This deck has simple goals.Step 1: Tag opponent with infect counters. Step 2: Double those counters. Step 3: Repeat.
Creatures (A-Z)
Blighted Agent: I'ts a nice creature to get poison counters on your opponent early, and also a excellent card to use Giant Growth with.
Core Prowler:Core Prowler is there to create tough decisions for your opponents. It's also great to sacrifice for Plaguemaw Beast's effect.
Glistener Elf:Exactly like Blighted Agent but green.
Phyrexian Swarmlord:Phyrexian Swarmlord is a lategame drop to clean up your opponent. It's tokens also are good sacrifices for Plaguemaw Beast.
Plaguemaw Beast:It's effect is cheap and powerful. Also provides some muscle without infect.
Putrefax:Probably the best hit-and-run card since Lightning Shrieker. Puts opponent in killing range of two proliferates.
Spinebiter: Nice way to get undeniable damage on your opponent.
Thrummingbird:Thrummingbird adds insult to injury and punishes decks without removal.
Instants (A-Z)
Fuel for the Cause:Gets rid of your problems and proliferates.
Giant Growth:Gets counters early that are crucial to succeed with this deck.
Pongify:Takes your opponent's creatures and replaces them with apes. Period.
Remand:Quick counterspell and drawspeed.
Rewind: Free counterspell.
Vapor Snag:Makes your opponent cast their powerful creatures again for 1 mana!
Sorceries (A-Z)
Tezzeret's Gambit:(possibly) 1 mana for 2 cards and a proliferate.
Lands: (A-Z)
Halimar Depths:Nice for getting the cards you want in your hand sooner.
Turntimber Grove:Great early to beef up your small creatures.
Enchantments (A-Z)
Corrupted Conscience:Take your opponent's creatures and give them infect.
Inexorable Tide: Cast a spell and proliferate. Easy.
Suggestions are appreciated..