

Creature (4)

Modern BUG Control

This deck is designed to take advantage of everything that BUG has to offer, providing incredible strength, consistency, and ruthlessness. This is developed for competitive tournament play.

Abrupt Decay is excellent removal, most relevant permanents cost three or less and being uncounterable for two mana at instant speed is as good as it gets.

Dismember is the perfect creature removal that I need, playable for one mana if I need it in a pinch, and hits most targets without dealing damage.

Mana Leak and Spell Pierce are excellent cheap counter spells that deal with most of whatever Abrupt Decay and Dismember dont, and what they dont deal with, Maelstrom Pulse will.

The sideboard options are extensive:

Extirpate for any combo decks, Pod or Twin, to stop them in their tracks, also valuable to target an Urza land that Ive destroyed to ruin their mana base.

Mindbreak Trap to stop storm.

Nature's Claim is a great resource to use in general, but devastating against affinity.

Telemin Performance is awesome against Tron especially, snagging a Wurmcoil Engine or maybe even an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn if Im lucky. But also any decks that dont use many creatures.

My thoughts:

Ive considered adding Delver of Secrets and making this more of a tempo deck, but my personal play style leans more towards the reactive control style. Im looking for help with my sideboard especially (but maindeck too), I think it might be too specific for the netdecks and might not be able to deal with home-brews that I might see. And commenents or criticisms are more than welcome!

Please leave feedback, and +1 if you like it!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 4 Mythic Rares

31 - 8 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.49
Folders Deck inspiration
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