miracleHat says... #2
@RedSoxFanKy, the problem with Go for the Throat is that it is useless against tron and affinity. That being said, a split of Go for the Throat and something else seems like a good idea.
June 16, 2014 2:18 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #4
In the past i have noticed that Dismember falls short when I need it to remove a large threat without losing mine, i.e. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
As RedSoxFanKy stated, Go for the Throat is useless against affinity and Tron, which are more prevalent in my meta.
Victim of Night might be a good option actually, but I don't like having to potentially NEED BB on turn two, even though is is very easy for it to be an option.
June 16, 2014 4:02 p.m.
If you want to play tempo Maelstrom Pulse is far too slow. Tapping out for sorcery speed removal makes your creatures vulnerable.Instead take a look at Dismember or bounce effects like Repeal
Your curve is actually low enough to support Dark Confidant - you might give it a shot.
June 17, 2014 2:16 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #6
I would love to give bob a shot, but don't really have the funds or trade, because it went to during up the land base. From past experiences Dismember falls short when I really need it to flat out remove something. Maelstrom Pulse while 3 Mana and sorcery speed, is rarely played turn three, but it is usually removing a decent amount of creatures/permanents when it is a T3 play.
June 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.
I'd recommend adding a couple Tombstalker s to the list if your not gonna use Bob. He's a great tempo card in these colors when you don't have to worry about drawing him with Bob.
June 18, 2014 7:08 p.m.
Though Tombstalker might heavily desynergize with Scavenging Ooze and especially Snapcaster Mage .
June 19, 2014 3:52 a.m.
How does Dismember fall short in killing something? What's bigger than a 5/5 aside from the oddball Primeval Titan and a late-game Goyf?
If it's Walkers you're worried about, that's why you have Abrupt Decay and countermagic.
June 21, 2014 1:48 p.m.
SaumusThe3rd says... #11
Have you considered Voidslime ? Its pretty much Stifle stapled onto a counter. I think it would work well in this deck.
June 28, 2014 12:57 a.m.
I will say this, you need 4x Dark Confidant and 4x Tarmogoyf . Tarm will win you games if not answered, and has card advantage. Bob provides card advantage a turn earlier than Phyrexian Arena . Also look at 4x Snapcaster Mage and 4x Remand , this is a tempo deck and replaying spells helps a ton.
I toyed around with the deck for a little by looking at winning MTGO UBx decks, here's what I threw together.
June 30, 2014 12:09 p.m.
I like the idea of tempo delver in BUG, but I see some problems here. Firstly, you aren't running enough instants and sorceries to consistently flip your Delver of Secrets Flip . You should up that number, maybe taking out your Phyrexian Arena and Scavenging Ooze for a few more Tarmogoyf and Remand and Abrupt Decay . Scavenging Ooze , while obviously a very powerful card, is more useful in a reactive deck style. Here, you want most of your creatures focused on the beatdown. Perhaps 2x Liliana of the Veil would be decent here to help with the late game and give you some staying power. Personally, I've found that Spell Snare has enough targets to be played maindeck, so you might want to try that out. I love the deck, keep it up and don't give up because of your losses!
July 2, 2014 3:49 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #14
Surprisingly I am able to flip delver 8/10 times I play it turn one. In the process of obtaining some Liliana of the Veil
My biggest problem during the PTQ was a lack of total threats. I don't really have a bad matchup against most of the format, but there aren't many good matchups i have right now, mainly due to the fact I don't have the density to keep pressure applied all the time.
My end goal for this deck is a very Jund -like setup, but with blue instead of red, and most Jund lists have about 16 total threats (creatures, lands, or walkers) where as I currently only have 13. Getting this deck to that density is going to be key.
July 2, 2014 4 a.m.
PlattBonnay says... #15
First, if you can afford it, swap the 2 Phyrexian Arena for 2 Dark Confidant . Second, I suggest dropping a Scavenging Ooze and 2 lands for 3 Gitaxian Probe . 22 lands is a lot in a delver list, usually they run around 20 (I personally run 18). Also, is Doom Blade really your best option for creature removal?
July 4, 2014 8:52 p.m.
Shadow of Doubt can make enemy fetch lands absolutely useless, as well as stopping Birthing Pod s as well. At its worst, its an instant speed two mana draw a card.And how well does Disciple of Deceit work in this deck? I never got too interested in the card. I might even take some Spell Snare s or Rune Snag s over them.Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver might be a good sub-in against both weenie decks and grave-play decks, taking enemy creatures for your own and being a generally durable planeswalker in general.
July 10, 2014 2:10 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #17
In the limited testing I have done, it works well as long as i have a hand. It blocks well early, and can get me the card i need when i attack with it. I think that it may be one of those cards that does not get immediately bolted or pathed when it comes out, because a lot of people don't really respect it or see it as a threat initially.
July 10, 2014 2:16 a.m.
Lordofevolution says... #18
Dang it now I have to change the name of my wet rock lol btw have you seen the Polluted Delta reprint? It should help ya out
September 8, 2014 5:25 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #19
Polluted Delta doesn't do too terribly much unless I need the off color of the other two fetches, which is rare in this deck.
September 9, 2014 2:45 a.m.
I like this deck a lot, I actually just put together a similar list a couple days ago. Snapcaster Rock
I ran 2x maelstrom pulse in rock for a long time, but recently decided that 1x pulse and 1x putrefy was better, because it can still hits most of the threats you would use pulse on, but it is instant speed. Probably keep the other pulse in SB though.
maybe drop 1x victim of night for 1x Small Pox as well, pox can change games. it does a lot more than victim of night for the same cost.
I agree with zerowner about Shadow of Doubt , that card can be crippling in SO many match ups.
September 9, 2014 12:52 p.m.
go to at least 2 creeping tar pits if not 3. take out tarm if you cruise.
October 28, 2014 11:44 p.m.
suppose here's the justification. one-of man-land it's very helpful, if they wrath and control you always want this optoin more than just once. Cruise I know you can be picky what you discard but do you want the chance that you turn a 200 dollar tarm into a 0/1 just so you can have 3 cards?
October 28, 2014 11:46 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #23
@diatryma the price of tarmogoyf isn't a really good argument for why he shouldn't be playing Cruise... That being said, Harmonize is an option if that is an issue. Also, I think Victim of Night might be a little rough on the mana in a 3 color deck, you could try Dismember in that spot. You could also try Vendilion Clique if you are having troubles getting your Goyfs/Snaps to synergize with treasure cruise and you really think that it's worth running. Just spitballing ideas =)
What was your logic behind Feast and Famine? Is it just to make it easier to not tap out or is there a good reason to run it in your meta?
October 29, 2014 6:50 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #24
More often than not Goyf isn't a huge issue with Cruise, as it is a 2-of. I am actually thinking of making my Tar Pit an Urborg to help with the mass of spells that I have in here. When the deck got to the choice for the one open spot I had, I didn't have the money for a third Tarmogoyf and the meta i run in plays a lot of Jund and Pod, so if i resolve an equip of the Sword 90% of the time it takes the game away from the opponent.
October 29, 2014 9:18 p.m.
I'll be honest, this deck won't be Tier 1 for a while at best. The deck needs to have some place in the metagame, win major tournaments, and be played by many different people. Good luck though. :/
tooTimid says... #1
Even Disfigure or Go for the Throat seem better than Doom Blade , but it's really meta dependent.
June 16, 2014 2:11 p.m.