Twin and Tokens [THB updated]

Commander / EDH Dorotheus


MrKnify says... #1

I'll give it a +1 for the tap/untap fun games. not a fan of the infinite combos..... that said, if card interaction between 5+ cards can make an infinite combo thats cool. Your opponent still has time to break it (if they pay attention).

I had a discussion about a rule for infinite combos, even state based interaction (like you gain life the lose life, and if they lose life you gain life or Guilty Conscience and Stuffy Doll ) that they are allowed one full interaction cycle,

this would turn out...

  • Stuffy Doll deals one damage to itself. then activates 2nd ability deals 1 damage to opponent,
  • Guilty Conscience detects damage dealt to opponent, activates and deals damage to stuffy doll,
  • stuffy doll recieves damage(from a source not the same as the previous source) and deals damage to opponent,
  • guilty conscience detects damage, then deals one damage to stuffy doll
  • stuffy doll has now recieved damage from the same source 2x with out player interaction,
  • stuffy deals damage to opponent. this is where the cycle stops as guilty has now detected the damage from stuffy that it has caused a 2nd time.

    loop ends.

    it can seem complex, but sounds like a plausible way to (take the fun out) deal with game breaking loops. Solving the who gets there loop out first issue.

  • August 22, 2013 12:05 a.m.

    Dorotheus says... #2

    Well I had just chanced into Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker during the ONE chance at Modern Masters. I ended up making a 4c Commander deck at my local store which was a 'fake' commander modeled after me. I put Kiki in there and a few other things and realized synergy. I liked some of the things the deck did so I dropped the black (sad face), got Riku out of a trade, and just powered in the synergistic blue cards.

    As per your Stuffy Doll + Guilty Conscience . I don't see how the loop ends. Do you have another source for that? Until you can kill the enchantment or Stuffy, the stack never even resolves entirely.

    August 22, 2013 12:31 a.m.

    MrKnify says... #3

    it was a rule we came up with for such loops. that way we could include them, and playes who did not have "par" decks wound't be descimated by these hard hitting "combos".

    August 22, 2013 1:35 a.m.

    Dorotheus says... #4

    Ah! I understand now. Yea... with friends and stuff I will not normally play this deck, and if I do, I won't ever combo into a win.

    Casual Play Anti-Infinite Combo Emblem: Whenever an activated or triggered ability of a permanent or spell activates for the 3rd time in the same turn. Counter it and prevent its activation. It cannot be activated or triggered anymore that turn.

    This is what I've done before for those situations, just so like, it sounds like something more official to dispute and check against. The only way to really get around it is by messing with 'limited memory', so flickering and giving things haste usually get around it, but still stomp infinite combos. Although I'm sure some still get through.

    August 22, 2013 2:19 a.m.

    nicknac30 says... #5

    Hey I got a great one for you, Intruder Alarm.

    December 15, 2014 12:10 a.m.

    CCP_MTG says... #6

    Have you considered Glen Elendra Archmage?

    With Birthing Pod it can win the game. (It could even win off a 3 drop if you have an untap ability that can target an artifact.)

    After Archmage is on the field a play for victory could be as follows:

    Pod away Glen Elendra Archmage and search for Zealous Conscripts, use the ability to untap Birthing Pod, then Pod away the persisted Archmage in order to search out Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker.

    August 7, 2015 2:19 a.m.

    Dorotheus says... #7

    I wouldn't mind owning one honestly. I've wanted some for a while for a few different strategies in modern. And it kind of is like having 2 counterspells as itself to protect combos.

    That interaction you just gave is pretty awesome, and I hadn't thought specifically about Birthing Pod in a while if only because it's kind of a last resort. Not too sure what I would take out (this deck isn't even updated. I'm going to do that first).

    August 7, 2015 2:27 a.m.

    EDHNUT says... #8

    Archivist might not be the best card you could have in there... It certainly isn't terrible when duplicated with Riku, but there are better cards, such as Sphinx of Magosi.

    I'm a bit perplexed by Bounding Krasis. Why is that in the deck? Why not Etherium-Horn Sorcerer

    Divination is a bit underpowered. Well of Ideas is a better option, in my opinion.

    Jace, Architect of Thought seems a bit lackluster. Try Kiora, Master of the Depths

    Azami, Lady of Scrolls doesn't look very comfortable in this deck, as you have all of three other Wizards. Perhaps Lorthos, the Tidemaker, if you have some spare mana.

    December 3, 2015 5:08 a.m.

    Dorotheus says... #9

    Divination is THE weakest card in the deck, but it's better than Harmonize and frankly not too many cards better for cheaper mana costs, but the card is not longed for this deck.

    Archivist is a seemingly underwhelming card to all people, which is what makes him so powerful, and if he dies, I don't lose out on some crazy piece. However, with my Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion combo he becomes part of a win-con with no end. Azami is just better in that sense, but solo she can dig me through my deck for pieces and answers, while playing my other 6 wizards that are in the deck, and 2 cards that can be.

    Bounding Krasis is a combo piece with Kiki-Jiki or Splinter Twin, plain and simple.

    I will never ever ever play cards that might give my opponent's more cards, life, or any resource in EDH. It's bad politics. So Well of Ideas Howling Mine and similar are never even considered.

    Doubling Season + Jace, Architect of Thought could be a win-con in many ways.

    Kiora, Master of the Depths is a great idea though. She's like only $5 right now too... I probably need one.

    December 3, 2015 5:24 a.m.

    GobboE says... #10

    Divination is weak in your deck, have you considered Portent, it gives you card draw and stacking options .

    Also, though I know there is a chance of winning with him, I am not fond of Jace, Achitect of Thought in this deck. The chances of him not delivering greatly outclass the chances of him delivering (IMO).

    On a different note: I do not like Red Elemental Blast. It is too specific, it only targets blue permanents, I am never a fan of singling out one colour when others might be an equally great threat. Rewind would be better in your deck I think.

    December 3, 2015 7:14 a.m.

    Dorotheus says... #11

    Hahaha. I JUST took out Rewind for Arcane Denial, simply just getting more Counterspells in here. Maybe I should just have Edric, Spymaster of Trest instead of Divination. I supposed Dig Through Time and Cruise arguments could be made as well.

    December 3, 2015 7:33 a.m.

    GobboE says... #12

    True :)

    December 3, 2015 8:21 a.m.

    Looks fun, what kind of meta are you playing in? Group or one on one?

    March 1, 2016 8:15 p.m.

    Dorotheus says... #14

    @Forceofnature1, My meta is heavily group. We have very competitive players around here, and we have players with a lot of money into their EDH collections as well. We generally see a lot of the more casual players either stay away from the competitive players or develop strategies to be able to compete.

    What brings you here if you don't mind me asking?

    March 1, 2016 11:05 p.m.

    I've run Riku for the last couple years and wanted to refresh the deck a bit. Cannibalized it a bit to make some other decks and have gone through a couple different builds (love me some spellslinger Riku and epic experiment).

    I have a few friends that we still get together quasi regularly but they play more often than I do. Their decks have been honed even more brutally than before and I find myself wanting to remind them why Riku is the best.

    Playing against tribal zombies led by thrax and a white soldier deck led by Jazal Goldmane. Oh yeah and a third friend who runs a brutal brago prison deck.

    So what brought me here? Refreshing my memory as to what else is out there so I can piece my own bad boy back together.

    Needs to be quick out the gate but with enough draw to keep the pressure on everyone. Since everyone else is geared towards mass effect I'll have to be ready to bounce back from boardwipes or rifts.

    I have a fairly decent collection in the Riku colors so I pulled things I thought might be interesting. I liked your combo idea but ultimately think I need to concentrate on bringing my own mass table disruption to the plate and pillow forting until I can combo... Or something. More than anything else I want to laugh as I destroy as many of their plans as possible.... Maybe Riku mill? Then nerf their graveyards?

    March 2, 2016 4:47 p.m.

    izikdornob says... #16

    Hi i was wondering if i could get a few of the less expensive riku combos or combos in riku colors as i am trying to put together a riku combo deck for around $50(if at all possible) and was wondering if you had any great combo suggestions

    April 19, 2016 6:15 p.m.

    izikdornob says... #17

    Also I have a combo to recomend to you.

    add a Zhur-Taa Druid to your tidewater minion combo or combine it with a Orochi Leafcaller and Pemmin's Aura tap the druid to activate orochi and then add blue to activate Pemmin's Aura and untap Zhur-taa Druid

    April 19, 2016 8:56 p.m.

    Dorotheus says... #18

    @izikdornob I used to run Zhur-Taa Druid, but there was an influx of board effects to never allow such a small body in play -1/-1 and -2/-2 effects but that was a long time ago, however, direct me to a list and I can make some good budget suggestions.

    April 19, 2016 9:23 p.m.

    izikdornob says... #19

    Riku of Many combos

    is my very rough list it still has a lot of work to go through including the formation of a mana base and i am already overbudget so if you see any useless cards that information would also be helpfull!!!

    April 20, 2016 5:13 p.m.

    DemDemons says... #20

    Just wondering but are you planning on updating soon? Becuase I want to buy the deck but I don't want to be surprised if like after a day that I buy it you change everything...

    September 21, 2016 11:28 p.m.

    Dorotheus says... #21

    @DemDemons At the moment in time, I am not planning on changing anything and since I've had the deck, only so many things change with new sets coming out.
    I'd recommend looking at the revisions just to see the deck history or changes.

    September 21, 2016 11:44 p.m.

    DemDemons says... #22

    Ok good to know and thank. BTW awesome EDH

    September 22, 2016 2:45 p.m.

    Dorotheus says... #23

    Thanks a lot DemDemons, I take it as a severe compliment! :D

    September 23, 2016 2:48 a.m.

    Nanadaime says... #24

    Hello, I am quite interested in buying this deck, but am relatively new to magic and don't really know how all of the combos would/could work. Could you perhaps explain it a bit if possible?

    November 6, 2016 8:27 a.m.

    MansonMat says... #25

    Hey first comment ever here! I’m making a deck with the same commander and some similar themes! My base is legends though using Sisay to search through the tool box, heroes’ podium for buffs, jalira to find non legendary combo cards and creatures like realm seekers to later throw with brion stoutarm!! I haven’t got my Kiki Jiki combos yet but I’m not even sure what the good ones are to be honest, I thought bell ringers because jelira could find them and they untap everything... the untap theme in the deck was inspired by a Selvala explorer returned deck that would tap draw cards and untap her as many times as possible for little value but great fun and group hug goodness but it hasn’t transferred well sadly... any help would be great!!!

    June 17, 2018 5:18 a.m.

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