Thanks! Yeah, so far the whole block has been a bit disappointing for me. Theros was fine, BNG....bleh.
April 11, 2014 12:46 a.m.
tripleplayw14 says... #3
Haven't been overwhelmed with this set either, but keep in mind we just rolled off Return to Ravnica and Innistrad. Those were two pretty dirty blocks. Theros is just bringing us down to earth.
Having said that, I feel that this idea is genius. Consuming Aberration and Wight of Precinct Six are cards that play so well in mill decks. I feel that they will be much more useful than Deepwater Hypnotist and Pain Seer . I feel that Pheres-Band Raiders is a better inspire play than Aerie Worshippers as it gives you one more toughness for mill. Also like Siren of the Silent Song 's inspired ability over your other inspired creatures.
April 11, 2014 2:50 p.m.
I was actually just thinking about making a deck similar to this earlier today but also adding in Tower Defense for your creatures to do tons of milling in one turn without much spending much mana. Also I'll second Consuming Aberration as the more you mill the more you can continue to mill with it, making for a very short clock. Finally, either Golgari Charm for regeneration or some enchantments or Simic Charm for making your creatures hexproof. I like the Build!!
April 11, 2014 3:13 p.m.
Wow, those are all really good suggestions! I'll be making some updates shortly.
April 11, 2014 6:52 p.m.
Alright, so I just updated the build.
Siren of the Silent Song works much better in this deck then Deepwater Hypnotist . -2 Hypnotist +2 Siren.
Tower Defense is an awesome idea, I lowered the number on some of my control spells in favor of two Tower Defense .
Consuming Aberration and Wight of Precinct Six are also strong choices. Aberration has gotten in, but I couldn't find room for the Wight.
I like Aerie Worshippers better for the simple reason that two mana is a big difference, even for that extra one toughness. I'll keep them in for now.
April 11, 2014 7:05 p.m.
megawurmple says... #10
I would definitely add Kiora's Follower and Sylvan Caryatid . They both accelerate your game plan, which I think is much needed as your 2 key cards are both 5 mana, meaning that the deck is too slow at the moment. Sylvan Caryatid comes with the bonus of Hexproof and a nice 3 toughness to block and mill with, and Kiora's Follower untap your biggest guys to mill/block with. Maybe go up to 4 Axebane Guardian and another Doorkeeper as well. I personally think that Siren of the Silent Song , Arbiter of the Ideal and Aerie Worshippers don't really work well with your overall game plan. Pain Seer and Consuming Aberration are also questionable. Pain Seer is very dangerous with your high curve. You need to have a very clear focus in your deck, and that should be milling as quickly and efficiently as possible through lots of defenders, whilst trying to retain an element of control. Therefore, the deck should be made up of defenders, ramp, removal/counter spells and your combo pieces, and nothing else. That's my opinion at least.
April 12, 2014 7:46 a.m.
malevalent says... #11
Using at least 1 Consuming Aberration will be good just so you can have a HUGE amount of mill being caused by him. Siren of the Silent Song is personally one of my favorite inspired card, and keeping 2 or going to 3 of them would be good with me. The Arbiter of the Ideal you should probably put into the maybeboard just so you can test out other cards that might do the job better for you.
April 12, 2014 9:45 a.m.
trollslayer says... #12
I know this is an old deck, but change it modern and it will be fine
16smith says... #1
I'm totally with you on the Born of the Gods set but this is an interesting concept. +1
April 10, 2014 4:46 p.m.