

Instant (1)


This deck is when put bluntly, is essentially a combo deck based around Quest for Ula's Temple. The earlier you get this out, the better. All of the cheap scry, and deck stacking abilities are key in setting up the top card of your library for the Quest for Ula's Temple or Mindshrieker triggers, or finding these in your library.

Augury Owl a nice flying blocker, or a little extra damage, this one is my personal favorite.

Omenspeaker since it's a 1/3, it's a very nice chump blocker and definitely helps prolong the game in your favour.

Sage of Epityr although it's only a 1/1 and lacks flying, being able to dig down four cards and set up the draw is what this deck lives on.

Serum Powder Having the Quest for Ula's Temple or Mindshrieker in your opening hand is a strict requirement in this deck. This card allows you to mulligan until you get the card you need. This is another reason for the heavy redundancy of sea monsters. There has to be a lot of them in case you have to remove some cards from your hand in the beginning of the game while you're hunting down your key cards.

Reason / Believe Another card to stack your deck, this replaced serum visions that I was running for a long time, since Not only am I getting the deck stacking properties from Reason, but having an alternate way to get something big and scary out is great in this deck considering it's heavy dependency on getting Quest for Ula's Temple or Mindshrieker early.

Clockspinning is really the make it or break it card for this deck, on top of being able to help push your Quest for Ula's Temple to get three counters as quickly as possible.


Inkwell Leviathan! This guy doesn't have a lot of writing on the card and as such there's very little more to say about him than what is printed. Pretty straight forward with this one... A massive 7/11 beast! With trample and shroud to boot! Not to mention the Islandwalk... Which brings me to my next sea monster...

Stormtide Leviathan Is a Savage, Although he's definitely quite vulnerable, as he lacks the Shroud of his counterpart, He does have that nice little bonus of making himself, and his big bad friend the inkwell unblockable, on top of keeping anything on the ground from being able to do anything but watch as your massive leviathans waltz past their armies and straight to victory.

Elder Deep-Fiend Great card for a bit of board control. Sacrifice Grozoth to help get lethal damage in with your Inkwell Leviathan or to prevent lethal damage from coming in, giving you the extra turn you need for your sea monsters to take control of the board.

Simic Sky Swallower Another huge, shrouded beast, very hard to kill, huge board presence. It has great synergy with the Stormtide Leviathan once the board is locked up. Also, look at this majestic thing. Fucking beautiful.

Last but most certainly not least, we have Grozoth. As soon as he hits the battlefield, you can search your library for all of your Inkwell Leviathan and more Grozoth This makes the "Each end step" Trigger for Quest for Ula's Temple much more relevant, as it helps keep you from running out of creatures to dump, or from losing from a field wipe.

Overall, this deck is super fun to play! It plays well and is quite affordable. And of course it's a competitive deck WHERE YOU CAN BEAT YOUR OPPONENT DOWN WITH TERRIFYING SEA MONSTERS!!!

Have fun, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm still open to new ideas.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

36 - 6 Rares

0 - 2 Uncommons

17 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.55
Folders Modern, cool decks
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