miracleHat says... #2
I don't remember this deck much (or how i'm subscribed), but i wonder about Dispel over Swan Song . Is there a specific reason over the 2/2 bird getting in the way?
October 30, 2014 1:22 a.m.
actually Sultai Midrange decks like this are starting to take top 8s at many IQs, so that's cool.
October 30, 2014 3:23 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #4
For the Dispel over Swan Song I can nuke the enchantments with what I have Main and Side board as it is, I also would prefer to not trade Delver for a bird. It all comes down to preference really, and I apparently don't have any more Swan Song
October 30, 2014 3:26 a.m.
I have never seen a single BUG deck top 8 in the last two months of modern. I just checked mtgtop8 as well and that agrees with assertion. The reason is that Jund is just better. Dark Confidant gives you all the card advantage you'll ever need and Anger of the Gods kills all those annoying white weenie decks like soul sisters, kills delver, kills hatebears etc etc.
However, this is a fantastic deck. Treasure Cruise is a great card and is more than a competitor to Dark Confidant . I would question the fact that you have 6 draw spells? You could think about replacing Serum Visions with something like Repeal perhaps. My view is that Treasure Cruise is such a fantastic card that perhaps visions isn't necessary. With 23 instants and sorceries you shouldn't have too much trouble flipping delver either.
Having said that my personal view is to go -4 delver, +1 liliana, +1 land, and then +2 Batterskull . The reason I mention Batterskull is because as a vigilant lifelinker he helps you regardless of whether you're ahead or behind, (Delver of Secrets Flip doesn't help if you're behind so much), he's hard to remove because he can be bounced back to hand, and he's just a massive win condition. A late game top decked delver is awful, a late game top decked Batterskull is fantastic. I really don't see delver doing much work in attrition decks. At 5 mana you can easily, easily reach him with the amount of Remand s and other disruption spells you have in here.
October 30, 2014 9:14 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #6
I have thought about Batterskull before and never could figure out the best way to use it in this deck. Delver usually ends up as a Lightning Bolt before it is removed/Trades with another creature.
October 30, 2014 2:18 p.m.
since you have black and green have you considered Punishment over ratchet bomb for side?
October 30, 2014 2:32 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #9
Ratchet Bomb is for the token decks that float around in my meta on a regular basis, and U/R Delver. Set it to 0 for Pyromancer tokens and flipped Delvers, and 2 for Pyromancer and Snaps. Mostly just tokens though.
October 30, 2014 2:43 p.m.
Illness in the Ranks does a better job against twin and tokens.
October 30, 2014 2:59 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #12
ChiefBell, what about two Wurmcoil Engine a Lili and an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
November 7, 2014 4:37 p.m.
Oh I see what you meant.
6 mana is a ton in modern. I'm afraid of running such a large creature. You draw that early in the game and it's a complete waste of time. Also it doesn't have vigilance so it's not as good at gaining you life quickly.
The meta is very aggro orientated. VERY aggro orientated. So much so that I'd be tempted to even run 2 Courser of Kruphix. Massive ass, occasional card draw and lifegain for 3 mana is great.
November 7, 2014 4:43 p.m.
btw, ratchet bomb/punishment ends twin, bogles, and any token deck. it also destroys hexproof other things such as sylvan caryatid for the ascendency combo.
November 7, 2014 6:19 p.m.
Mainboard Suggestions -
-2 Sultai Charm
+3 Pack Rat
+1 Dismember
+2 Mana Leak
Throughout my play testing group not a single person has been happy with 4 Goyfs and 3-4 Cruises in the same list. Same goes for Snapcaster, I'd personally cut him back to a singleton. Pack Rat is a bomb after playing the attrition game and fuels Cruise/Goyf.
November 11, 2014 9:05 p.m.
How has the anti-synergy between Tarmogoyf/Snapcaster Mage and Treasure Cruise been working? I know some players have been splashing both for Cruise and Siege Rhino. Might be going too deep, but it's an idea, lol. Victim of the night might be a little hard on your manabase. Maybe Mana Leak would be a good addition. Hope this helps!
November 13, 2014 9:06 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #18
It usually isn't a problem, I have used Snapcaster Mage to flashback Treasure Cruise several times
November 13, 2014 11:04 p.m.
Why two Batterskulls? One does the job since it's difficult to get rid of as is. Is drawing it really so important? You could try taking one out for another land since it does cost 5 mana. Most Rock decks I see run 24-26 lands.
December 9, 2014 1:25 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #20
Thoughtseize insurance. It is the only spell that will be cast for more than three mana on a regular basis. I can stall many games long enough to get o the 5 mana necessary to get Batterskull down and close the game from there.
December 9, 2014 2:22 a.m.
How's the deck performing? What are you losing against? How's the mana base? How's the card draw? Can I get a run down of your thoughts based on performance?
December 12, 2014 2:03 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #22
The worst matchup by far for me is R/G Tron other than that my other match ups are pretty decent. Delver I just need to be more efficient until I stick Lili or Goyf. U/W/R Control is a long grindy matchup that comes down to who got the better card advantage faster. Affinity I have very few problems with and my G2&3 are much better after board.
Card draw is right were it needs to be. The Treasure Cruises are much better than Phyrexian Arena was.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth has made things much easier than I thought it would. I very rarely have color issues with the six fetches.
All in all I fell like the deck is almost as strong as Jund was last year, while still being able to keep up with the aggro decks that are rising in popularity right now.
December 12, 2014 2:36 p.m.
What would you think of sideboarding something like Drown in Sorrow to firm up that delver matchup?
December 12, 2014 3:38 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #25
I feel the Fulminator Mages in the board fill the same role as the Tectonic Edges would fill with out making my mana worse than it is now. Drown is a definite possibility to lock Delver strategies out, I'm just not sure what to drop to put Drowns in.
blackmarker90 says... #1
I know it won't be considered T1 until I (or a similar list) take it to a top 16+ finish at a GP or PT, but I am trying to do that myself and it has taken a great deal of effort and serious beatings to get where it is today.
October 29, 2014 11:32 p.m.