The Unfair Girl, The Daughter of Kaalia

Commander / EDH* Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 92 | 126 COMMENTS | 14949 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS

Femme_Fatale says... #1

Linking user:PutridLeech and nayrash5 to the new version of this deck (mainly so you can re-upvote).

March 14, 2015 7:33 a.m.

scopesightzx says... #2

Flamekin Village is a safer alternative to Hall of the Bandit Lord

March 14, 2015 4:23 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #3

ooor, I can put in all of them :3

March 14, 2015 4:38 p.m.

nayrash5 says... #4

Linking me just to upvote, thats an interesting stratagem...

March 14, 2015 6:50 p.m.

Kryzis says... #5

This deck looks awful to play against, and I don't think I have anything to suggest, nice job. Always love to see red decks that run the anti blue counters.

March 14, 2015 7:34 p.m.

Kryzis says... #6

I realize how much bullshit I just threw at you, so here are my real suggestions, Volrath's Stronghold is great in any creature based decks, Sun Titan is great in your combos, maybe try sideboarding Relic of Progenitus for eldrazi or blightsteel decks. I've also seen a lot of Alesha decks win with Master of Cruelties, but that probably goes against this deck's ethos.

March 14, 2015 11:31 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #7

Ok, i'm not trying to show my ass or anything, but i'm racking my brain to figure out how the Karmic Guide that costs 5 and the Reveillarke that costs 5 are able to swing some kind of infinite combo. Can you spell it out for me?

March 14, 2015 11:53 p.m.

abdulbaqr says... #8

nevermind, misread alesha. it's power two or less, not CMC. holy crap dude.

March 14, 2015 11:58 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #9

This is a pretty great deck, although it might be good to throw a Thoughtseize somewhere in there to know when the way is clear for your combo.

Also do you think it would be necessary to add in the redundancy of Unburial Rites, the multiple times you can cast it could help force it through countermagic.

Also just as a note. Milling an Eldrazi is not a win, because it creates a conditional loop. Rather than an infinite combo where you can just do it until you win, a conditional loop has to be done until certain conditions are met. Since there is a possibility that the condition will never be met, it means that you can't simply say "I do it until it works" but you actually have to play it out. I put the ruling below, note that it says "can't include conditional actions"

716.2a At any point in the game, the player with priority may suggest a shortcut by describing a sequence of game choices, for all players, that may be legally taken based on the current game state and the predictable results of the sequence of choices. This sequence may be a non-repetitive series of choices, a loop that repeats a specified number of times, multiple loops, or nested loops, and may even cross multiple turns. It can't include conditional actions, where the outcome of a game event determines the next action a player takes. The ending point of this sequence must be a place where a player has priority, though it need not be the player proposing the shortcut.

So you would technically need to play it out until you got a slow play violation and got disqualified.

March 15, 2015 8:58 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #10

Good point lemmingllama. I got some ideas to take out some of the lesser cards in this deck. I'll be doing an update shortly. I just recently took out Unburial Rites for Exhume, though I guess I can put it back in. It'll replace Stitch Together. Thoughtseize isn't good enough, I'd have to see every player's hand. I'll probably use Glasses of Urza if I had to choose, but otherwise, I'm mainly just going for wheel effects like Dark Deal and Winds of Change in here.

Master of Cruelties draws way too much hate Kryzis, and doesn't actually win me the game. Sun Titan doesn't reanimate any of my pivotal creatures. I'm removing Altar of Dementia so I don't need Relic of Progenitus. However, while I shied away from Volrath's Stronghold in the past, I think it is an excellent idea to use this for Anarchist and Corpse Connoisseur. I'll also be adding in Homeward Path to deal with Bribery effects.

Total cards I wish to add:

Cards I'll remove:

March 15, 2015 5:05 p.m.

enpc says... #11

I'm going to put my hand up and re-suggest Sun Titan. Although yes, it doesn't bring back Karmic Guide or Reveillark, it definately desrves a place. The big thing about sun titan is that it gets back your win cons. If Blasting Station or Goblin Bombardment get countered, it gets them back no problem. It also combos with Animate Dead and can even act as ramp with the fetchlands.

March 15, 2015 8:15 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #12

I have Obzedat's Aid for reanimating my sac outlets.

March 15, 2015 8:17 p.m.

enpc says... #13

Benefit behind Sun Titan is that he provides a combo outlet, is repeatable and when you cast him you don't have to declare what you're getting back. Not to mention hes a 6/6 vigilant body for only one more mana.

March 15, 2015 8:21 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #14

How is he a combo outlet?

March 15, 2015 8:25 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #15

I also don't care about the body. I have to win the moment I cast a reanimation spell.

March 15, 2015 8:27 p.m.

enpc says... #16

Blasting Station + Sun Titan + Animate Dead + Dance of the Dead. Sun titan comes in and you put his ability on the stack targetting Animate Dead. In response to it resolving you sac him to Blasting Station. His ability resolves, bringing back Animate Dead, which in turn brings him back. This time you target Dance of the Dead and sac him in response to his ability. He and Animate Dead go into the graveyard. His ability resolves, bringing back Dance of the Dead which reanimates Sun Titan, etc...

March 15, 2015 8:35 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #17

WAY too difficult to get out x.x

I can't send the enchantments to the grave like I can with creatures.

March 15, 2015 8:36 p.m.

enpc says... #18

It is a bit janky. But the benefit is that he captializes on failed combos. Not to mention having the backup of the beater body is nice if a player shuts down your combos. Obviously my experience with him is from my Saffi Eriksdotter deck in which he is bonkers. I just think he's worth the utility.

March 15, 2015 8:41 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #19

So hey, really cool deck. Love the potential of my favorite of the cycle.

I really enjoy the work you did formatting the decks page, though, and I was wondering; what was the code you used for the "My Other Decks" widget and the reformatting of the categories cards fall into?

March 15, 2015 9:06 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #20

Look at the updates Cobthecobbler for the categories thing. As for the "my other decks", look to scrotality.

I just don't see the benefit sorry enpc. He isn't multi-functional in this deck, and that is what it needs to be. Cards have to serve multiple functions and not be constrained to a specific method. In other words, a reanimation spell must be able to proc my combo first and foremost. The additions of being able to reanimate other things are second priority.

March 15, 2015 11:11 p.m.

enpc says... #21

Thats cool. The main benefit for me is that he directly combos with my general which helps as a selling point :P

Out of curiosity, is there any reason for not running High Market and Buried Ruin?

March 15, 2015 11:18 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #22

Buried Ruin I can add, though I'm hesitant on so many colourless lands. High Market, eh. Once again on the colourless lands thing, but in this case, the one time sac doesn't really benefit me all that much.

March 15, 2015 11:46 p.m.

enpc says... #23

Its more if you need to trigger a sac loop/acts as good protection for your stuff against battlefield exile. Maybe you could consider Phyrexian Tower instead?

March 15, 2015 11:49 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #24

I also rarely have creatures on the battlefield. But if I find that I need a small sac outlet for Anarchist and Corpse Connoisseur, then I'll use them.

March 16, 2015 5:33 a.m.

Epidilius says... #25

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Anarchist only returns a sorcery card, which Entomb is not. Your "Interesting Circumstance #1" doesn't work.

Also, I love that you made mill a win condition, even if you have to shortcut to "I mill all your cards forever, and because I know you have two Eldrazi I mill until you have two cards in your library."

March 16, 2015 10:08 a.m.

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