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The Trash is coming to get you!

Standard BGW (Abzan, Junk)



Junk reanimator that I used for the standard block and went 4-0 a couple of times with. Right now I am looking for things to add that M15 will offer. Any help with that is much appreciated! I would also love help with the O-Ring affect if anyone knows how to acheive it in standard.

Breakdown/Dech Tech

The main purpose of the deck is to put things in your graveyard, and make them come back wether into your hand or on the board. Since we are making sure all creatures come back at least twice, we love using Enter The Battlefield effect creatures.

Armada Wurm - ETB creature that gives us a 5/5 wurm token with trample. Score!

Ashen Rider - The big guns. He removes stuff when he enters, and when he leaves. And if we keep reanimating him, he keeps on removing.

Atheros - Our stuff comes back to our hand when it dies, or our creatures unleash a lightning bolt before dying. If anyone gets that ;)

Champion of Stray Souls - This is where things get slightly complicated. We will basically keep exchanging our creatures on the field with the ones in the graveyard, re triggering our ETB creatures a ton!

Commune with the Gods - Self dredge, helps us get a specific creature or enchantment we want into our hand

Grisly Salvage - Same thing as Commune except we can search for lands instead of enchantments, good for mana fixing

Heroes Downfall - Best Kill Spell in standard

Lotleth Troll - Lets us put creatures into the graveyard, and gets bigger because of it. Regeneration makes it hard to get rid of.

Obzedat - ETB creature, and his own exile effect takes precedence over the whip's exile effect, allowing him to be the single most difficult creature to kill in this deck.

Sylvan Caryatid - Good defender that's hard to get rid of, and helps fix mana.

Thought Seize - kill it before it even comes onto the field, and get to look at their hand as a bonus too.

Voice of Resurgence - Big ETB creature that hurts removal, counters and loves creatures. Its like J's gun in MIB. Small CMC and big blast.

Whip of erebos - gives my creatures lifelink and lets me reanimate briefly? Awesome.

Side Board

Angel of Serenity - Exiles stuff on the battlefield and in the graveyard. A little combo is exile stuff in my graveyard, suicide the angel, get the cards in my hand, discard to help the Troll.

Archangel - Whip + Angel = Opponent Suicide. Just a 1 of because I dont really need it.

Banishing Light - Removal

Brain Maggot - Removal

Jarad's Orders - Get a card I immediatly need like a Carytid to fix mana, and a card to dredge into the graveyard

Nighthowler - If Im dredging myself why not reward myself for it? Love bestowing on anything.

Obzedat's Aid - More reanimation!

Trostani - Rewards me for reanimating with life, synergy with voice and wurm is excellent!

So thank you for taking a look at my deck will post an update about FNM, time to see how M15 has affected my local Meta.

And for those of you who are probably think, how the $%&* did you afford this deck, I didn't buy it. The owner of my local shop lives in my neighborhood so we made a deal. For 15 dollars, 7 for the FNM fee, I get to play in the FNM and for the other 8 I get to rent the Deck! I have to return it at the end of the day in the same condition I got it, sleeves and all cards. If I win the FNM I dont get boosters, but I do get a crap rare and don't have to pay the rent fee. It's fine with me cuz I get a promo and another rare, and who knows maybe a crap rare is as powerful as a mythic in one of my other decks!


Updates Add

This happened awhile back, and it was hilarious winning 4-0!

Game 1 - Bant Superfriends This guy was just complete walkers, then counters. First match hit him with a 6/5 troll turn 2, kept smashing him and he died turn 5. 2nd Match he boarded in more counters and anti combat damage stuff. In the end abused a Champion of Stray souls and Voice Combo to get 6 6/6's.

Game 2 - Boros Aggro This was the second most difficult match up. Match 1 - Turn 1 Soldier matched against my Troll. That was aggravating. What was more aggravating was the stupid imposing sovereign. In the end he fell to Atheros. He couldn't keep paying life to keep my creatures down. Match 2 - I actually lost this one. I couldnt keep up with his Iroas. Match 3 - Thought seize, banishing light and brain maggot kept clearing his board. Obzedat kept chipping at him until he died.

Game 3 - Esper Control Match 1 - Resolved a Voice and he just fell apart. Match 2 - Turn 1 thoughtseize into turn 2 brain maggot into turn 3 Atheros ripped him apart.

Game 4 - Jund Monsters. Match 1 - He couldnt keep up with the life gain from the whip and gave up. Match 2 - Exploited that life thing by having trostani out and the the Champion of Stray souls switcheroo and he resigned again.

Got mah promo and a boon satyr so I was happy.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 7 Mythic Rares

41 - 6 Rares

0 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Elemental */* GW, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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