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The Uprising of Selesnya

Standard GW (Selesnya)




Turn 1: Drop a forest and put down a mana dork, either Avacyn's Pilgrim or Arbor Elf

Turn 2: Drop another land and put out Champion of Lambholt for a building creature that will dominate the battlefield, or drop a Loxodon Smiter for a solid 3 drop that will slow down opponents

Turn 3: Play another Land and play Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for life gain and populate, or play any combination of Call of the Conclave and Voice of Resurgence. Can also wait to drop Advent of the Wurm for a surprise 5/5 blocker and populate target


Rancor: A quick buff preferably for Champion of Lambholt or any other creature on the battlefield. Also pairs nicely with Selesnya Charm for an effective way to permanently exile opponents creatures

Silverblade Paladin: Great card to soulbond with an unblockable Champion of Lambholt for extra damage, and good for double-strike on any creature

Thragtusk: Doesn't need much explanation, but who can say no to gaining 5 life, and a 3/3 token that can be populated. Also another nice buff for Champion of Lambholt

Selesnya Charm: This Card has saved my butt plenty of times. Need to exile that pesky Champion of the Parish that just keeps growing or Obzedat, Ghost Council, a 2 mana permanent exile is the perfect answer. Also very nice for buffing creatures at instant speed to devastate opponents

Voice of Resurgence: This card limits opponents options greatly. It is essentially a 2/2 unblockable due to the fact that when it dies it puts out an ever-growing token that can be populated for much lifegain and build up the battlefield


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Round 1

Boros Aggro: Win 2-0

Game1- Pulled a pretty bad hand with no one-drops but decided to keep it anyway. Opponent played a Champion of the Parish and I thought I was screwed. I played a turn 2 Voice of Resurgence which i hoped would be my saving grace. He played a turn 2 Ash Zealot and swung with both creatures. I traded Voice of Resurgence with his Champion of the Parish leaving a measly 1/1 creature behind. Basically I ended up soulbonding my elemental with Silverblade Paladin and sending in a Call of the Conclave and a Gather the Townsfolk to win within 3 turns.

Game2- Game two pretty much went the same but i won with a Rancor on my Loxodon Smiter soulbonded with Silverblade Paladin and swinging with a 6/4 double strike.


Jund Midrange: Loss 2-0

Game1- He kept me at bay with Ash Zealot and spike court jester until he could cast Falkenrath Aristocrat and Thundermaw Hellkite. Needless to say I got destroyed.

Game2- Game 2 went pretty much the same when he got out 2 Falkenrath Aristocrat. The game ended pretty quickly after that.

Round 3- B/W Token: Win 2-1

Game1- I got completely mana-flooded and only cast a Loxodon Smiter and a Rancor. He won by casting 2 Lingering Souls and the emblem of Sorin, Lord of Innistrad

Game2- Won easily after my opponent kept casting spells on my turn when I had out Voice of Resurgence. Why? I don't know but i ended up with 5 elemental tokens. Won easily after swinging with tokens with Intangible virtue out Ended with 77 health due to Trostani, Selesnya's Voice

Game3- Won fairly quickly when i got a double-strike Loxodon Smiter with Rancor on it.

Round 4- Boros Aggro: Win 2-0

Game1- Won pretty quickly with the combo of Intangible Virtue, Call of the Conclave, and Rancor

Game2- Thought I was going to lose when she cast a Burning-Tree Emissary into two more, then a Lightning Mauler, but I pulled the win with Voice of Resurgence and Loxodon Smiter

Overall I'm pretty happy with how I did, but I need to figure out how to switch up my deck and hopefully go 4-0 next week!


Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

27 - 3 Rares

14 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.51
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Centaur 3/3 G, Human 1/1 W, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders Selensya, Token, gurilla tactics
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