the undead jedi council

Standard Namron88


Spootyone says... #1

Alright so the first thing I see here is a ton of good cards. Next, we just have to make sure there's some synergy.

You have 3 different legendary weapons. It might be beneficial for you to take a closer look at them along with the rest of your deck and find one or maybe two of them you want to focus on, since they all have very different effects. Keep in mind that you right now have a TON of 3-drops when compared to the rest of your cards. If you're not careful, aggro decks will eat you alive before you can even get a foothold. And that's why ramp is so important in something like this.

That being said, I see you incorporated Burnished Hart ...I dont know about that. Think about this: Your curve tops out at 5. If you (essentially) sacrifice a turn to play the hart, then (essentially) sacrifice the next turn to sac him to get lands, you've allowed your opponent free reign while youre trying to accelerate ahead of them. Not to mention the fact that youll be at a potential 6 or 7 lands for no reason whatsoever. I think that spot could be much better used for a Sylvan Caryatid or Elvish Mystic .

You also only have 20 lands. You're very likely to miss your land drops as it stands.

Do a little bit of playtesting against some of the stronger decks on this site and see if you can keep up. I'm not necessarily calling mine "strong", but it might be a good match-up for you.

--Archangel of Thune | Tempo-Breaker--

The reason I suggest mine is that I consider it a midrange deck with acceleration and aggro tendencies. Hopefully such a match could prove my point that this needs to do things faster and more efficiently. Best of luck, man!

September 18, 2013 8:07 p.m.

Namron88 says... #2

Thank you I wasn't sure about the harts they caught my attention but they are a bit slow the Sylvan Caryatid would definitely be good since it is 3 colors and I agree adding about 4 more lands could definitely benefit the deck

September 18, 2013 8:52 p.m.

Spootyone says... #3

I'm going to make a few direct suggestions and you can do as you wish with them.

Take out:

3x Rootborn Defenses

2x Hero's Downfall

2x Bow of Nylea

2x Erebos, God of the Dead

2x plains and swamp

Add in

3x Doom Blade or Devour Flesh or some combination of those two.

3x Abrupt Decay

2x Obzedat, Ghost Council

1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa

4x Temple of Silence

September 19, 2013 3:59 p.m.

Namron88 says... #4

Thank you for the suggestions I am definitely taking them into consideration I also have a few ideas of my own im working on the deck has been doing awesome against so many different decks before I made my changes that are up now one thing I lacked was trample on my creatures so I threw the green god in for that I know unflinching couragecan do the same thing but Iis easier to remove than Nylea, God of the Hunt and I know you suggest taking out the black god along with the bow and whip but either one of those have been definate game winning cards the whip makes any creature trigger thune and can reanimate my grave if I need to the bow works great on any creature to chump block with like Sylvan Caryatid It actually was able to eliminate a Blood Baron of Vizkopa so if my testing proves that these are more than dead cards in hand ill either completly remove them or lower my number of them

September 20, 2013 8:53 a.m.

jimaejackel says... #5

I should take out the Erebos, God of the Dead it's not cause he's not awesome you just don't have enough devotion to make him active all the time. I know the life gain denial is nice but I don't think it trumps what other awesome fatties W/B color combinations has.

That being said and at what other people are saying I don't know how you can pass up Blood Baron of Vizkopa , he is so hard to remove with spells save Mizzium Mortars . And oh ghost daddy, Obzedat, Ghost Council , this guy....he is life gain and so hard to get rid of. Good for control, good for aggo, just amazing card.

Fiendslayer Paladin , I know you want to keep this guy becuase he looks cool but he is only decent against non B/R, you need him to be great, he is only great in that situation, put him side board and get those midrange fatties in there as stated above. Trust me I feel your pain as in my deck G/W aggro to have jedi paladin in there, but he is a side board card.

Drop the Bow of Nylea , your guys are already huge!! And they get bigger don't they? And a lot of them have evasion flying already. you don't need death touch. Or more lifegain at that point. 3 life gain will seem fickle later on when have 3 fatties that gain you life.

Keep the whip, with the above suggestions and life gain to counter Read the Bones and aggro and late game surprises, AND it saves ghost daddy from the's too good to pass up.


October 1, 2013 12:20 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #6

I'm not bashing you but look at the pie chart of mana cost vs land, mana sources available. You can fix those ratios with some playing around easily. Well I hope you can, there is no G/B scry land yet, you might be forced to use some gates to supplement. Sylvan Caryatid helps a lot but you lands that are gonna be there to stay. 3 colors is tough but i like this mid range setup.

October 1, 2013 12:23 p.m.

Namron88 says... #7

yeah this deck is actually being changed to b/w my main standard right now is need more power i would tag it but it goes to another deck completely different from mine thats the one i used to play test against you and it was a bit too quick for the current hand you had during the play test i like this deck alot and really want the three colors but its been to vulnerable during certain times but w/b has awesome potential with bombs like Obzedat, Ghost Council and Blood Baron of Vizkopa thank you for the time and suggestions i am still new to magic and have been playing for close to 5 months now maybe more time has flown by so fast ive been getting ready for my local state tournament that my card shop has invited me to go play with them at

October 1, 2013 9:05 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #8

Looking much more consistent and solid. 3 colors is just so dangerous at the moment but even more so not plausible as G/W/B since there is no G/B scry land yet till the next set of Theros. Intimidating, hard to remove, and dangerous mid-range fatties backed up by plenty of support is what I see now.

I think Lifebane Zombie main is a good idea despite what other people might say. He is solid recon if it's not G or W you're facing and increases your devotion to black. And if you are facing G/W he is a bomb for sure.

Might I suggest in your sideboard:

-1 Crypt Incursion Why? After you do this once you are good, after you do this twice it should like damn!! No need for a 3rd time. You have other life gain too. Not to mention I think having Blind Obedience mainboard should be supplement enough.

-1 Fiendslayer Paladin Why? Kinda like above. Is he an awesome card? Hell heaven yes. But 4 is just too many.

+2 Glare of Heresy Check this card out. It isn't instant speed but think about the potential and versatility. Any white permanent gone. That includes Detention Sphere , Boros Reckoner , Chained to the Rocks , white god, any white planes walker.

Blind Obedience
, I like this card main board. It serves good with aggro and its good against control as you can activate it's ability even if the spell you are casting does not resolve. Props.
October 2, 2013 6:08 a.m.

jimaejackel says... #9

Pfff I played one hand, and I have to say, runs great. I had Thoughtseize , two Doom Blade , Read the Bones , 2 Lifebane Zombie , 3 different fatties of B/W.

October 2, 2013 6:14 a.m.

Namron88 says... #10

Those are awesome suggestions I did 4 Fiendslayer Paladin to do a complete swap with Lifebane Zombie in a black matchup the Crypt Incursion was cause I wasn't sure I did a playtest with this and my other deck and this deck walked all over it like nothing making my need more power have its first playtest loss on this site

October 2, 2013 9:01 a.m.

joedude420 says... #11

I would consider putting a 2 drop creature into this deck.

October 2, 2013 11:59 a.m.

Namron88 says... #12

Which one and for what?

October 2, 2013 5:35 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #13

I am glad you took the suggestions to heart. It looks solid to me.

Smaller drops (one or two mana) aren't needed as the deck is mid-range really.

I don't think there is much to say or do at the moment. From here on future changes can only be done after your deck is played in the environment and we see what other people are doing. Also your locale of where you play FNM and standard will determine changes.

It's up to you now!!

October 2, 2013 10:43 p.m.

Namron88 says... #14

Thank you and I really did like your suggestions they were really good now its time to assemble the deck and proxy the cards I am lacking atm thankfully I have a fairly solid g/b deck I spent hours modifying today for more consistency I can use till this is up and running I have the majority of the deck just need some key cards for it

October 2, 2013 10:46 p.m.

strateupjee says... #15

I like it man, have you playtested? Also I have a soft spot in my heart for Blood Baron, so I would say take the count up to 3, but that is just preference xD. All in all, hell of a deck man, I wouldn't want to run against it, though we may be about even ;) +1 from me man

October 10, 2013 2:28 p.m.

flashter says... #16

Nice looking deck here have you thought about maybe adding in Gift of Orzhova or Soldier of the Pantheon for synergy with the Archangel of Thune what are your thoughts on that overall I like the combination of cards here as well as the name. +1 to you here if you like my deck be sure to give it a +1 as well. Thanks

October 10, 2013 2:40 p.m.

Namron88 says... #17

Already did a +1 for Iit the name drew me in so I had to mention my own jedi version lol as for those there is great synergy but this deck is more midrange than that I am considering splashing red in it but im not sure how well that would fit it is definitely doable I saw a r/w/b deck at my local states top 8 im up in the air on what to create for the coming grand prix as there are many options each one being extremely fun as for the suggestions if you want look at don't worry i just want your life it runs a similar combo you mentioned above but its pure beatdown

October 10, 2013 3:26 p.m.

princessswigg says... #18

Have you thought about including Gray Merchant of Asphodel ? It's a pain to play against. Whipping it back with Whip of Erebos is damaging for the opponent. Also, Crypt Ghast is pretty good. My bf runs a strong mono-black devotion deck. Check it out and see what you think Mono Black Merchant. It's not a deck I know well but I can tell you I hate playing it lol.

October 28, 2013 10:13 p.m.

princessswigg says... #19

+1 from me :)

October 28, 2013 10:17 p.m.

flashter says... #20

I like the choice of cards a lot I think Soldier of the Pantheon might be a nice addition to the deck since you do take damage when you decide to Read the Bones or use Thoughtseize although Archangel of Thune is gaining you life I think the soldier could be great with the angel getting bigger and can usually get through most of the time. I also think Underworld Connections may be a good idea for a card draw engine but I guess you already have Read the Bones just a thought I have really grown quite fond of Underworld Connections as card draw is huge in magic other than that i think the deck is pretty awesome.

October 29, 2013 12:55 a.m.

flashter says... #21

I have been working on a devotion deck red splashing white check it out let me know what you think Zen Master Of Lightning Strike (Theros)

October 29, 2013 12:58 a.m.

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