Touched by a Lich Lord: 1 Shot Kill Combo

Modern* Sagarys

SCORE: 400 | 197 COMMENTS | 55886 VIEWS | IN 297 FOLDERS

Sagarys says... #1

I'd have a hard time calling this deck Tier 1/2 competitive. It can definitely throw down against those decks and succeed, but it probably isn't consistent enough to compete at a high level. If anything, I'd call it low Tier 2. Maybe with an optimized sideboard it could be more competitive. But honestly, if you want to keep it cheap and be able to take on T1 decks, I suggest looking into something like my Boros heroic aggro deck, Win Hard: Or Die Trying (Akroan Style). It's capable of winning extremely quickly against a wide variety of highly competitive decks.

June 10, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Nitrobeam146 says... #2

Its good Sagarys but I prefer midrange to control decks. Could you make or suggest a deck in those categories? Thanks

June 10, 2015 7:03 p.m.

Sagarys says... #3

Selesnya midrange is a pretty solid deck. I don't have an example though. I hate control, so I don't know anything about those.

June 10, 2015 7:07 p.m.

Nitrobeam146 says... #4

Thanks Sagarys. Would this deck have a high chance of winning against tier 3 decks? after reviewing future events I have noticed that I won't be attending much competitve events so it will be mainly friendly matches. Will this do ok in FMN events?

June 11, 2015 10:43 p.m.

Sagarys says... #5

Yes, it will hold up in that environment.

June 11, 2015 11:26 p.m.

Nitrobeam146 says... #6

Thanks Sagarys

June 12, 2015 2:49 a.m.

Typoe77 says... #7

Awesome deck. Just ordered cards to make a variation. Good job!

June 16, 2015 3:33 p.m.

Sagarys says... #8

Glad you like it! Enjoy!

June 17, 2015 9:10 p.m.

907phringe says... #9

I very much enjoy this build, thank you for introducing me and building my first Golgari deck, +1

July 7, 2015 1:15 a.m.

Crayak13 says... #10

Hello there! I'm a huge fan of your decks and this one in paticular, I own it in fact and it is my main deck, but I wanted to ask your opinion on Graveblade Marauder. Do you think it could replace the Kessig Cagebreakers' or would it going unblocked be too rare and make it unusuable?

July 23, 2015 11:43 a.m.

Sagarys says... #11

I think it'd be an OK replacement. The Cagebreaker is a serious win condition when it's actually able to hit the field, but truthfully, most games it just ends up getting dumped for Lotleth Troll and graveyard fodder. I feel like Graveblade Marauder would serve a similar function - SUPER useful when it's actually able to be used, but generally just tossed in favor of something that feeds off the yard. I do like things with deathtouch though when Bonehoard or Nighthowler are around. Forcing someone to block with guaranteed death or eat big chunks of damage can be good leverage in certain cases. But overall, I'd call that the weakest slot in the deck with either creature. I haven't been able to find a good replacement.

July 23, 2015 1:28 p.m. Edited.

Codex-88 says... #12

If I can offer my opinion after playing this deck with my casual group, I am thinking of dropping 2 Stinkweed Imp for 2 more Kessig Cagebreakers simply because if need be, I can dredge back an imp for some deathtouch defense. I rarely see the cagebreakers but when I do, it's won me games with the most devastating effect. Still haven't gotten the Jarad nuke off yet, but I'm sure when I do it will be pure joy! I'm still getting used to the whole draw-or-dredge strategy, but the more I play it, the more I am seeing the combos.

August 3, 2015 11:51 a.m.

Codex-88 says... #13

Forgot to mention above, I attached a Bonehoard to the Cagebreaker just before swarming with 7 wolves for a quick game. Fun stuff!

August 3, 2015 11:56 a.m.

Sagarys says... #14

Yeah the Cagebreakers are pretty much an instant win if you can untap one. It's really hard to contend with it, 10 wolves, and whatever else you might have out. It's not a very consistent win condition, but it's a very strong one. The Jarad nuke is fun every time you pull it off, but it's just one tool in a deep toolbox. It's also fun of you can't the massive nuke off to keep mini-nuking with something dredge able. You're right though, the real key to this deck is mastering the draw and dredge balance. Once you get it down, it's a lot more effective. It's not uncommon for a game to be won or lost by one wrong decision.

August 3, 2015 5:05 p.m.

TacoFactory says... #15

What a cool deck! Looking at this one made me go get inspiration from a couple of others to make a budget version. The dredge mechanic is one of my new favorites and playtesting it was awesome.

If you don't mind giving me some feedback on mine I would really appreciate it.

Dredge & Destroy Playtest

Modern* TacoFactory


August 13, 2015 5:12 p.m.

luizrates says... #16

awesome deck! have you considered Grave Strength to make it more aggressive? you can either pump one of your imps or even the satyr.

August 13, 2015 10:04 p.m.

luke1 says... #17

Not sure where the mill part is. Note that mill and self-mill are not the same thing. Maybe you can consider changing tags.

August 17, 2015 6:20 a.m.

darkxstrike says... #18

Dear Sagarys, why limit the library to 60 cards? Since many creatures gain strenght from dead creatures why not simply add more creatures with dredge? Instead of replace Cagebreakers or some other creature, wouldn't be better just add (for example) x4 Golgari Thug?

PS: Pardon me my english

August 29, 2015 10:23 a.m.

darkxstrike says... #19

Also, i've been thinking how about adding x3 Traitor's Clutch ? It would almost assure a direct hit with just .

September 7, 2015 1:01 p.m.

FlashBash21 says... #20

This deck looks awesome! I may buy this and play it at my local FNM. I'm trying to get back into magic.

September 22, 2015 5:12 p.m.

Arleaf says... #21

Hi Sagarys, excelent deck! What do you think about Shambling Shell in this deck? Would be nice or there are better creatures?

September 23, 2015 7:08 p.m.

budlaorf says... #22

Love the deck but have you ever considered adding in Sewer Nemesis? He's not too expensive, and by choosing yourself as the player he will both grow bigger the whole game in multi-player and help you mill yourself outside of dredge.

September 23, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Nitrobeam146 says... #23

Sagarys I was wondering if this deck might go up in price in lets say 5-10 years,(Dunno if magic is going to last that long) I want to make this deck but currently don't have the approval from my guardians as I have spent a lot on magic already.... So I was wondering in 5-10 years time would this deck have gone up significantly in price. Maybe a 10 dollar jump per card for example. Sorry if the sentence structure was poor

October 9, 2015 3:49 a.m.

TacoFactory says... #24


It's hard to predict what trends will become popular and therefore expensive 5-10 years down the line because a LOT of sets will come out in the mean time. This archetype isn't hugely popular (though it is one the most fun in my opinion) at this time. That doesn't mean cards won't come out in the future that take this idea and bring it into the realm of competitive play. If that happens then, yes, the price of this deck could go up. If that doesn't then it might not. Some of the cards might go up in price because of collectability in 5-10 years but again, its hard to say which ones will be most impacted by this except to say that mythic rares and rares will be more valuable than commons.

October 9, 2015 11:34 a.m.

Weler says... #25

Playing this deck is awesome, but I have trouble getting started with putting cards in the yard. Especially with Satyr Wayfinder and Lotleth Troll being the really only ways to get the whole shebang started. Was wondering your opinion on Altar's Reap as an inclusion, so if you happen to play a dredge creature with a stable board, simply sac it, then dredge immediately. Again, new to the archetype, and love playing this version of it.

October 15, 2015 11:47 p.m.

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