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The Worst Deck *Primer* (a.k.a. Fair Hogaak)

Modern Competitive Discard Dredge GWUB Primer Theme/Gimmick



Sorcery (4)

Enchantment (2)

Creature (2)

Artifact (1)


One with Nothing . Second most powerful card in the game behind the legendary Storm Crow . In all seriousness though, this could be a viable deck. There is a lot of synergy, and One with Nothing actually provides something that many other options cannot. I’m not saying this is going to start top-8ing GPs or anything, but it’s a start.

2019 edit: Hogaak just made this deck WAY more powerful. The main problem it had before was that it had no choice but to go wide, with a ton of 1 and 2 power creatures. Now with hogaak that doesn't matter.


One with Nothing : “It was good in an extremely specific meta, but it’s a bad, unplayable, trap of a card.” The original use of this card was to beat Owlmine on the pro tour a while ago, and even then it was still hailed as “the worst card printed ever, even Including Great Wall ”. However, i noticed that legacy dredge essentially plays this card in Putrid Imp , and also that modern has a lot of graveyard shenanigans. Therefore, I tried to make the worst deck ever out of the worst card ever printed.


This is a Dimir dredge deck with a single splash for Lingering Souls . The essential idea behind this is that a lot of decks turbo-discard for value, so what’s more valuable than discarding your entire hand at instant speed for one mana? With (almost) everything in the list being recursive and playable from the yard, who cares if you have to pitch everything? This essentially plays like a dredge deck, except it goes more swarm than power. In a longer game, you should end up with 8-12 creatures that all have between one and three power. This makes you better against decks with lots of spot removal, like jund, but worse against control-ey decks that can mitigate the number of creatures you spam out. This is NOT meant to be a super good deck. It’s meant to be a fun deck that legitimately utilizes one of the worst cards ever printed. If your comment is just “get rid of OwN and make a normal dredge deck”, you’re missing he point.

Again, now Hogaak is in the deck, so we don't have to worry as much about having a board presence.

1: Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis is the newest addition to the deck, providing an ample threat to make up for the lackluster power of the rest of the creatures. He is extremely easy to cast, since we spam out creatures to convoke.

2: Thought Scour lets us fill the yard and trigger dredge, letting us pull off some cool stuff to be discussed later.

3: Opt is the backup cantrip for when we need to dig for something specific, and the extra draw lets us dredge at instant speed during the opponent’s turn.

4: Collective Brutality does everything that a normal discard spell could do, except we can also kill creatures. This is the backup discard outlet.

5: Lingering Souls a threat in our hand and yard, which OWN essentially just decreases the mana cost of. Since we need to be able to do ***t with our yard, this is a vital inclusion in the deck. Furthermore, this essentially lets us use mana to cast hogaak, since we pay two for two spirits, and then tap those spirits to convoke.

5: Fatal Push / Dismember are some of the best removal spells in modern, getting rid of the stuff that Darkblast can’t touch.

7: Darkblast is good for for those pesky human decks, and the dredge means we can probably use it more than once in a turn.

8: Bloodghast the go-to beater, which is the easiest to grab back after OWN. If you have 3-4 of them in hand with OWN, they essentially turn into dredge’s version of the Burning-Tree Emissary chain.

9: Prized Amalgam is a decent card, which comes back if we trigger Bloodghast or hogaak.

10: Stinkweed Imp / Golgari Thug are the main dredgers, which help with the synergies and combos as well as stocking the yard with threats. Also, stinkweed imp has the same power/toughness and flying that Storm Crow has, and that can’t be a coincidence.

1: Dismember / Fatal Push / Damnation is the standard removal package for

This deck has a surprisingly large amount of decent synergies and some combo-ish shenanigans. The main synergy piece is thought scour, but there are other combos as well.

1: One with Nothing + Dakmor Salvage + any amount of Bloodghast . T1 ditch the hand, T2 even if you don’t draw a land you can dredge back dakmor salvage and play it to get all of your Bloodghasts back. The ideal hand has four BG, OWN, Dakmore salvage, and a swamp, which gets you four 2/1 bears turn 2. Prized Amalgam can be a stand in for BG as long as you have one BG in the ditch pile.

2: Thought Scour + dredger. Fill the yard and dredge off of TC draw to fill it more.

3: Thought Scour + Dredger in top of library. This lets you mill the dredger into the yard then dredge it to your hand with TS draw.

4: Bloodghast / Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis + Prized Amalgam . This is the main way you want to flood the board.

5: Thought Scour + One with Nothing . cast OWN at instant speed in response to TS. This lets you ditch the hand and then mill/draw off of TS. This comes in handy with dredgers, since you can pitch the dredgers to OwN, then use the draw off of TS to dredge them back.

1: Very resilient to boardwipes and stuff like that. Literally everything you play can be brought back in some way of the opponent plays something like Pyroclasm . The one problem is Anger of the Gods , so you’d better hope they’re playing Slagstorm .

2: Surprisingly fun when it works. Cheating out eleven power on the board by T2 is always fun, even if it isn’t very likely. Especially with the addition of hogaak, even if you don't top 8 any GP's, you will still hold your own in many matchups.

3: Has enough room for interaction that it can stall off unfair decks, but also not too much interaction that it gets in the way of the combo. In fact, having cards that aren't part of the graveyard shenanigans make easy to choose targets for hogaak's delve. I used to play a tasigur deck, and I would spend way too long agonizing over which cards to delve away because they all mattered.

4: It's a fair deck. You don't hear those words very often in modern anymore. Most decks are linear, boring to pilot and play against, and just plain unfair. Take hogaak dredgevine for instance. No one wants to sit there and wait for the dredge player to figure out that they can, in fact, easily mill your entire deck on turn four. This deck, on the other hand, has weaknesses that aren't solely predetermined and based on which deck you are facing. Instead, this deck is finicky, hard to play, and not so broken that it makes people call for hogaak to be banned.

1: Search for Azcanta   would be great to increase the consistency of the draw after play OWN, especially after you get the threshold trigger. I have not included it because there are better things to do on T2 and I’m not sure what I would cut for it.

2: Gifts Ungiven would be ridiculous in this deck. The only reason I haven’t included it is because of the mana cost. This isn’t a Control deck, and we most likely wouldn’t be able to stall an Aggro deck until T4 when we can play gifts.

3: Counterspells ( Remand , Mana Leak ) have not been included because this is not a reaction based deck. We want to do stuff on our turn, not hold up mana for the opponent’s spells, but I realize that 1-2 remand could be very useful, especially with the extra draw for dredging.

4: Ensnaring Bridge could be viable. OWN turns it on automatically, shutting down the board. The problem is that we don’t have a way to win without creatures, meaning we would have to win with 1/1 lingering souls creatures (our draw step means we have one card in hand when we move to attacks).

5: Dark Withering and Call to the Netherworld could be pretty decent with OWN shenanigans, but without OWN, they don’t do much. However, I am considering adding Call to the Netherworld along with Street Wraith in an alternate build which would allow you to discard your hand and refill it a bit.

6: Nether Traitor is a card I’m seriously considering putting in. This would give me more versatility with my graveyard, making OWN and dredge more beneficial. The one problem is that a creature has to die first, meaning you have to already have pulled some shenanigans. The shadow and haste make it really strong.

7: Stitcher's Supplier would be interesting in the deck. However, it isn’t included because the dredger’s already do suppliers job.

8: Noxious Revival could set up the draw after you OwN, and get stuff back like Collective Brutality that you normally wouldn’t be able to use after you pitch it. Definitely considering 1-2 as an experiment.

9: Visions of Beyond would be a useful card for the late game. Right now I prefer the scry I get from opt over the chance to draw three cards in the later turns.

This deck’s somewhat better twin:

The Other Worst Deck *Primer*

Modern JKRice


Modern tempo turbo turns that is much more fun:


A very strange land destruction deck featuring Crack the Earth :

Primer ••• “Weird Ponza” (Competitive-ish)

Modern JKRice


My original pet deck, a surprisingly strong Bant Vial Control deck:



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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 6 Rares

18 - 5 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.74
Tokens Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Somewhat Original Deck Primers
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