The Wurminator *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH NV_1980


NV_1980 says... #1


Thanks for commenting on our deck!

We had considered Ghalta, Primal Hunger but decided not to add it because most of the other creatures we're using are more versatile and have more going for them other than just being really big.

The combo you're mentioning with Temur Sabertooth and Regal Force is nice, but we feel we would be adding these cards just to enable this combo; especially Sabertooth. That's not enough for us. And sure, Force is a great draw-enabler, but the deck contains plenty of ways for us to draw cards already and most are much cheaper to cast and use.

We took out Rhonas's Monument from an earlier iteration of this deck. We felt it was just a win-more card and didn't add enough to our overall strategy.

Survival of the Fittest and Earthcraft would both make this deck more powerful. However, we currently do not own them and we've stopped buying MTG cards. This means we would have to find someone who is willing to trade these with us and we've found this to be hard.

We have mixed feelings about Protean Hulk. It too was in an earlier iteration of this deck and it's not bad, but it's rather expensive to cast. It happened a bit too frequently that by the time we got to use his tutoring ability, we were usually already winning anyway, so we didn't really see the point.

We like your Ulvenwald Tracker suggestion. Great way to get rid of pesky utility creatures in the opposing side that won't block our monsters in an attack. Especially good combined with some of the untap enablers in this deck, so that we can use it more often. We're going to think a bit about what it will replace.

Lastly, Selvala's Stampede is wonderful but we found that it's not very handy when you're using lots of creatures with variable mana costs, so we decided to not use it in this deck.

Thanks again for all your thoughts, we appreciate it!


Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

January 11, 2019 1:14 a.m.

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