
Card: Sisay, weatherlight captain

This is my "pet deck". The Deck i try to keep up to date with each releasing Set to make the Superfriends playstyle viable in my rather competetive Playgroup.

Its been a looong journey until today, but with the Release of Modern Horizons and the introduction of Sisay, Weatherlight Captain the Deck finally can keep up. Even if the Superfriends Theme died down a little and it became more of a 5 Color Good Stuff/Midrange/Combo list. Atleast on the first sight. The Wincon is still mainly focussed around Superfriends, usually to get them out in masses or Ultimate one quickly. Since Superfriends are quite slow, there are a lot of Midrange Cards to prevent enemies strategies from going off before i can start my "Combos". Especially since Sisay, Weatherlight Captain ability allows me to Tutor nearly every Card in the Deck to have an Answer.

▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Gameplan -═══════ι▬▬

First Priority is to survive, not only as a player, but also to keep your Commander alive long enough so you can go off. Usually you dont want to block anything, unless you are sure you can kill the Attacking creature without Sacrificing anything of your own that generates Value for you.

The Second Priority is to get to Mana and Sisay as powerful as possible on the Way to the needed Mana.

The moment you hit and Sisay, Weatherlight Captain on the Battlefield, your game finally can begin. Whenever someone casts a spell, or activates an Ability you dont want to happen, for example, an Urza, Lord High Artificer hits the field and the owner has 5 Mana to Activate the ability, it would be whise to quickly pay your 5 Mana to get out a Lavinia, Azorius Renegade or Linvala, Keeper of Silence to stop the activation from happening. Usually keep the Mana for an activation up to have something for emergency situations like someone tries to Remove your Sisay so you can get out an Archangel Avacyn   or Kira, Great Glass-Spinner to protect your commander or any other important Card on your board. If you get around the table with out the need to Tutor something to save something of you or stop someone else from finishing the game, you can start to work on your own plan. For example, try to get out Selvala, Heart of the Wilds to have enough mana for two activiations your next turn. Whenever you have 2 activations per turn, you can think about finishing the game off. For example, tutor Liliana Vess in your Main Phase, put a Deepglow Skate to the top to draw into it with a planeswalker activation or any other Card Draw effect. With the next two activations you can first find card: Teferi, time reveler to stop your opponents from interacting with you and then get out Liliana, Dreadhorde General to play it into the Deepglow Skate and activate the Ultimate. This usually makes your opponents concede or puts you into a position of a severe Advantage.

This is just one of many lines that can lead to Victory, in a more grindy game, you can always go for Blackblade Reforged to win with Commander Damage.

It is a very versatile and robust Deck which is quite powerful as long as the Commander survives.

▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Cards and their Meaning in the Deck -═══════ι▬▬

  • Lands
Ugh! 31 Lands? Isnt that to little in the deck? Well actually, yes it is. It is way to little usually. But since we run 10-11 Signets for mainly mana fixing and we need to gurantee to have at the same Time we hit 5 Mana, it is extremly important to have a lot of multicolored fast options at our hand. This List seems slow, but so far i could deal with it rather fine.
  • Creatures
Academy Rector

What an Amazing Card to prevent People from attacking you. If they do, they need an Answer to remove whatever you search for. We dont run many Enchantments, but usually Doubling Season is powerful enough to finish the Game if your enemies dont have an immediate response to it. And if they have, you can still play the gamble and tutor out a powerful planeswalker with your Commander before Doubling Season leaves the battlefield again and hope it has enough Loyalty once its your turn again.

Anafenza, the Foremost

WBG for our Sisay power improvements are nice. But her real strength is to boost Sisay whenever we decide to Attack or tap her in another Way and also have a way to deal with Graveyard interactions. Its a powerful early tutor target when you are facing Decks like Meren of Clan Nel Toth .

Archangel Avacyn  

This is a bit of an odd card. I currently consider to remove her but being able to dodge a mass removal is quite the powerful option. The addition that she can wipe the board of small tokens is an additional Benefit.

Atraxa, Praetors' Voice

4 Colors for Sisay is not as important as it seems. To tutor 4 CMC Cards you already need 5 Power on her which means you already have 3 of the colors on the field. But Atraxa has different strengths. She has an amazing tool in Flying and Death Touch to deal with scary attackers, she is not the best response, but she is one and has more often that i would like to admit saved me from certain death. Also, she lead this Deck for years, it would be a shame to kick her out of the Crew.

Gaddock Teeg

It is an overall good Card, the 2 Mana symbols are great for Sisay, the toolkit he has is amazingly useful and overall it is a good card. Not a card i tutor often, but certainly one that has enough Power to stay in the deck.

Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons

A card i would love to Remove. It is slow and the effect is not as helpful as i would hope it to be. But Green and Black in the Mana cost with a total CMC of 2 is to good to pass on, if he sticks around to boost Sisay enough, he can slow down some decks with his effect, but he rarely hits the field in my games.

Judith, the Scourge Diva

The same as Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons if there would be a good replacemant, i would like to cut her. But in Black and Red it is hard to find Legendarys. Her 3 CMC is only accetable since she brings an additional Power for our Sisay.

Kambal, Consul of Allocation

A lovely card to play early on to drain some of the opponents to help with out extremly painful Manabase, and a nice tutor Target against long combo decks that only start to Deal Damage in the later steps of the Combo.

Lavinia, Azorius Renegade

She was mentioned earlyer in the Text already, but there are so many "cast for free" effects that she is the perfect tutor target for it. Also, since there is so much ramp artifacts in EDH that her other effect also is quite useful against fast Decks, especially colorless/eldrazi decks that quickly ramp to high CMC Creatures.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence

Deactivate Abilites. Great for a mirror Match, even greater against some decks that quickly get out of hand like Rhys the Redeemed or Marrow-Gnawer or even the Urza, Lord High Artificer mentioned earlyer. This one card can stop a few Combos on the field at once which is more than helpful for a slow deck.

Melira, Sylvok Outcast

I did not want to Include her, but there showed up an Infect Deck in my Playgroup. It holds him in check for a turn or two, usually enough for the others to handle these disgusting Infect creatures. When there is no Infect Deck around, she is mostly a dead card, with only 1 Mana type she does not help Sisay much, but she can be a nice emergency tutor if someone tries to kill our Commander with -1/-1 Counters.

Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker

This is one of the most powerful cards in the deck, i rarely tutor. But it is quite nice when a deck starts to burn you down with small Numbers inflicted by creatures like Purphoros, God of the Forge .

Pramikon, Sky Rampart

I love this Card. Its the best card we got with Commander2019. Not only helps us to get to our 5 Different Mana Symbols to tutor the big bombs, it also protects our whole board and shrinks down the number of attackers from three to one. It also helps you to put the Aggro player against the deck you have a hard time to deal with. Overall, i love this card!

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

It gives us Mana, it is legendary. We can tutor it if we have at the end of a turn to instantly give us enough Mana to activate our Commander a second time or to cast expensive things from our Hand.

Shalai, Voice of Plenty

Hexproof to all our Creatures and Planeswalkers? Yes please. The 6 Mana effect is not as useful in the Deck, but it is a nice addition i dont want to miss anymore.

Thada Adel, Acquisitor

This is a bit of an odd card. It is quite bad in the Deck, we rarely tutor it but if we draw into it early, its a nice drop to steal some very important Artifacts from our Opponents. Starting with the all so well known Sol Ring or even Artifacts that build up the opponents win con like Aetherflux Reservoir .

Venser, Shaper Savant

This is the last resort if you have no other options to handle a thread or a spell. Just bounce it back to the opponents hand. Yes, it is not the best form of Removal, but it is instant and we can find it with our Commander. This certainly is a card i would love to Swap out if there is another option.

  • Artifacts
Blackblade Reforged

A Card to boost Sisay alone to a powerlevel where we can find anything and to make her a Thread alone on the board plus it is Legendary so we can find it. I think Blackblade Reforged is one of the most powerful Cards in combination with Sisay.

Ensnaring Bridge

If you took a closer look at the Decklist by now, you will probably found out that this deck is lacking card draw. So far, in all my test games, my hand was rather empty most of the time, making Ensnaring Bridge a nice tool to handle attacking Creatures.

Rings of Brighthearth

Double the Sisay effect for 2 Mana? Yes please. Double a Planeswalker activation for 2 Mana aswell? Yes please!

There is not much to say about Rings of Brighthearth expect its just amazingly good in the Deck - if you draw into it.

Ugin's Nexus

It is Legendary. It does not help us to fuel Sisay further, but it stops people from taking Extra Turns. Especially nice if you tutor it in Response to someone playing the extra turn spell. Its a nice addition that you get an extra turn when it gets removed.

  • Planeswalkers
Ajani Steadfast

All abilites of this Planeswalker are relevant for the deck. Boosting Sisay temporarly or permanently is nice. His ulti is the best tool against Voltron strategies aswell

Ashiok, Dream Render

Blocking the Enemies from tutoring out their wincons in a more competetive Table is quite amazing. Exiling all Graveyards is just an additional Bonus.

Dack Fayden

Another Odd card in the deck. Usually just there to filter out lands if you draw to many, which rarly happens, or to get control of an artifact that is about to kill you or to fix your mana. His ultimate is not worth mentioning since we dont run enough spells for it to be relevant.

Domri, Anarch of Bolas

a 3 Mana card which boosts our Sisay by up to 3 Power is always nice. The ability to stop enemies from countering our Spells, in case we need to Hardcast something, Mostly Deepglow Skate , is also nice. But the best ability of his is the possibility to Remove a support card of our enemies. Since our Sisay usually is quite big she overshadows most Cards on the board and can deal with them easylie.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Nice for the Tokens in case we need something to Block, nice to give Sisay +3 Power in case we lack power for the tutoring effect and also super nice to make all our Permanents Indestructible (well outside of planeswalkers). Giving Sisay Flying also helps with the Commander Damage win approach.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion

I think i have never tutored her out since her biggest strength are just the 3 Tokens she brings with her. The Emblem is nice, the boardwipe is ok-ish aswell, but it sadly kills our Sisay more often than not.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets

Bounce a creature. Its a nice effect for Voltron or Hydra strategies. Drawing a Card is something we sometimes need in the Deck, filtering the top card is nice in addition. But the real power is in the Ultimate. Yes it is rare and if we can chose to play only one ultimate in the entire deck, the slot usually goes to Liliana, Dreadhorde General but it is stil something nice to have. Maybe he will be one of the many cards that i will cut. Hopefully we get a good replacement in Throne of Eldraine.

Liliana Vess

Tutor a card from the Deck to the top of the library. It is just a tutor for our Deepglow Skate to bring it to the top so we can cast it later. The rest of her abilities are just "nice to have".

Liliana, Dreadhorde General

What a wonderful card. To draw a card whenever a creature on our side dies is a nice feat. To generate 2/2 Creatures also helps from time to time, even if we just use them to run into Walls to get them killed for the card draw. Her Real power is within the two Minus abilities. The first one is another important tool against Voltron strategies, even if we have to Sacrifice something we own aswell. We atleast can draw a card for it. And her ultimate is the ultimate Game ender. As mentioned before, if we can chose to use one Ultimate, it would be Lilianas to end the game.

Narset Transcendent

It is a 4 CMC Thread your opponents have to deal with early. If they cant, you will have an Emblem that is powerful enough to win you the game. I added her after facing a lot of Enchantment Strategies and this card shuts them down quite well.

Narset, Parter of Veils

"You cant draw more than one card each turn". Thats all she is there for, and it is amazingly powerful to get her out in response to an Enter the Infinite or other heavy draw spell.

Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God

He can Copy loyalty abilites, in case we need an additional copy of one. But his own abilities are all quite well. To force the enemy to discard while we Draw just generates Value, destroying a target creature is also more than welcome in a deck that lacks removal. And the Ultimate can finish a game on the spot.

Ral Zarek

Untap Selvala, Heart of the Wilds have an activation for free. Destroy one Target with 3 toughness or less and take up to 5 Extra turns? He is good overall.

Tamiyo, Field Researcher + Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

Both Emblems are a powerhouse. The ability to tap down certain key cards of the opponent and draw off of them is a nice addition to the toolkit. Both are Ok, Tamiyo, Field Researcher also helps to fuel Sisay with her 3 Color Symbols.

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

Untap 2 Lands is nice for another activation of our Commanders ability, while putting down Cards of our opponents is also quite nice to stop their combos from happening before we are ready. The Ultimate is nice, but since we dont have that much card draw, its more or less something for a Game that became very grindy, where our initial plans all failed.

Teferi, Temporal Archmage

Draw a Card is always nice, Untap 4 Permanents usually gives you another activation of Sisay which is even better and the Ultimate allows us to play some weird, wonky and stupid interactions with the Planeswalkers in the turns of our enemies. It rarely happens, but when it happens, its quite fun and finishes the game fast.

Teferi, Time Raveler

He is amazing to protect you when you need to start a Combo to finish the game since noone can interact with spells . His +1 is not important for the Deck, but against unknowing opponents it scares them just a little which is nice. The usefulness of a bounce effect i explained a lot before already, he draws an additional card to it which is alos nice.

Wrenn and Six

His emblem is not important again, his -1 also rarely is really something we want. But since our Manabase is quite small with only 31 Lands and 10 of these lands are Fetchlands there is a good chance we see atleast one of them and can enusre to get the Fatchland back with each and every turn to find another land in our deck. And since he is only CMC2 with 2 Color symbols he boosts Sisay nicely and is easy to tutor early.

▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Problems & Additions -═══════ι▬▬

The Deck isnt Perfect, by no means. The list currently even has to many cards, and i havent found a place for Kira, Great Glass-Spinner . I tried hard to build a deck that still sticks to the Superfriends theme but also can keep up with a meta that more and more leans into the competetive direction. I dont want to play a mindless Turn1/Turn2 Combo deck, i would much rather stick to the Deck i build years ago and improve it. So far, my playgroup fears the Deck still and think its overpowered, but it wont take long until they figured out ways to Deal with it. So i decided to ask for help. I tried to polish the list, make it look good for the Eyes, explain my toughts behind the important cards and decisions i made in the last couple of Years and Months building this deck.

I hope i could spark some interest or creativity in your own to build a Deck with the ideas i handed out. I would be glad to see ideas to improve the decks, maybe there are Cards i just havent looked at yet to make this deck even better.


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Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Lets start with Avacyn, the best Angel ever made. With her CMC of 8 its hard to cast her, and even harder to Tutor her with the help of Sisay. It is not impossible, but very unlikely to have the needed Powerlevel to get her out in a response to a mass Removal. Archangel Avacyn  Flip Fullfills the same job, but she is not the perfect Solution i tought she would be. I lost a game because of Boompile not working as i hoped it would and the Archangel version only protects for one turn, so if the flip does not succeed, i wasted my option to survive a mass removal.

I am open to hear suggestions if i can run Avacyn, Angel of Hope or if i should stick with Archangel Avacyn  Flip and accept my defeat to a boompile.

The Second card to consider is: Sigarda, Host of Herons i am facing more and more forced Sacrifices on my end and she seems to be the best answer to sacrifice effects. Sadly, i have no clue what to remove from the Deck to make space for her, but i am quite sure i do want to add her into the mix.


Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Elk 3/3 G, Emblem Ajani Steadfast, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Emblem Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Emblem Wrenn and Six, Food, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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