Part 2 in my series of themed EDH decks. This time, we chart the tale of Rhys, former daen of the Gilt Leaf pack. The hard part was only using cards from Lowryn and Morningtide (an exception was made for the Sapling), but luckily their Elves were supported enough to make it work.

After a hunt on a band of boggarts ends in disaster, Rhys is disgraced and demoted by his superior, Taercenn Nath. His later calamity and subversion in the attack on Porringer, where once peaceful boggarts became feral and attacked the invading elves, led to his ultimate exile from the Gilt-Leaf nation, the explosion he had caused disfiguring him into an eyeblight.

Fleeing the Gilt-Leaf with Maralen of the Mornsong and a trio of impertinent fae called the Vendillion Clique, Rhys met in Kinsbaile with his old mentor, Colfenor the Red Yew, who tasks him with planting a sapling in the ancestral woods of the Murmuring Bosk. Realizing his teacher is dying, Rhys accepts, and recruits the aid of Ashling, a flamekin pilgrim, and Brigid, the heroic kithkin archer of Kinsbaile.

Eventually, Nath catches up with Rhys, sending his former pack to hunt down and kill the traitor. The former daen narrowly makes it to the Wanderwine and the Bosk, with the aid of the giants Brion and Kiel Stoutarm. He survives a betrayal by Brigid to plant the Sapling, and returns to Kinsbaile to rescue Ashling, whom Colfenor is using to ignite himself. Rhys arrives in time to save her, but Colfenor's plans come to fruition and he dies, leaving his sapling to survive his memory. Nath returns and occupies Kinsbaile, dueling Rhys. Rhys finally kills Nath, but is still hunted by his successor, Eidren, perfect of Lys Alana. At the end of the events of Morningtide, he accepts Eidren's offer to rejoin the pack just before the Great Aurora occurs, transforming Lowryn into Shadowmoor.

The deck features tribal support from Elves (and a bit of others), some mana ramp, and eventually an attack from a large pack of Gilt Leaf elf warrior tokens against the enemy.

I am open to suggestions as always, as well as ideas for the next theme deck! :)

EDIT: If you thought block constructed was hard, try making an EDH deck out of just 2 sets! Also, tappedout seems to think this is a 12-post deck. It is certainly not.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

27 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.83
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders EDH
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