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⚠ The ULTIMATE Modern Goblins Primer ⚠



Welcome to the Modern Goblins Primer!

Mad at chiefbell for not including goblins in his modern-format-primer? Need the ultimate resource for your goblin exploring? Look no further! After 2 years of careful goblin study (including a GP), I have compiled this as the be-all end-all of goblin decks and strategies.

Let's begin!

What is Goblins?


Building your Goblin Deck


Goblin Sideboard


Branching into Multiple Colors


Playing out different hands!



Now we get to the more interesting stuff. A few things to note for this hand are: A. You lack a one drop and B. You don't have access to green mana. For now let's assume you're playing nine green sources in your deck, putting the odds at drawing a green land on your next draw step at about 17 percent. Personally I think that chance is too low, and this hand lacks the speed which makes goblins scary. In any circumstance, this is a mulligan. I'd equate this to drawing an infect hand with Inkmoth Nexus as your only card. You've got the cards to make it happen, but the odds of it working are low.


For now lets assume you kept it and talk about sequencing. Evidently you have to lead with a mountain, then pass. If you draw a green source, I think the correct play is hold up an Atarka's Command for eot burn and put a land into play (if they try to gain life, burn and stop them from gaining, as this hand has very little chance of overcoming something like Feed the Clan). The reason I avoided piledriver on turn two is he does very little without a bunch of buddies, and I think the best way to get damage out of him is cast + Goblin Grenade in the same turn. On turn three, we'll do the aforementioned thing and cast + Goblin Grenade, hopefully putting our opponent at around ten. Now the best we can do is hope to draw more burn spells.

Lists of Cards (With Ratings)


Adder-Staff Boggart : 3

Akki Avalanchers :5

Akki Blizzard-Herder : 4

Akki Coalflinger : 1

Akki Drillmaster : 2

Akki Lavarunner : 2

Akki Raider : 4

Akki Rockspeaker : 4

Akki Underling : 3

Akki Underminer: 1

Ankle Shanker: 3

Arms Dealer : 1

Auntie's Snitch: 6-7

Battle-Rattle Shaman : 2

Bazaar Trader : 0

Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit : 1

Blackcleave Goblin : 1

Blisterstick Shaman : 1

Bloodcrazed Goblin : 2

Bloodmark Mentor : 6

Bloodshot Trainee : 2

Boartusk Liege: 5

Bog Hoodlums : 0

Boggart Arsonists : 1

Boggart Brute : 3

Boggart Forager : 3

Boggart Harbinger : 5

Boggart Loggers : 1

Boggart Mob : 4

Boggart Ram-Gang : 5

Boggart Sprite-Chaser : 2

Boros Recruit : 1

Caterwauling Boggart : 3

Chasm Guide : 2

Crazed Goblin : 0

Dragonlord's Servant: 0

Dragon's Herald: 0

Earwig Squad: 6

Ember Hauler : 5

Emberwilde Augur : 4

Exiled Boggart : 0

Facevaulter : 5

Feral Animist : 4

Festering Goblin : 3

Fire Juggler : 1

Firefright Mage : 4 (works with piledriver/rabblemaster well)

Flamewave Invoker : 1

Foundry Street Denizen : 8

Frenzied Goblin : 7

Frogtosser Banneret : 6

Goatnapper : 0 (WTF?)

Goblin Archaeologist : 0

Goblin Arsonist : 5

Goblin Artillery : 1

Goblin Balloon Brigade: 3

Goblin Bangchuckers : 2

Goblin Battle Jester : 1

Goblin Brawler : 0

Goblin Brigand : 1

Goblin Bushwhacker: 9

Goblin Chariot : 1

Goblin Chieftain: 10

Goblin Cohort: 5

Goblin Dark-Dwellers: 4 (only good if you have a really slow token deck)

Goblin Deathraiders : 6

Goblin Diplomats : 1

Goblin Electromancer: 1 (its a good card, but not playable in goblin tribal)

Goblin Elite Infantry : 1

Goblin Fire Fiend : 0

Goblin Fireslinger : 4

Goblin Flectomancer: 3

Goblin Freerunner : 5 (rating subject to change)

Goblin Furrier : 1

Goblin Gaveleer: 3

Goblin Glider : 2

Goblin Glory Chaser: 3

Goblin Guide: 10

Goblin Heelcutter : 4

Goblin Kaboomist : 1

Goblin King : 7

Goblin Mountaineer : 1

Goblin Outlander : 3

Goblin Piker : 1

Goblin Piledriver: 8

Goblin Rabblemaster: 6-7

Goblin Raider : 1

Goblin Razerunners : 5

Goblin Replica : 1

Goblin Rimerunner : 1

Goblin Roughrider : 1

Goblin Ruinblaster : 6

Goblin Shortcutter : 5

Goblin Sky Raider : 0

Goblin Skycutter : 1

Goblin Snowman : 1000 (actually 1, but that flavor though)

Goblin Spelunkers : 1

Goblin Striker : 2

Goblin Test Pilot : 1

Goblin Tunneler : 5 (synergies with rabblemaster and piledriver)

Goblin Wardriver : 6

Grotag Siege-Runner : 1

Guttersnipe: 4

Hatchet Bully : 4

Hearthfire Hobgoblin : 4

Hellraiser Goblin : 3

Hobgoblin Dragoon : 1

Horde of Boggarts : 2

Hornet Harasser : 1

Hungry Spriggan : 3

Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician : 4

Intimidator Initiate : 5

Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot : 1

Jeering Instigator : 5

Jund Hackblade : 6-7

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker: 2

Kill-Suit Cultist : 3

Knucklebone Witch : 5

Krark-Clan Engineers : 0

Krark-Clan Grunt : 1

Krark-Clan Shaman : 1

Krark-Clan Stoker : 2

Krenko, Mob Boss: 6

Krenko's Enforcer: 1

Lavafume Invoker : 1

Lavastep Raider : 2

Legion Loyalist: 8

Lightning Crafter: 5

Lobber Crew : -1

Mad Auntie : 6

Mardu Scout : 5

Mogg Fanatic : 4

Mogg Flunkies : 4-5

Mogg Sentry : 3 (better when twin was a deck)

Mogg War Marshal: 6

Mudbrawler Cohort : 2-3

Mudbrawler Raiders : 1

Mudbutton Clanger : 4

Mudbutton Torchrunner : 1

Murderous Redcap: 1

Okk : 4 (maybe try with Ball Lightning ?)

Outrage Shaman : 3

Oxidda Daredevil : 1

Ponyback Brigade : 1

Prickly Boggart : 3

Pyrewild Shaman : 5

Quill-Slinger Boggart : 1

Rabble-Rouser : 1

Raging Goblin: 5

Reckless Bushwhacker: 7 (I need to do more testing to be sure)

Riot Piker : 1

Rummaging Goblin : 1

Rustrazor Butcher : 1

Scuzzback Marauders : 2

Scuzzback Scrapper : 2

Sensation Gorger : 4

Shambling Goblin : 4

Siege-Gang Commander: 5

Skinbrand Goblin : 3

Skirk Shaman : 1

Slavering Nulls : 2-3

Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer: 1

Spiderwig Boggart : 1

Spike Jester : 6

Spikeshot Elder: 5-6

Spikeshot Goblin : 3-4

Squeaking Pie Grubfellows : 1

Squeaking Pie Sneak: 3

Squee, Goblin Nabob : 2

Steamflogger Boss : 1 (10 for weirdness)

Stingscourger: 4-6 (very unique effect)

Stinkdrinker Bandit: 3-4

Stinkdrinker Daredevil : 1

Stream Hopper : 4

Subterranean Scout : 4

Swirling Spriggan : 1

Tar Pitcher : 2

Tattermunge Duo : 2

Tattermunge Maniac : 5-6

Tattermunge Witch: 3-4

Thick-Skinned Goblin : 2-4 (needs specific deck)

Tin Street Hooligan : 3-5

Torch Slinger : 2

Tuktuk Grunts : 0

Tuktuk Scrapper : 1

Tuktuk the Explorer : 4

Utvara Scalper : 1

Vexing Shusher: 3 (better when twin was a deck)

wandering goblin: 1

Warren Instigator: 4-6 (great in slow builds, meh in faster ones)

Warren Pilferers : 2

War-Torch Goblin : 1

Weirding Shaman : 3-4

Wort, Boggart Auntie : 4-5

Wort, the Raidmother : 3-4

Zada, Hedron Grinder: 2-3

Zada's Commando: 1

Zo-Zu the Punisher: 3


Goblins is a fun, cheap, and powerful variant on RDW. It's versatile, easy to build and play, and extremely customizable. I hope that this article helped you in some way, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below. I put a lot of time and energy into making this, so if you enjoyed it at all, please Upvote.
Once again, thanks for reading!
Remember to Keep strong and goblin on!


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(10 years ago)

-1 Mardu Scout maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

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Folders Deck ideas, Modern, Boros, a, Welcome to Nilbog, Ruin Life, gob, modern format layout, Check Out, stuff I like that is cheap
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