This is a deck I've had rolling around in my head for about a year and some change. I toyed with the idea of Mardu walkers for a long time but with the prevalence of Atraxa as the go to planeswalker commander, it seemed pointless. But with the new block comes another "0: create a dude" walker in my desired colors AS WELL AS a sweet new ruling that makes all the walkers have fun together, even mirrors of themselves and I just couldn't hold back any longer. Without further adu, I present: Queen Marchesa, the pillowfort walker deck. This deck is completely theoretical and maybe it is even bad. But what is commander of you aren't willing to spice up the table every once in a while. Our plan is very simple: ramp, pillow up, and drop planeswalker after planeswalker and slowly accrue value until you can drain the game out with Sorin, Grim Nemesis, or lightning axe people to death with Chandra, Torch of Defiance. This deck offers many possibilities and a high amount of fun to be had. It's time to build an empire, with the one true Queen.


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