There Is No Cow Level!

Commander / EDH* Megalomania


Megalomania says... #1

mdc7233, thank you for your suggestions.

Altar of the Brood is one of those win more cards that I stay away from. Perhaps a win con that I can use outside my current one would be better. I love Ancient Tomb and use it in almost all the decks I make. Unfortunately, I try to stay away from lands that do not produce colored mana in this one to increase the chances of a second or third turn Leo. I simply cannot afford to get mana screwed especially with mana intensive Future Sight as part of my combo.

Heartwood Storyteller might do me more harm than good since almost all my spells are non-creature spells.

I think Artificers Intuition is an interesting card. I will put it into consideration. Thanks a lot and I hope tohear more from you.

December 11, 2016 5:03 a.m.

JH-TOWN says... #2

Looks good to me. I don't really play stax that often, and regard Leovold as a cancer on the face of MTG as a whole. However, he is a really amazing general. I'd look at more things such as Mindcrank and Grindstone. Or maybe Jace's Erasure + Sphinx's Tutelage + heavy card draw? Mill is def an alt win con for Leo. I've always kinda wanted to make a Leovold Creaturebuff deck, due to his ability of targeting creatures.

December 26, 2016 7:27 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #3

No Doomsday package? Leovold is one of the generals that best-abuses it in EDH, and you're already playing most of the pieces.

Mana Drain over Unsubstantiate? Your mana base can support it. Also, Counterspell is handy, though of course it's strictly worse than MD.

It depends on meta, somewhat, but I'd usually play Forbidden Orchard over any of the pain lands. Tri-color ETB-untapped is one hell of a drug.

If you went to zero basics you could always include a Hermit Druid package for the win. After all, you still need several win-cons after you achieve the lock out.

I assume you already know this since he's commented in the thread, but Lilbrudder made the best Leovold deck I've ever seen, and you might want to check out his :)

Happy deckbuilding! I wish I could have helped more, but this is pretty darn optimized already.

December 27, 2016 12:47 p.m.

Megalomania says... #4

Thanks for the comments Daedalus.

I am close to making that jump to DD but i'm not quite sure what cards I can cut without affecting the existing win con (Future Sight to Storm).

I plan on replacing Tendrils with Aetherflux Reservoir. LabMan can also be a redundancy/sub for it which further provides me reason to go DD. I have several concerns though.

The DD combo has too many pieces that I will almost never cast outside the combo. LED and Gush, for example, won't be of much use to me outside the DD combo.

DD itself doesn't sound too useful outside the combo unlike Insidious Dreams which can be used to tutor for cards like Day's Undoing or just any card in general.

Lastly, the Doomsday combo requires a lot of pieces which means I will need to make a substantial adjustment to accomodate them. Any chance you could suggest what cards I can replace?

Btw, I am very much aware of Lilbrudder's build. I am frighteningly close to settling for a build that is almost identical to his despite my earnest efforts to stay "original". Lol.

December 27, 2016 9:43 p.m.

msedwick says... #5

Lot's of good conversation here, but I'm surprised I don't see Squandered Resources and Cadaverous Bloom in here to help fuel your mana needs. Throw in something like Exsanguinate, or Prosperity to help you even more; if you have Leovold out, the latter just let's your draw as much as you desire for .

January 10, 2017 10:57 a.m.

Megalomania says... #6

msedwick Wow, I can't believe I never thought of Squandered Resources. That does sound like a very good addition. I also love that it comes from an expansion that reminds me of the "good old times". Lol. I might need to bring back Crucible of Worlds to make it more useful outside the combo turn.

I also like Cadaverous Bloom but the cost seems a bit high to be of much use. With 5 mana, I can more or less win the game already. If I need more than that, I would probably need to pay for the DD pieces.

I don't see myself using Exsanguinate outside infinite mana since my group hardly ever gets any damage until they have taken me out of the game. Prosperity was here for some time but I have a hard time making Leovold stick so it often got stuck in my hand longer that I want it to.

Thanks for the suggestions. I would really appreciate if you could give me some suggestions of what to cut for Squandered Resources. I am really interested to test how well it would fit in the deck.

January 10, 2017 4:37 p.m.

Megalomania says... #7

I'm planning on adding Reanimate to help with the LabMan combo. I know most decks use Unearth but I was also thinking of replacing Future Sight with Magus of the Magus of the Future making Reanimate a better choice. This would weaken the storm combo a bit but will potentially make it faster.


January 13, 2017 5:29 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #8

Timetwister over Day's Undoing obv. Your budget SEEMS to support it.

I think that Paradox Engine is too weak here without a way to cheat it out (given that it's a 5-drop that gives you conditional mana). I understand the combo, but I'd honestly rather just put in another tutor to find Helm of Awakening.

No Crucible of Worlds or Beast Within? If your base can support it, Strip Mine might be a helpful utility card to add.

Final suggestion: Just play Lilbrudder's list, it's inevitable ;)

January 17, 2017 12:53 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #9

I dont know about all that. I dont play Lilbrudder's list anymore. I hate being public enemy number one in my playgroup.

January 17, 2017 1:07 p.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #10

Lilbrudder: If you're playing Leovold, I think being Public Enemy #1 is inevitable, I'm afraid ;)

I had thought he was going to be banned in the announcement yesterday, TBH.

January 17, 2017 1:16 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #11

That is why I stopped playing Leovold lol. Too much of a target. I think paradox engine is incredible if you build around it a bit more Megalomania, but it may be too much with DD and helm/top/FS. I can see using 2 of the three. DD+paradox engine might be pretty solid. It synergizes with dorks, which helps Leo and it allows easy kills with reservour. You could also try dramatic scepter and an infinite mana sink like Walking Ballista. I havent tested it with Leo, it juat sounds like it could be decent

January 17, 2017 1:30 p.m.

Megalomania says... #12

Daedalus19876, Lilbrudder I , on the other hand, kind of enjoy being the focus of hate. Lol. I have gotten used to it after playing combo for so long.

I would love to have Timetwister. Unfortunately, I have run out of extra kidneys to sell. Lol. Maybe in a couple of years.

As for Paradox Engine, I am not running it as a combo piece but as an enabler. It isn't essential but it helps me out a lot. I agree that an additional tutor might be more helpful but the only reasonable tutors left for me to add are out of my budget at the moment.

The Time Reversal combo with Walking Ballista is nice but I really think it is clunky especially without Ad Nauseam. I have not been able to use it since my playgroup has a couple of aggro decks that bring my life total down considerably low before I am able to combo off.

Infinite mana also won't be of much use to me. I think it would be better suited in my Oona deck or in Lilbrudder's Thraisos.

For this deck I stuck with "1-card combos". Being able to assemble combos via Doomsday and Insidious Dreams seems to be the fastest and most efficient way to win outside Tooth and Nail.

Lastly, Crucible of Worlds was taken out because it seemed underpowered to me without cards like Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Exploration. I am thinking of bringing it back in along with Squandered Resources but that would mean taking out Paradox Engine.

I'm not sure if you guys notice that I hate being on the defensive. It is for this reason I have no removal in the deck. I like going all in and win games at breakneck speed if possible.

January 17, 2017 5:10 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #13

I like your approach to Leo alot. Putting pressure on people is key. Either I hand lock you or I end the game turn 3-4. Give them no chance to breathe. If I lose I at least made people shit thier pants. Good deal Mega!

January 23, 2017 12:03 a.m.

Megalomania says... #14

Thanks bud! I have been the focus of hate in several groups that I play in since I started playing combo.

I tried to take some of the hate away from me when I constructed a group hug Zedruu deck. It's fun and all but I missed the thrill of playing against time. Lol

January 23, 2017 1:13 a.m.

RicketyEng says... #15

I'm not quite good enough to help you much with fine tuning but I have a card suggestion anyway. You might want to consider Ancient Excavation as a selective wheel effect.

January 23, 2017 3:59 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #16

Congrats on the recent success :-) As I mentioned in my other post I am vacating my DD Leo build for a combo that is closer to how I like to play magic, so this niche is all yours bud. May it continue to serve you well.

January 28, 2017 9:24 a.m.

Megalomania says... #17

Lol. Thanks! Will keep tabs on your brews, bud.

January 28, 2017 9:40 a.m.

JMCraig says... #18

Hey, looks looks like a cool deck! I love consultation as an alt. wincon to doomsday.

I think the Future Sight/Helm/Top combo is a bit slow and clunky for this deck. requires you to play Sight and Tendrils, both of which aren't great on their own. why not slot in Ad Naus instead and beef up on some more 1 CMC counters? I think you could smooth the curve out a but and win a lot of games with Naus.

Engine seems reall neat here, since you're a bit more stormy than my deck. Really cool card.

Am I missing something with Anvil? One blind Thoughtseize per turn seems pretty low impact. I'm sure itll grind out wins eventually, but I like to be a bit more proactive.

Wild Growth is pretty interesting here. do you ever need to be that fast? I was under the impression the deck wants to play a little slower. Still, you deck is stormier so it may be good for that reason.

Ive never been barve enough to do Insidious Dreams. Always imagined it'd run straight into a counter and Mind Twist me. Does this deck really need that risk with all the decent 1 CMC tutors and draw power? Cutting this would make Naus smoother too.

why reanimate? wont other decks always have better creatures?

Mind's desire would be a great one to consider if you are going for storm. It's less useful to me, but you could get a lot of value. Aetherflux Reservoir too.

What I like about my deck is that it shaves a lot of extraneous wincons and goes all in on DDay. Every other slot is cheap counters and draw, with one slot set aside for puzzle box so Leo can make way for DDay on his own. Although I admit im not an expert, and the archetype has room to grow, my overall take on your deck is that it's trying to do a little too much with the heavy storm package and the Fututre Top combo. Leo makes a naturally good control general, so I prefer to use that to my advantage and set up less complicated, more consistent, cheaper DDay wins when I know the coast is clear. I guess one way to look at it is that while my deck is more all-in on DDay, yours is a more all-in combo deck, and has to play a few sub-par cards because of that, whereas mine can afford to be a bit more consistent.

Still, I learned a lot from your list, and I'll be testing out a bunch of new stuff! Thanks for having a look at my list.

January 31, 2017 10:44 a.m.

Megalomania says... #19

Thanks for the comments JMCraig! After seeing how much success I am having using DD, I was starting to think if I still need the storm combo.

It isn't as clunky as it seems though. I use Insidious Dreams to set up the entire combo and is surprisingly effective. In this sense, it is pretty much like DD but a bit safer. If DD gets disrupted, I lose. With this one, however, there is still enough room for a comeback especially with cards like Necropotence and Sylvan Library. I sometimes add Yawgmoth's Will to the Dream pile as a contigency plan. It is a turn slower but it seems like a good backup plan in case the LabMan gets exiled, stolen, etc.

I have been toying with the idea of just taking Tendrils out since the Labman can sub for it but it brings me back to the problem of making the deck rely too much on the LabMan to win.

The Ad Naus is a meta call. I was using it in the earlier versions of the deck but my meta has aggro players who tries to get rid of me ASAP. This makes AD a couple of turns too slow or just unusable due to my low life total.

Reanimate is just an oversight. I had been thinking of using Magus of the Future instead of Future Sight so using Reanimate instead of Unearth seemed to make sense. Thanks for reminding me though.

I agree on your criticisms and Leovold does well in protecting the DD combo but I am having a ton of difficulty keeping him on the board. I guess it has a lot to do with my playgroup wherein we have guys with fast, removal heavy decks made for Duel Commander in multiplayer games.

Again, thanks for the comments. I will be paying a lot of attention to your deck from now on. Please feel free to leave suggestions in the future.

January 31, 2017 5:01 p.m.

JMCraig says... #20

The points about protecting leo from aggro make sense to me. I'd be inclined to add in Pongify/Turn to Frog, Fatal Push/more black removal to keep that in check and allow for a smooth naus since you're still using mostly 1-drops. There's just so much value there! It's like Insidious Dreams but you don't Mind Twist yourself!

My main question is though, why no reservoir? you may not ever use it to kill anyone, but you will gain plenty of life incidentally and at that point, i think you'll be pleasantly surprised just how easy it is to kill at least one opponent. It adds a little redundancy to the storm plan while also being a solid value choice throughout the game. Maybe replace Tendrils, which can be a bit of a turd when it's not lethal.

January 31, 2017 6:41 p.m.

Megalomania says... #21

Reservoir has been suggested in the past and I have tried it for a short time (replacing Tendrils) but it never seemed to work as well as it sounded in theory. I might be misunderstanding how most people use it though so i'll give it another try. It sounds a lot more viable with Ad Nauseam but again, i'm playing against really fast Zurgo and Kytheon decks. They aren't fast enough to kill me before I combo off, but they deal just enough damage to make Naus very ineffective. Outside the FS combo and Ad Nause, is it would be possible for me to get enough storm counts to win using the Reservoir?

Oh and to address your earlier post, this deck goes balls to the walls. I really try to make it as fast as possible for the reasons stated above.

January 31, 2017 7:32 p.m.

JMCraig says... #22

Reservoir needs <10 spells per turn to kill someone, and represents solid incremental life-gain and a real threat when it's building up. That makes it better than tendrils to me. You can prob nuke the aggro deck at the table just by spamming rituals and cantrips while on the way to a combo. Unless your meta is way more aggro than i imagine, in which case i totally understand the struggle!

January 31, 2017 8:04 p.m.

Megalomania says... #23

I see. But at 5 cmc, i'm not sure I can get it on the board early enough for it to be better than the Insidious Dreams to Future Sight to Tendrils combo. That one is a guaranteed win compared to Reservoir that takes a while. It will more or less end up giving me the same value as Tendrils.

I think I will use baby Jace. It seems to make more sense now that I am using DD.

January 31, 2017 9:58 p.m.

JMCraig says... #24

Res is only 4 FWIW, but i guess i see your point.

Jace is an allstar! Something I've learned is that you dont need to loot every turn, especially if you want to keep him from flipping so you can save him for opening a pile. Alternately, just flash back a Brainstorm and do it that way! loads of utility.

January 31, 2017 10:07 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #25

Megalomania and JMCraig: I'm loving lurking on this conversation stream.

I have a few thoughts. Baby jace is a very good inclusion. I see you still have engine and top. If you add just one more card Kiora's Follower or Voltaic Key you can draw your entire deck. Follower seems more appropriate for your build given it can tap for BUG and does great things with your best dork Bloom Tender and baby jace. Also given you have ABUR duals and 8 basic islands High Tide is worth an include imo as it is a great and efficient mid game ritual that will help you pay for future sight and whir of invention.

February 1, 2017 12:53 p.m. Edited.

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