The Ultimate Land Decimator!

Modern nickiru


KingSorin says... #1

Holy crap no. NO. Nonononononononoonononononononononononononono.

April 22, 2014 2:34 a.m.

nickiru says... #2

HAHA, i used to use him in my first model of this deck, Helldozer . He actually was really good. I had Orochi Leafcaller to convert green to black. Was a nasty combo wiping multiple lands a turn.

April 22, 2014 2:38 a.m.

nickiru says... #3

Just considering my options and past strategies...........

April 22, 2014 2:39 a.m.

KingSorin says... #4

lol Why not add Child of Alara while you're at it? That'll take care of all the things Stone Rain didn't ;) Don't abuse the power of fetch lands. They fix your mana, but if you rely too heavily on them you essentially start the game on 12 life. It's better to sacrifice colours for consistency and life.

April 22, 2014 2:42 a.m.

nickiru says... #5

Ha, if only Child of Alara took out lands as well.yah, I agree about my life and junk. Ima thinkin

Helldozer was nice.................haha If I decide to focus on black I might as well. Even then.....costly

Just thinkin. I would like to hunt down any other good cards first. Every day I'm on this site I see some other cards I didn't know about that shows promise. like earlier today I saw Novablast Wurm . its pretty. But probably not for this deck...maybe.

April 22, 2014 2:50 a.m.

KingSorin says... #6

Definitely not. Roiling Terrain is funny. You may want it.

April 22, 2014 2:54 a.m.

nickiru says... #7

Yah, used it as well in older model. My older model of LD was mostly burning LD.

Melt Terrain ,Molten Rain ,Roiling Terrain ,and a couple others...and it had more burns:Lightning Blast ,Lava Axe ,Lightning Bolt ,

My big gun was to get an Orochi Leafcaller with Helldozer and unleash epic LD.

It was slower but much simpler. Back when it was in hardcore experimentation mode against all my buds. (Oh I enjoyed creaming them when I finally got the good hand)

April 22, 2014 3:02 a.m.

nickiru says... #8


Tiktacy says... #1

It's a really fascinating deck, I honestly love it. But Sun Droplet doesn't make sense, it basically says "gain a life at every upkeep" since it says you can only remove one charge counter.April 21, 2014 10:03 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #2

Instead of Progenitor Mimic you should use Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph. Progenitor mimic just doesn't seem very good and I can't see it being used.

Adding a Cavern of Souls or "sorcery spells can't be countered" shelter guy or something that might prevent your cards from being countered sounds like a good idea, which will happen about 40% of the time in a competitive setting.

Keep in mind that people can and will control your mana base(via bolt/path on birds or Abrupt Decay on your utopia sprawl for example), so having a few more lands might be wise. Ironically, your land consistency is sort of hurting your deck despite your flashy birds and sprawls being awesome and stuff.

Nettlevine Blight is way beyond weird, and it seems like a dead draw more often then not. I would replace it with something to protect yourself, like Dismember or Lightning Bolt or Terminate even. I see the synergy, but I think that 8/2 flying ornithopter coming at you turn 3 is going to be a much bigger concern for you than your opponent getting a few lucky late-game land drops.

Noble Hierarch would be a much better choice than birds, the only exception being affinity MAYBE, and even then it won't help you much. But that card is also fucking expensive as you can get, so I doubt you are willing to invest in it despite it being able to win entire games on its own as oppose to your wimpy birds.April 21, 2014 10:20 p.m.

(another thread says)

zandl says... #1

Drop the janky stuff and add Llanowar Elves .April 22, 2014 1:20 a.m.

nickiru says... #2

but i need colors, that is why i use Birds of Paradise . However, I just started experimenting with shocklands and fetchlands. If colors come super easy then I could impliment other 1 cost ramp. It's an idea...April 22, 2014 1:31 a.m.

zandl says... #3

But is Black really worth it just for Nettlevine Blight and Consuming Aberration , both of which are too slow and narrow to do anything efficiently, especially in Modern?

The answer is no.

If you want to maximize turn-2 land-destruction, go with Green mana-dorks and 3-drop Red LD spells.April 22, 2014 1:36 a.m.

nickiru says... #4

Hmmm, well the purpose of Nettlevine Blight was continual lando as you probably already figured out. It is an equivalent to Progenitor Mimic in my deck as far as LD, it also takes out critters. Its purpose though also is for when I run out of 3 cost lando in my hand. It is for a smooth transition from running out of LD to one last LD card, Nettlevine Blight , that will forever plague them until they are dead broke while I prosper drawing more LD and creatures for killing. Then stuff like Consuming Aberration comes in for the kill.

Also Aberration allows another victory means, milling. I have had Platinum Emperion com out once when I lost control of an opponent. Still one by milling.

I do agree with the mana dorks. I probably will utilize more 1 cost green mana dorks. ...while disagreeing: I want to keep my end game items just in case I fail to bust their knee caps which happens as often as someone getting a bad hand. That way I can ramp to a land slaughterer and then they fall hard.April 22, 2014 2:09 a.m.

nickiru says... #5

in short, the black is worth it....April 22, 2014 2:23 a.m.

Tiktacy says... #6

What happened to your other thread?

I posted a nice long detailed post on the deck and I never got a response. Why exactly did you choose to make a new thread instead of asking in that one?April 22, 2014 10:06 a.m.

nickiru says... #7

I found the old thread, thanks for your tip.

Sorry, I'm still new to this site so when I couldn't find my old thread I start a new. I thought they get deleted at some point. Also my slow internet makes it very tiresome to track stuff down on this site.

Here's what I'll do from now on. I'll ask on my threads to put all responses on my deck page. That way I don't miss any goodies.

In the future, please do so. Otherwise I won't get your ideas.April 22, 2014 11:26 a.m.

nickiru says... #8

Im gonna copy and paste all of the responses from this thread and my old one onto my deck location for the sake of cataloging your info for future reference and so I don't have to dig into the forums all the time.

For further comments please use my deck site. There, I'll be much more responsive.April 22, 2014 11:30 a.m.

April 22, 2014 11:36 a.m.

nickiru says... #9

In response to Tiktacy...

Wo there. Phyrexian Metamorph is one time use. I want continual land destruction with Progenitor Mimic . Because the enemy is crippled, using 1 or 2 lands, Progenitor Mimic comes out rather easy. Although turn 7 average, my enemy can't do anything about it other than Path to Exile it.

I am liking Cavern of Souls . Anti-counter, get the colors I want. Hmmm...

Abrupt Decay requires 2 mana. By the time they get lucky and get another mana, I can care less about my Birds of Paradise and Utopia Sprawl . The whole purpose of those guys are to enable turn 2 LD. After that, I really start using the lands and the birds often are meat shields.

I strongly disagree with Noble Hierarch . In what way is she better than Birds of Paradise ?!?!!My birds give me any color, noble gives me three, white I never use, and blue rarely. Her only superiority over the birds is that exalted ability. But I'm never gonna use that. (meat shield.) If she produced red than Hands down I would take her......

About Nettlevine Blight ? That thing is an equivalent to Progenitor Mimic . Blows up a land every turn, but rather than a token every turn, it can be put on critters after the enemy runs out of lands and plague his creatures; or visaversa if they want to spare their lands as much as possible which is typical. Which ever they put it on after I take out a land at the start of Nettlevine Blight is a win for me because the other option is creatures which leaves him open for my big dogs to come in and kill which takes out even more lands. Similarly, I can get Nettlevine Blight out with ease turn 6 or 7, as well as progenitor. Nettlevine Blight in some cases is better because I don't have to have a creature to copy. I just chuck it on the enemy and let it do its thing.

April 22, 2014 11:56 a.m.

nickiru says... #10

Also Tiktacy, in defense for Sun Droplet read post 4 and 5 on this page.Sun Droplet is beautiful, if I haven't beaten that 'dead horse' enough times...

If your still not sold on it, please explain more. I like to here other ideas...

April 22, 2014 12:01 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #11

You are slowing yourself down by using cards like nettlevine blight, birds of paradise, and progenitor mimic. They require a lot of mana, and requiring you to pay for your avalanche riders or spend an extra turn before cracking your fulminator Mage gives them a turn to ruin you. Nettlevine blight gives you no offense, neither does birds of paradise. Noble Hierarch turns your avalanche riders into a 3/3 and attacks for 1/2 for 1 and is a mana accelerator, all of those things make it an amazing choice. Using Phyrexian metamorph is meant to be either offense or defense, by either copying your opponents creatures, turning into land destruction, or copying a hierarch becoming both an accelerator and a 2/3 attacker that boosts your other creatures if needed.

Sun droplets just don't work very well, you should use lightning bolt or Terminate instead so you can stop the damage they deal rather than have it slowly, SLOOOOOOWWWWLLY, gain it back. 1 situational life each upkeep is NOT worth using.

I understand cards may have worked for you at one point, but playing professionally is about testing out new cards to such an extent that you are so sure that one card is better than the other that you can bet your life on it. And hen doing more testing, just in case.

If you really want to accelerate like crazy and REALLY don't want to spend 50$ on one of the best 1 drops in the format, you can use Arbor Elf instead of birds so you can get a potential turn 2 riders (or any other 4 drop in the deck), all while still providing some offense that the deck needs.

April 22, 2014 12:20 p.m.

nickiru says... #12

oooooooo, liking Arbor Elf .Sorry, I misunderstood exalted. So Noble Hierarch powers up my other critters? hmmm, that can be good. My color base is handled pretty well since I added fetchs and shocklands so I guess I could utilize...maybe.....I'm warming up to it...

That's why I like these comments, I get all these ideas that make me second guess some cards in my deck.

I have considered Terminate , but what would I be terminating...a 2/1 haste? The biggest they could get is a goyf, but that is easily manageable with my big critters. So I won't use that card.

Now...about Sun Droplet ,...that poor thing...

Ok. Lightning Bolt doesn't negate the affects of an enemy Lightning Bolt , yah it burns a 2/1 haste but, they can just wip out another and my bolt only was merely a 1 for 1 exchange. I do have them in side board, but I would have doplet and bolt together. Not one or the other. Because the enemy is working with 1 or 2 lands, My threat is little turd critters that have unleash, exalted, or haste. Sun Droplet makes them have to do more than 2 damage during their turn, because I gain a life each upkeep, to profitably harm me. If I get another droplet, then their burns are rendered useless because I gain 4 life by the time it's their turn. They run out of low cost cards in their hand and then I regain that life over a few turns.

Example: I get bolted twice and punched by a 2/1 haste. My life is now 12 and he used three cards which were all of his low costs in his starting hand. His 2/1 will cause 2 damage, but by the time it's his turn, I have regained two; not a threat. I get Avalanche Riders , Acidic Slime , or Fulminator Mage out there, which is easily turn 3 or 4, and I can block to kill that little critter. While he sits idle drawing other burns and occasionally pegging me, 4 turns pass and I regain my life. (meanwhile I'm getting bigger creatures out and bombing his lands so he can't by whatever means crack off any nasty combos or bigger burns or creatures..)

Sun Droplet is ALWAYS misunderstood. I suggest you test it out yourself. That's about the best way I can explain the poor artifact.other than what was said on posts 4-5. I will defend that thing to my grave. If you disagree still... well, I'll try to argue further if you bring up a good point. (or you convince me otherwise.) Don't think I will dispute your logic if you give me another good point, or a card that is better...

April 22, 2014 12:47 p.m.

nickiru says... #13

My logic with the big cost cards is:what else am I to do when I got 10 mana and am drawing only one card at a time. I want some big guns to pay for, that are better than a 4 cost twerp.That's is all. And really, they don't slow me down hardly at all. I get them out turn 5-7 average while my enemy has 1 or 2 lands and maybe a couple critters. My ramp cards not only allow turn 2 lando, but lando continually thereafter. When I say continually, I am not only implying drawing an Avalanche Riders and playing it turn 3, but having Progenitor Mimic or Nettlevine Blight annihilate their last few lands and creatures 'continually' until they are wiped completely and I come in for the kill. All the while bombing lands and storing cards in my hand because I have 1 LD a turn that I don't have to pay for. If I lose my continual lando, I'll have a couple cards stored by then to help transition into another continual land destroyer. [repeat function until target dead]

April 22, 2014 12:55 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #14

I did test sun droplet, it failed at doing its job horribly. I'm sorry, it may prove to be useful, but try testing it against the list of tier 1 decks I have on my account. In particular, pod will have lots of acceleration, so if you don't bolt it away, they suddenly have enough mana to do whatever the fuck they want. Jund/junk has Dark Confidant , which will absolutely ruin your deck if it comes into play and can't be controlled.

I've played at a lot of very competitive tournaments, and I promise you that nobody, NOBODY who is even somewhat decent will turn over and die 2 games in a row from being smack by land destruction alone unless they get unlucky. Pros are pros, tier 1 decks don't lose easily, they have the power and ability to stop anybodies devious plans and unless you can protect yourself then you will be eaten alive by the first affinity deck you go up against, which btw takes up 10% of the metagame and is the most common deck in the format besides twin and pod, all 3 of which have answers to your deck.

Modern is a brutal format. Your deck can win quite a bit, but it believe it can win more and I'm determined to assist you in whatever way I can. I love modern, and I love seeing new decks, and I love assisting with new decks. I have a lot of experience, please trust my judgment and at least try testing the deck against the tier 1's on my account and see what you think about lightning bolt then. Their is a reason lightning bolt is the most used nonland card in the game.

April 22, 2014 1:01 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #15

If you want bigger drops, use Wurmcoil Engine . It's probably the best card in the entire game to drop down for 6 mana. Batterskull is pretty good too, for your deck, I would use the batterskull.

April 22, 2014 1:04 p.m.

nickiru says... #16

but, but,they don't blow up land.....(twitch) must....destroy........lands! (Sorry I have a feddish for bombing lands.)

I will test out your suggestions. I am still a noob in the game. I completely understand the level of xp you have. (far beyond mine)

I am listening to your suggestions and will test them out. From all the posts here I have gotten some stuff that I most strongly disagreed at first, but after testing I understood the poster's point and I have implemented those ideas in this deck.

I may instantly disagree with you, which I completely disagree with Batterskull , but I will test it out these cards for the sake of learning and experimentation for improvement.

April 22, 2014 1:20 p.m.

nickiru says... #17

Funny you mention Dark Confidant . I side boarded in Lightning Bolt because I had to kill that stupid thing, also to deal with the ever so common Deathrite Shaman .

April 22, 2014 1:24 p.m.

nickiru says... #18

Tiktacy, what do you recommend I replace for Batterskull ?

I like the idea but, what would I have to sacrifice. Everything I have destroys land in some form or another and if I through that in, it reduces anti-land draw.

April 22, 2014 1:36 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #19

Just so you know, deathrite shaman is banned in modern now.

As for your lack of experience, I find that surprising. This deck is insane, it really is, it's power level is incredible. It's very impressive, you will win tournaments with it if you can refine it enough. Sun droplet is decent, and I understand why it's good(I'll be honest, it is deceivingly strong). But unfortunately, metagame for modern calls for lightning bolts, both for defense and offense.

Batterskull is fucking amazing, he is a crazy powerful creature that is damn near impossible to control. Wurmcoil engine is just as good too, but he costs 6 and batterskull can be equipped to one of your other creatures if needed. I would probably only use 2 batterskulls in place of those nettlevines, and that should be enough. Wurmcoil can be tutored using your primal command though, so that might be a better option because of that alone.

April 22, 2014 1:45 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #20

Nettlevine Blight , your opponents board will be empty anyway most likely, so adding in batterskull while they are starting from scratch will almost definitely ruin them.

What you want to do is get to turn 5 while your opponent is still stuck on turn 1/2, then put down something to really screw them over like batterskull.

April 22, 2014 1:51 p.m.

nickiru says... #21

Thanks for saying that my deck is good. A good bible verse says, "let another man praise thee, and not of thine own lips." I have been in magic for exactly one year and have been working on this beauty for about 3 months. I came up with the idea the first day I learned magic, "what if I can blow up land?" It is refreshing to here that you think it's good, thanks.

I did come up with the basic framework of this deck all on my own. I didn't even here of "lando" from my tournament pros that used to school me all the time until I fought with it. This is not a copy of anyone else's deck if that's what your thinking.

Sweet, I got sick of Deathrite Shaman . (banned, probably why I didn't see him recently)

I am a quick learner and have been slaughtered every time at the tournaments. I can't stand defeat and losing so much makes me determined to become better. I am still considered a noob in their eyes, or nub, (experienced noob.) That's been turning around the last month with this deck being refined more and more. They hate me now.

After play testing a bunch I do agree that Nettlevine Blight is so overkill that it's not too useful. Maybe I will replace it with Batterskull or something similar that can be a decisive blow of brute force at them while they're crippled. I'm considering it.

ooooooh, didn't catch that before, Batterskull has lifelink. (and vigalance.) I like it, hmmm. If they Path to Exile the critter, I pay 3, bring him back to my hand. next turn do it again. I like it more and more I think about it.......hmmm

any other ideas up your sleeve? please, do tell....

April 22, 2014 2:18 p.m.

nickiru says... #22

Oh yah... whats affinity? I have probably fought it, but I'm still new with terms and titles.

April 22, 2014 2:18 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #23

Here, try this version:

April 22, 2014 2:22 p.m.

Tiktacy says... #24

I put that together just for fun to see how it works, and it's looking pretty nice actually.

Check my account to find an affinity deck, I have a list of different decks on here that are all what you would expect to see at tournaments. Here is the link:

April 22, 2014 3:04 p.m.

nickiru says... #25

hmmm, cool that you can make a copy of my deck and show me your ideas. That's great. I play tested it a about 20 times. That's my average test barrage.

It definitely has more beef to it. But its economics are kinda poor. About 1/4 hands I got were good, turn 2 lando. And a couple of those good hands had turns down the road that didn't do anything because I needed a color or something, or I kept drawing lands. It is weird I know, but I with this deck I have 16 lands and anymore is just to much. Since you went the route of not having as much expense I think you shiuld drop the land count to at most 16 lands.

Arbor Elf was actually more disruptive than constructive. I think keep the birds and add 2 Arbor Elf s. The way I got my enchant ramps and whatnot, it just didn't flow right. Maybe it would correct itself if there were more green lands?

I did like the extra Primal Command . However, I ran out of good stuff to search for. With only wurmcoil and a couple Deus of Calamity s, I searched for a goblin ruinbuster because I already had gone through all three big guns... Which by the way was nice but I got them out a little too late; even for this deck.

My natural tendency is to have good end game. I think at least 1 Progenitor Mimic is necessary.

Also, back to economics, all lands must have green. If you scan through the posts above you'll see my argument for the necessity for green all the time. (to ensure turn 2 lando utilizing green ramp, green is necessary.) first hand, I got Blood Crypt with mana ramp and was screwed. Though the odds are low of this happening, I don't think a RB card is necessary. Replace with RG or GB. There are other things but I know you didn't spend an hour on it fr perfection.

The focus on brute force was nice. I think a combination of power with light turn 2 lando would be good; as your deck variant did.

ideas, ideas... hmm goody...

April 22, 2014 3:04 p.m.

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