The Very Soil Shall Shake

Casual* Timocalypse


Theresa says... #1

There is way to much going on here... needs less 1 ofs

January 15, 2013 9:48 p.m.

Timocalypse says... #2

I'm just having some fun with this deck just a bunch of high power creatures with varying abilities to make playing interesting. I could make it 3 or four of only a couple creatures but I thought it would be fun just to have a nice variety instead of having just a couple. Do you think it absolutely needs to have less 1 ofs

January 15, 2013 9:52 p.m.

pauginxz says... #3

Having more copys of one good card is better then having an ton of ok cards, it adds Consistency which will make the deck betterLike my green aggro deck, it is my baby i love this deck. i usually take decks apart but ive had this one for a good 3 years now and its rarely lets me down Green aggro

January 15, 2013 10:23 p.m.

Timocalypse says... #4

That is a cool deck. Those Leatherback Baloth 's get out fast with the elves you have and giving them trample is great. But I'm going for having a lot of massive creatures with varying abilities that the opponent will have to deal with. Do they stop Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger from doubling my lands, stop Elderscale Wurm from keeping my life total from droping below seven, or maybe stoping Moldgraf Monstrosity or Garruk, Primal Hunter from bringing out other creatures. But if you think I should narrow it what creatures do think I should use?

January 16, 2013 6:02 p.m.

dyl_o_ville says... #5

i would try squeeze in Swiftfoot Boots in place of Increasing Savagery to make those big guys hexproof and to use them straight away. would also swap out Green Sun's Zenith for Elvish Piper to try get those big guys in. this also helps with counterspells

April 5, 2013 8:52 a.m.

Timocalypse says... #6

Thanks for the suggestion. For Hexproof I use Asceticism the regenerate is a big bonus too. As for Green Sun's Zenith it allows me to get creatures from anywhere in my library so if it's not in my hand I can get it, then it shuffles back into my library to use again. I'm mana ramping like a mofo so If I can't play it something's wrong with my deck lol I would still add Elvish Piper cause it's so amazing but I'm trying to keep this deck Extended. Otherwise it would definetly be in there. Again thanks for the input, appreciate it.

April 8, 2013 10:34 p.m.

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