multiple creatures of such strength.
I really like Eidolon of Countless Battles , but I think after giving it some though he just isn't better than other things I have or that I haven't even found room for.
May 28, 2014 9:27 p.m.
i think you could get away with paying one more mana and play with Avacyn, Angel of Hope .
trade out Spidersilk Armor for Akroma's Memorial , why stop with reach. why not keep going and give all your dudes practically everything.
i will also suggest Mimic Vat . it is very similar to the Soul Foundry , but it has more utility, and can interact with your opponents graveyards as well. heck you could run both.
i also have a green white EDH deck built in the same vain as your deck just different, (the hole synergy thing). its a creature heavy Trostani deck that focuses on gaining lots of life while hitting my opponents in the face with big stompy creatures. here is the link if you want some more ideas Life of the World
May 29, 2014 5:35 a.m.
oh ya, you have some big creatures. but i forgot to mention that you are missing the biggest green creature, Worldspine Wurm he is huge and even produces little tokens for you later.
May 29, 2014 5:42 a.m.
drathturtle - Im going to forgo tandris. Most ways that people are able to stop a board of tokens is with a wipe, and she doesnt help with that. And combat damage doesnt worry me too much when I have 10+ 1/1s. Thank you though!
Slogmog - avacyn is amazing, but also not fun. Ive begun putting in a ton of effort into making this deck creative, powerful, but mostly fun. You may notice the sideboard that ive added. In it, ive placed a handful of cards I deem to be super good but not for the more casual environment. They will come in when applicable. Memorial will replace the armor when necessary, mimic vat is cool and ill try to fond A spot for it. And worldspine ive hone back and forth with. At this point im having too hard of a time removing things... :(
May 31, 2014 9:44 p.m.
Hey Spooty! It was cool watching your deck in action last night! It seemed awesome, and totally fun! It seems like your deck loves card like Doubling Season , and would want to play as many as it could. Primal Vigor seems like a good idea in that case. It sorta acts like Doubling Season number 2. Good luck!
June 1, 2014 4:47 p.m.
Also I think I saw True Conviction in play last night, but it's in the sideboard now. Was that just testing to see if it deserved a spot?
June 1, 2014 4:48 p.m.
Asceticism and Privileged Position are great cards to consider. Aura Shards is better than Aura Mutation .
I run a Trostani tokens deck, In Trostani We Trust, I have a bunch of combo/ synergies that are great in GW decks
June 11, 2014 12:40 p.m.
RedSoxFanKy: Thank you! I can't remember if you play EDH or not but we should play some at some point! Primal vigor IS like another doubling season, but it effects the opponents as well. Normally, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but almost every friend I play EDH with has a token deck at some point lol. As for True conviction, see below.
cian114: Haha believe it or not I used your deck as one of a few research decks when building this one here. I should probably mention somewhere that the sideboard I have is really just that. I play with a casual group of friends and hate being the guy to come to the table with cards that make everyone upset, so I have placed all cards that I personally deemed "mean" into the sideboard to switch in when I need them. Thank you for the suggestions though! :D
June 11, 2014 4:51 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #12
Sure, I'd love to help! (I'm glad to help anyone with anything EDH/Commander, so feel free to ask for help again anytime!)
First, I just want to mention that the Karametra deck I built is a bit more gimmicky and this why: I play lots of 0-drop creatures, like Memnite , and lots of powerful creatures that often are seen as too expensive, like It That Betrays . I wait to cast the creatures once Karametra resolves, and plop them all down to immediately go to eight lands or so. That combined with the fact that I can get Karametra out on turn three with mana dorks make her that much more broken. Here's my decklist, hope you like it! MagicalHacker - Karametra, God of Harvests
I also have Primal Surge with no other instants or sorceries, so I think I need to add Akroma's Memorial in for the haste. I do realize, this is one of your no-no cards though...
August 8, 2014 11:47 p.m.
You actually might be happy to know I looked up your Karametra deck not too long ago to see what you'd done with her haha.
I think that Primal Surge decks are fun, but I'm looking for something more resilient and Not trying to badmouth your deck at all -- more just Primal Surge decks in general. You seem to have an extensive knowledge on the card pool based on what I've seen from you. Are you aware of any cards that might fit into the sort of strategy I have present that I've not included? I really appreciate the help :)
August 9, 2014 12:01 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #14
If you find yourself making a large amount of tokens rather than large tokens, then you will find cards like Dictate of Heliod and Sword of the Paruns useful. Anthems that provide less than two power can be underwhelming when you've got so many cards to choose from. Another selesnya deck that I have which focuses on getting a lot of tokens is MagicalHacker - Rhys the Redeemed (Selesnya). You may find some cards to synergize with that aspect of your deck.
That said, I realize that you also have built around around BIG tokens like Giant Adephage . So those cards may not be as useful since you may try to win with one or two creatures on your field. As you can imagine, I have a selesnya deck built around very large tokens, so you may find cards to synergize with that aspect of the deck: MagicalHacker - Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. (A lot of the deck is also focused on life gain which may or may not be obvious by the commander.)
In terms of what else combos with Karametra, I forgot to mention that you can suspend cards so that they resolve after Karametra comes into play. (Epochrasite is kinda broken here.)
Lastly, the only thing I can say is that I wish you could play Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Akroma's Memorial since they would be soooo good for this deck. Any chance you could convince your meta to let them slide? XD
August 9, 2014 1:01 a.m.
Thank you for all the help, MagicalHacker! Epochrasite is awesome. I never even realized suspend worked so well with Karametra, and he's a great engine for the deck. I'll need to find room for him. I also added some cards I noticed in your two mentioned decks. Thanks!
August 9, 2014 6:51 p.m.
Luminarch Ascension ? Not sure what I would take out though
August 14, 2014 11:30 a.m.
Luminarch Ascension does fit in here very well. Ive thought of adding it before and id still like to. Right now things such as Epochrasite and even Ant Queen are being tested so if those end up gone the ascension can be added for testing! Thank you!
August 14, 2014 11:46 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #19
What about taking out Hornet Queen for it? At seven mana, it's kind of pricy I think.
August 14, 2014 7:43 p.m.
How does your deck on card draw? I know white/green is notoriously bad in this area, but with things like Sylvan Library you can definately help alleviate this. Enlightened Tutor is also really good. A creature I've had a really good run with is Soul of the Harvest . As a body he is good value for money but with your general it reads, "play a creature, get a land and draw a card".
August 14, 2014 7:51 p.m.
MagicalHacker: Oh, I wouldn't dream of removing my Queen. 7 mana is incredibly easy to get to in this deck and she is one of my only defenses against decks with tons of flying creatures. Additionally, there is the benefit that her tokens are 1/1s, which is the best token this deck could have.
enpc: One thing I should emphasize upon with this deck is that I'm doing my very best NOT to make it competitive. Now, I don't mean it should be weak or bad, but I also want to avoid adding cards that can ruin the fun for opponents or that make the deck too consistent. When I want that, I'll just run my sigarda deck.
No, this deck is more about the journey than the destination. I've removed all my tutors apart from Tooth and Nail . Even that card pretty much secures a victory, but at 9 mana it's pretty easy to play around. In other words, I'm absolutely fine not running very many card draw engines or tutors. Skullclamp can do really broken things when I need it to and things like Courser of Kruphix can grant me minute card advantage, but the trick to playing this deck is to not place a target on your head. This is because the vast majority of synergies in here are fairly slow and can be fragile at times. Keeping the enemies in a false sense of security is absolutely key to victory. This, I don't desire to play something like Sylvan Library .
Soul of the Harvest isn't broken or anything, and I think he's pretty good, but I just don't think there are enough creatures in the deck that would trigger his ability to justify the slot. Thank you though! :)
August 14, 2014 9:50 p.m.
GhostChieftain says... #22
Champion of Lambholt could be absolutely beastly in here
August 15, 2014 12:46 a.m.
I appreciate the comment, luther! However, I think I'll pass. Ever heard of the phrase "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't"? Think about that as my opponent and then compare Champion of Lambholt to something like Overrun . Basically, I prefer cards like Overwhelming Stampede and Craterhoof Behemoth that can win teh game on the spot out of nowhere versus cards like Champion of Lambholt which have set-up cost that your opponent can easily see coming.
August 20, 2014 3:51 p.m.
GhostChieftain says... #24
Fair enough. Truthfully though, it could be potentially just be out 1 turn and then you cast Avenger of Zendikar and all of your things go unblockable. To each his own, but I do see your point
August 20, 2014 4:50 p.m.
You do realize that tokens don't trigger Karametra right... Rhys the Redeemed and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice are the go too token commanders.
Ramz-E says... #1
I like this deck, always had a fondness for token generating decks.
As you say you have spent months testing and perfecting this deck and Im sure you know more about how it works than I do, but I was wondering if you had considered using Eidolon of Countless Battles here? With the sheer amount of creatures you will have on the board this would make one of them rediculously powerful.
May 28, 2014 10:29 a.m.