Theros Event Deck: I haven't changed the color?

Standard* Ruckover


Ruckover says... #1

Is 24 land too much, when I can do most with 3?

March 4, 2014 8:29 p.m.

NyanFries says... #2

That is a good question. Maybe drop like 2 Plains to benefit all the cheaper guys. Just saying, Vapor Snag isn't Standard, so if you want a card like that in Standard, maybe Voyage's End or Disperse . Negate really isn't the best counter, so I would suggest swapping it for Dissolve .

March 4, 2014 8:34 p.m.

Ruckover says... #3

Vapor snag out, whoops. Negate comes with the deck, hoping to make due for now.

March 4, 2014 8:41 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #4

id probably remove banisher priest, and replace with Fiendslayer Paladin , Boros Reckoner or if you could afford it, Brimaz, King of Oreskos . also try to bring Detention Sphere up to 4...and yeah....shocklands and scry lands (scry lands only run around 5$, and the shocks will rotate in the fall)

March 12, 2014 8:06 p.m.

dannylambo says... #5

Heliod isn't good enough to even have one of. I've never been in a situation with a weenie deck like this and drawn him and been excited about it. Even if he makes it to his devotion count, he's going to be chumped all day. I think your SB needs 2 more Detention Sphere , to stop certain decks from getting a better board presence than you. I also think Cyclonic Rift or Supreme Verdict should be in here, verdict definitely should so you can drop it during your second main after Frontline Medic makes your creatures indestructible, thus saving them from the bomb.

March 12, 2014 8:08 p.m.

dannylambo says... #7

That sounds much better! I really like Banisher Priest , but if you know you'll be able to connect with Fiendslayer Paladin , go with him. His protection from B and/or R spells is great. I had a deck focused on beefing him up and gaining life, which worked really well.

March 13, 2014 1:52 p.m.

Ruckover says... #8

Yea, I don't know I may keep the Priests as more removal. They hit for the same, and I am hoping to not have to worry about needing first strike and lifelink. If burn and Dblades start to bother me he is out though.

March 13, 2014 2:32 p.m.

kmcree says... #9

Cards to work towards acquiring: Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , Sphinx's Revelation . I know they're all expensive, but they would all fit very nicely in this deck.

In the mean time, I would recommend Bident of Thassa over Spear of Heliod , as card draw is really key. Soldier of the Pantheon is a significantly better 1 drop than Judge's Familiar . Daxos of Meletis might also be decent as a 1 or 2 of. Ascended Lawmage is another fairly solid and cheap creature.

March 17, 2014 8:33 p.m.

khravefan52 says... #10

If ur going for weenie, u need more creatures. Right now this is more midrange, other than that i like it. :)

March 17, 2014 8:45 p.m.

Ruckover says... #11

kmcree Brim, Ele, and Rev are all on the back burner for now, and if I get them I would be sure to put them in. Also, I am running 4x Soldier of the Pantheon , Would you recommend the Judge's Familiar be replaced with something else? I have some Ascended Lawmage I could put in as well, but I find their CMC to be a little high.

Daxos of Meletis I like a lot, and have thought about opening him up a spot.

As for the Bident of Thassa , Because I don't have the rev's and Ele I wasn't sure if the mid-late game advantage of card draw would be worth it over the early game advantage of getting an extra point of damage and possible removal. Would you still suggest the switch?


Yea I thought weenie just meant small dudes, I'm new to all this jazz. Thanks though!

March 17, 2014 10:39 p.m.

kmcree says... #12

Sorry, I didn't see the soldier when I looked earlier. I think it depends what you're going for. If you're going midrange, then you definitely want card draw and Bident of Thassa would help for now. Ascended Lawmage would also be very useful in that type of build. If you want more of an early game aggro style you should probably ditch the Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict for some more low cmc creatures. All up to you really.

March 17, 2014 11:37 p.m.

Ruckover says... #13

March 17, 2014 11:52 p.m.

kmcree says... #14

Yeah that would work well if you want more of a midrange deck.

March 17, 2014 11:56 p.m.

dannylambo says... #15

This is fun to test against.

March 18, 2014 1:10 a.m.

Ruckover says... #16

Thanks dannylambo!

By the way, in case anyone cares while waiting for all the parts to this deck I went to my first FNM. Thought it was draft and brought nothing, but it was standard. So I bought the BOTG event deck, went 3-2 and came in 6th out of 22. Lost to 1st and 3rd. Hoorah.

March 18, 2014 1:22 a.m.

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