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The Top Deck, Izzet now?

Modern Burn Control





This is my deck that I play all the time because every time I play it is not the same. Every game is fun and unpredictable and exciting just like a top deck. What you see is the product of playing this deck for months and constantly revising, adding/taking out cards. I would appreciate any feedback to make this deck more competitive.

How this deck works is to control the board with burn spells and control your opponent with Mana Leak amd Negate, but most of the time I use these counters to protect my Guttersnipe Talrand, The Sky Summoner or Young Pyromancer, all of which are win conditions. I also use the burn spells to burn my opponent's face because with a Guttersnipe out, a Lightning Bolt is 5 damage for 1 mana which is not too shabby XD. Gutternsipe is my main win condition because of how much raw damage I can do for so little mana, especially with Goblin Electromancer. Talrand, The Sky Summoner and Young Pyromancer are there to give me some bonus effects on spells.

With card draw like Think Twice and Steam Augury and cycling with Desolate Lighthouse, it not only keeps us casting spells and keeping our hand full, but it especially gives us massive card advantage over our opponent late game when hands grow thin and the 'top deck' game occurs. This is where the name of the deck comes from because I find myself top decking awesome cards on the spot with my instant speed card draw like Think Twice into a Negate which is just awesome to do.

My sideboard is based on the large amount of aggro decks that I play against in my area. Though I'm still open to suggestions on that.

Like I said, I would like suggestions to make this deck more competitve because I often play casual. Thanks for the help!


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After some playtests with Truth or Tale, I found that it doesn't seem as strong in card advantage as Steam Augury because I only get 1 card as opposed to 3. I tried taking out some Think Twice for Truth or Tale, but I felt like I was getting less cards and I was missing the extra trigger on Guttersnipe that a flashback Think Twice gives. So I'm gonna leave Truth or Tale out of this deck. thanks for the suggestion! I also tested Shivan Reef but I found I was killing myself with it. Combined with Steam Ventsfoil and Char and games wouldn't last long enough for me to really take control of the board, especially against aggro decks. thanks for the suggestions! Everything helped.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 1 Rares

15 - 6 Uncommons

15 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 1/1 R
Folders normal, look into
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