The Way of Mardu (main and sideboard updates)
Haven't had a chance Im taking this deck to FNM next Friday. Has far has deck comparisons I have only played Mono black, red aggro (that was pretty hard, hence all the instants now) and Demir. Ill check out Seeker of the Way for now he will be maybe board.
Indulgent Tormentor Is beast late game bc my opponents so far have wasted removals/burn on GR and BotH. Midrange he takes automatic removal which I don't really care about bc it is less removals for BotH to be removed.
October 26, 2014 10:04 p.m.
Any suggestions for Sideboard, I really feel it could be better.
October 26, 2014 10:07 p.m.
Internetjay says... #4
What happened to Monastery Swiftspear ? haha
My only issue with this deck is tempo. There's only one 1-drop in the build, so it's going to be a little slow getting out of the gate. Turn one you just have to hope for a Despise
, turn two you're only able to burn, and from then on you can only play one creature per turn. You're really relying a lot on the instants and sorceries to control the game since you won't have much of a board presence, and I'm not sure if you'll be able to control the tempo as efficiently as, say, a Temur tempo deck.
That said, maybe there's enough burn in there to take an opponent out two/three life at a time -- it's one of those things where you'll definitely have to play with it to see how effective the strategy is against some established standard decks.
I'd suggest adding Monastery Swiftspear and Seeker of the Way back in to give you some cheap creatures that combo well with your instants. As far as what to take out for them, you could either sub the Butcher/Rabblemaster combo to go all-out control, or sub the Mogis, God of Slaughter and Indulgent Tormentor for something a bit more aggressive. I think the former's probably your best bet if you're worried about cost, because Rabblemaster's ridiculous. The latter's probably your best bet overall, since Mogis and Tormentor are both very expensive manawise -- but, I run both of those cards and I know how much fun they are to play, so that'll be a tough call to make.
October 27, 2014 12:57 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #5
Monastery Swiftspear doesn't have many ways to trigger it, I would recommend some kind of two-drop over it, right now you have none. I don't know what's good in these colors right now, I don't really think Seeker of the Way or any prowess guys are ideal for the deck you have. I haven't paid much attention to what mardu decks run at 2-drops, but you should find something to have there. the swiftspear just doesn't have much enabling it. (of your cards that can, 3 of them you'll want to slam down turn 1, four of them you'll want to save until there's somethign relevant, and three of them you could use as needed for prowess). the swiftspear is an awesome card, but I don't think this is her deck.
Anger of the Gods and Drown in Sorrow both do the same thing out of your sideboard. mostly same for Hero's Downfall and Utter End . Utter End overlaps with Erase and Hero's Downfall . Your sideboard is very geared against creature decks, which seem like they shouldn't be hard matchups for you. what do you do when you're against control? what about sultai or green splash whip graveyard shenanigans? those are both things that you should be able to deal with. Tormod's Crypt is pretty efficient here.
it feels like once a control player resolves End Hostilities
you just won't be able to pick up the tempo loss. no ways to net card advantage and no ways to be making sure you two-for-one. I haven't played the deck so I could be wrong, but seem slike something to be against control would be good. and something to play on turn two.
October 28, 2014 1:34 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #7
now that's a lot of edits. I would drop one or two each stormbreath and wingmate roc. 8 5-drop fliers (plus two more in sarkhan) is a bit excessive. something to feed the butcher would be cool, Bloodsoaked Champion
or Hordeling Outburst
are both acceptable for that.
October 28, 2014 3:37 p.m.
Internetjay says... #8
Dude, I don't even know what to tell you anymore. This deck's probably going to play well just because of the insane power level of all of the cards involved (Elspeth, Rabblemaster, Sarkhan, Stormbreath -- all you need to add is Thoughtseize and Brimaz, King of Oreskos to make it the most expensive deck in standard), but I don't think you've really developed an idea for what you want the deck to do. That's my suggestion -- find a few cards or a mechanic you really want to build around and FOCUS.
For the current iteration of this build, I think it's a problem to be running 4x Butcher of the Horde with 4x Wingmate Roc since Wingmate wants you to have a ton of creatures and Butcher wants to kill them all. I also think 4x Stormbreath Dragon is excessive. It's a good card, but I don't think any deck really needs four of it.
October 28, 2014 4:03 p.m.
Well I guess that's what I wanted to develop. I didn't want to follow the Mardu Aggro build but I kinda fell back into it. I like a lot and I really want to use Butcher of the Horde and Goblin Rabblemaster . So now what I have is Mardu She Wrote Warriors.
Anyway here is my thought process, attack and do it with as many creatures as possible. Mardu Ascendancy should thrive in this deck with so many nontoken creatures. So I plan to put a lot of pressure in the early game with smaller creatures like the Chiefs, Blood Champ, and Rabblemaster. Then blow the field wide open with BotH.
Can I get your chops one more time and more assistance with the sideboard since I have gone into aggro token mode?
October 28, 2014 5:33 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #10
Drown in Sorrow could be bile blight. not sure abotu that. but blowing yourself out doesn't seem that good. maybe it's worth it in certain matchups.
October 28, 2014 10:05 p.m.
Internetjay says... #11
This is looking promising!
My first thought is that 4x Butcher might be unnecessary. There are going to be plenty of tokens to feed him, so you'll be able to take full advantage of him once he hits the field -- he'll still be a great card and you won't ever be upset to draw him. BUT. The sacrifice mechanic isn't particularly helpful in this deck, and I think there are other big creatures that would be a better complement to the tokens theme. Just something to think about. A 1-of Zurgo Helmsmasher could do work in this build -- maybe even a 1-of Ankle Shanker , although I'm not a big fan of that card myself. I absolutely recommend Iroas, God of Victory , since it looks like you're going to be doing a lot of attacking. He's a monster with token decks -- all of those attacking 1/1 tokens you get with Rabblemaster and Mardu Ascendancy are now indestructible as they attack, plus much more difficult to block. But I think you've got the ratio of small creatures to big ones right, so it's probably best not to throw off your mana curve and sub out a smaller creature for one of these.
One trade I'd definitely make is Akroan Hoplite for Borderland Marauder , since the Hoplite is basically the same effect but much, much better. Another, if money's not a concern, is Brimaz, King of Oreskos for Mardu Hordechief . Brimaz is just dominant so it's an obvious sub. Plus they're basically the same mana cost, and you'd only wanna run Brimaz as a 2-of, since he's legendary.
Only other suggestion is that Titan's Strength could probably be replaced, I just don't know what to replace it with. It just doesn't seem very strong to me.
Overall though, this build is a lot more focused! I like it.
October 29, 2014 12:26 a.m.
Internetjay says... #12
Waaaaait, nevermind about Titan's Strength , I've been reading that card as +1/+1 this whole time haha. +3/+1 with scry is awesome!
October 29, 2014 3:21 a.m.
Hey, thanks guys. I've actually made the exact changes both of you suggested. Bile Blight > Drown in Sorrow because I will be taking out all my minions if DiS was to resolve.
Akroan Hoplite - He fits this build better bc drawing him early or late game would benefit me. Especially mid-late game when I have my board established with tokens.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos - Was in my last token deck Voice of Kitty King Resurgence :) . I never even thought about him for this deck, thanks for reminding me I still have him Jay! To bad Voice of Resurgence rotated out :(
I am not a fan of Ankle Shanker either. Don't worry bro.
October 29, 2014 10:41 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #14
I would definitely not lower Butcher of the Horde from 4. even if you don't use the sac effects on all of the, 5/4 flier for 4 is nasty good.
October 29, 2014 3:33 p.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #15
I would suggest switching out the Titan's Strength for Lightning Strike . The only this is doesn't do is Scry otherwise it's rather similar for uses. This will remove the body before worring about getting past toughness with your tokens. This will also avoid your 4/2 token getting 2-1 by an opponents Magma Jet . Lighting Strike will also never be a dead draw. There is always targets where as the Titan's Strength is conditional in needing a creature. Really sweet looking deck though.
October 30, 2014 11:30 a.m.
Well let me explain my thought process here about Titan's Strength
Early Game - drop Monastery Swiftspear ping for 1. Turn 2 drop Titan's Strength on swiftspear activating her prowess and pumping her with an additional +3/+1 and scry. That is a -6 life hit only on turn two against any midrange deck.
Midrange-My board is slightly developed with a couple of 1/1s and I begin swinging, granted there is a complete board wipe by my opponent at least 1 of those creatures will hit. Then I drop a Titan's Strength . That is another -4.
Late game - By now I should be swinging for game. Scry is the only thing Im looking for here to help get to the appropriate card to finish the game.
Is that too much ambition? I've had the first scenario actually happen.
October 30, 2014 5:15 p.m.
Nvm Viral I am removing Titan's Strength for 3x Raise the Alarm
October 30, 2014 5:27 p.m.
Dragonmasteroftheworlds says... #20
Just a thought mabey mardu charms.... also see what you think of my mardu deck.
November 14, 2014 11:50 p.m.
Its 3 am so excuse my sentence fragments.
For some reason "Updates" won't let me add a description. Anyway FNM tonight (22 Nov 2014) was great. Most games won were at 2-0. So I am very pleased with this build. Something that needs to be upgraded is Seeker of the Way. When I had him early game he really didn't do much and I learned I do not want to see it late game. So now I am thinking to replace with Hushwing Gryff, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Brimaz, King of Oreskos or more burn/removal spells. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Match 1 (2-0): Abzan Mid-Range - First off the guy I played, I've always had the feeling he did not like me so it felt really great beating him 2-0. His Hornet Queen gave me fits the first game and I thought I was done once it resolved on turn 5. He was down pretty low on life due to me burning him and his pain lands. I managed to drop Sarkhan and Sorin. That allowed me to take those insect hits and I finished him off with a +1 Sarkhan. First game was pretty easy despite see that Hornet Queen so early. The second game was much harder. I sided in Drown in Sorrow, and Chandra, Pyromaster. I expected him to deploy the same strategy and I suspected a Whip of Erebos from him, I be damned if it didn't happen. Somehow he let my Sorin go ultimate, I dropped Drown in Sorrow to clear his 8x insects and controlled the board with Sorin's ultimate and Chandra. I later top decked Lightning Strike str8 to him and Chandra's 0 ability landing me on Crackling Doom to finish him.
Match MVP: Drown in Sorrow, Chandra, Pyromaster
Match 2 (2-0): Boros Aggro - I got burned to hell both games but managed a comeback in both. Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and Sorin, Solemn Visitor saved me on game 1, I then dropped both Lightning Strike and Magma Jet to finish him. I then sided Drown in Sorrow and End Hostilities both worked for me here. I drowned his Monastery Swiftspears then cleared the horde of goblins he made with End Hostilities. I was then able to drop Butcher of the Horde to later raid with Wingmate Roc, then my next turn I drop Sarkhan and swung for all flying lethal.
Match MVP: Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, End Hostilities
Match 3 (0-2): Mono Red Burn/Aggro - Dammit to hell if these burn decks don't give me trouble. I actually felt I should have won the second game though. I made an ill advised move that put me in an awkward position.
Match 4 (2-1): Temur Mid-Range - I felt so confident in this match. I playtested against Temur all day so I knew what to expect. I will give to my opponent, he made it interesting. First game was flawless T:1 mana, T:2 mana, lightning strike his ramp, T:3 mana, Hordeling Outburst, T:4 Butcher of the Horde, T:5 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker then swing to the death. Game 2 not so much. I had a lot of good plays but his counters saved him and he took it. Game 3 I went more control. Chandra, Pyromaster resolved and I went for card advantage for 5 straight turns in the late game. It was epic.
Match MVP: Chandra, Pyromaster
Match 5 (2-0): Mardu Mid-Range - Of course it would be a mirror match for 2nd place. I outlasted him in game 1 and game 2 he got mana screwed so I sent Butcher of the Horde at his face a couple of times.
Match MVP: Drown in Sorrow, Butcher of the Horde
All in all it was great to finish in the top. I actually place 3rd bc the top two decided to call it a draw and split packs (pricks).
I really need help dealing with aggro red, those decks gave me the most fits and Im certain I'll see them again. +1 and suggestions are welcomed.
November 22, 2014 2:54 a.m.
Dragonmasteroftheworlds says... #22
My recomendation for things like red deck wins, Jeskai heroics and other aggro stradegies has to be anger of the gods deals really nicely with everything bothering you.
November 22, 2014 12:43 p.m.
Two things with that Dragonmaster, I don't own Anger and don't want to buy it. Also, I like Drown as my board sweep since I still get scry. Anger of the Gods would be great board sweep for Jeskai since their creatures tend to have 3+ toughness but that is about it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I do have a question, have you seen Tormod's Crypt in play at all? I think it would fare well against Abzan and Jund.
November 22, 2014 1:48 p.m.
Dragonmasteroftheworlds says... #24
No i have not currently seen tormods crypt the only decks its really good against are sultai and green black graveyards. And angers are only 2 or 3 bucks.
November 22, 2014 7:54 p.m.
I just dont get it. What in red aggro and jeskai warrants Anger over Drown other than Mantis Rider
Marinia says... #1
You're packing a lot of instants so wondering is Seeker of the Way would be a good fit while giving you some lifegain to get out of aggro reach.
Other than that the deck seems nice though your Indulgent Tormentor seems a bit fragile. How are your match ups vs Jeskai Aggro or Abzan midrange?
October 26, 2014 8:47 p.m.