These go up to 11...

Standard Anansi442


Behgz says... #1

It's an awesome brew +1 from me!

July 1, 2013 9:25 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #2

Thanks for the +1! I'm subbing the 2 Artful Dodge for 2 Syncopate . Syncs better with Goblin Electromancer 's ability...we'll see how it goes!

July 1, 2013 9:32 p.m.

+1 for ya homie. This is a nice little rogue brew. Check out my 2 current prototype decks: The Voices of Selesnya and Gruul Rampggro.

July 8, 2013 2:03 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #4

Just swapped the 2 mainboard Rewind s for Warleader's Helix ...I'm a little unsure though. Rewind 's untapping effect is so great with this deck...

July 9, 2013 9:12 p.m.

Gop says... #5

many RWU brews include 1 Rewind and 2 Warleader's Helix

July 19, 2013 7:44 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #6

@ Gop, definitely ran both before the changes and loved it. Do you think I should leave them in? And what should I remove then?

July 19, 2013 10:57 p.m.

theonyc says... #7

I would remove the 2 Goblin Electromancer , Bonfire of the Damned , 2 Supreme Verdict and 1 Cyclonic Rift for 3 Terminus and 3 Turn (those cards are better for the format) as well as dropping down to 60 cards. I would then remove your side board (seems pretty extreme, but none of the cards help against any played deck, and are only cards that didn't make it to the main) for 3 Rest in Peace (for some remaining reanimator, but mostly for the aristocrats), 2 Witchbane Orb (this was one card i liked, as helps against jund, mono red/izzet burn and mil decks), 4x Pillar of Flame (aristocrats, aggro. should be main but works in side too), 2 Supreme Verdict (for aggro), 2 Jace, Memory Adept and 2 Dispel (mirror). This should change depending on your stores meta, but is a pretty good start.

July 20, 2013 1:15 a.m.

Behgz says... #8

This deck is starting to look great

July 20, 2013 1:28 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #9

@ theonyc, thanks for the suggestions! I don't know how I feel about Terminus though... It's a great spell but a little steep if it's not showing up as a miracle. Although it IS nice to keep creatures out of the graveyard... And Goblin Electromancer is expendable... Ill probably drop him flat out to get down to 60. Turn / Burn is a card that should definitely be in this deck too. It's so good against the current standard. While I want to hold on to my full play set of Supreme Verdict in here, I'm definitely going to be making room for the Turn / Burn s!

July 20, 2013 3:55 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #10

@ Behgz, thanks man! Any suggestions?! :)

July 20, 2013 3:56 a.m.

Behgz says... #11

I can suggest you check out my updated Garden Hose

but for ur deck, maybe some more utility counterspells in the sideboard like essence scatter and dispel.

July 20, 2013 3:59 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #12

Yeah Dispel is definitely going in there... My sideboard itself still needs a look. I haven't touched it since I got serious about changing up this deck! Checking your hose now! Lol.

July 20, 2013 4:01 a.m.

Warmonger says... #13

How about Indestructibility for the Boros Reckoner or other creatures? That would allow them to survive both a Supreme Verdict and a Blasphemous Act .

July 23, 2013 2:18 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #14

@ warmonger, I really like your suggestion of Indestructibility ! I was thinking just today if I could somehow squeeze in a couple Boros Charm s for that very purpose but i had forgotten about said enchantment and it's a fairly permanent effect too so it can survive multiple times. Maybe I can swap out the Cyclonic Rift s... Thanks for the suggestion!!

Ps- I would love to link your profile to this comment but I can't figure out how to format it to not link the card Warmonger !

July 23, 2013 9:42 p.m.

DJSeras says... #15

Restoration Angel doesn't seem worth it just for the bounce of Snap, too little chance and circumstantial, would be better to do Think Twice which has built in flashback

July 25, 2013 4:55 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #16

@kylarbandurzo- I ran Think Twice with moderate success for a while but there are a few reasons I've settled with resto angel; in most of those early games I was just getting beaten by creatures swinging. I know that's what Blasphemous Act and Supreme Verdict are there to stop but I have all the draw I really need in my four Sphinx's Revelation s and Azorius Charm s and the flash, combined with her slightly bodacious booty, make Restoration Angel a great combat trick as well as control by bouncing the snaps. Just more board presence and options. There is the mana to consider but it's yet to be a problem. But thanks for the +1!! And if I ever get in a pinch where I wish I didn't have those restos you can say I told you so. :)

July 25, 2013 3:01 p.m.

aetherling can sometimes be an underwhelming card against jund because they so muck spot removal. Reckoner in good against jund though. So becuase jund is the biggest deck in the format I would go down to 2 aetherlings and 4 reckoners.

July 26, 2013 11:48 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #18

@TheManOnTheMoon, if I understand your comment correctly, you're saying that because jund has so much removal, AEtherling is a bad choice? In that case, it's actually quite the opposite! See first off, AEtherling is pretty tough so it avoids a lot of smaller generic spot removal. Secondly, if you play him correctly (making a point to leave at least one blue source available when you play him), he is possibly the most elusive card in mtg at the moment. AND he is a major win con. While I do love Boros Reckoner , and his combo with Blasphemous Act is brutal, I need a win con to rely on and a combo just won't do that for me. Thanks for the suggestion though!

July 26, 2013 1:43 p.m.

Telerik says... #19

That price...

July 27, 2013 3:26 a.m.

Anansi442 says... #20

Haha oh I know man! If it hadn't been for some nice booster pops and good trades I'd have given it up for sure! But there are ways to avoid the price. Sub Boros Reckoner out for Augur of Bolas and you're still looking good... You can swap the resto angels for a couple Guttersnipe s or Cloudshift , the Ral Zarek with Hidden Strings or Temporal Mastery .... There are cheaper options to this deck. :) I'm just lucky enough to have the good stuff!

July 27, 2013 11:45 a.m.

jinx_player says... #21

Pretty awesome, I run the mono red because I am too cheap to buy awesome cards! ;)

July 29, 2013 7:58 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #22

@ jinx- nothing wrong with mono red. I've had a lot of fun with them and seen some pretty awesome ones in tournament play. Thanks for the upvote and keep that aggro pressure comin! Actually I've been piecing together one of my own that's r/w. R/W Aggro. Feel free to suggest some good ideas. It's definitely a work in progress!

July 30, 2013 2:45 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #23

Nice deck, +1. The things that I worry about the most in my American AEtherling control deck AEtherling is Alright are:

  1. Discard: Sire Of Insanity , Rakdos's Return etc. out of the sideboard destroy card advantage that I need to build. You are not using Think Twice for card advantage, but it's worth preparing for. My solution for this matchup is to shift strategies from card advantage through draw to getting things out on the battlefield.
  2. Selective destruction of key components (i.e. AEtherling : Slaughter Games and Pithing Needle . The latter can be dealt with, the former can be killer. You need a win condition other than AEtherling , which I think you have Boros Reckoner but keep it in mind. You need to answer the question: can my deck win if AEtherling is out of the equation come T4.
  3. Reanimator: Unburial Rites , undying, and creatures that leave a threat after removal. Really frustrating to see those creatures wiped out with Supreme Verdict either come back or poop out a beast (e.g. Thragtusk ) or an elemental (Voice of Resurgence ). Turn / Burn and Pillar of Flame help here.

Nothing else really makes me go "oh crap, I'm in trouble", and I have my sideboard built with that in mind. I really like Detention Sphere in the sideboard. It allows me to deal with a wide range of threats that could otherwise prove problematic once they hit the battlefield (undying, enchantments, etc.).

Other thoughts: With 3x Boros Reckoner and 4x Supreme Verdict you need to be careful not to let them get in the way with each other. It's not too hard to work around, but it could be restrictive.

Anyway, hope this helps.

August 2, 2013 4:58 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #24

Definitely helps! Thanks so much! I've yet to come across that problem with Boros Reckoner getting in the way of my supremes but I expect it will happen before all is said and done. And as you noticed, reckoner is an alt win con (my only atm, I do believe) so it is a concern. Ideally, I will have another reckoner in hand to drop after the board wipe. And un-ideally, ill learn from experience what would have worked better! Haha.

As for Think Twice I've already found myself wishing I had the cheap card advantage so maybe I can work in a couple somewhere.

Just put a play set of Detention Sphere s on my wish list. Haha. Only have 1 atm.

Thanks for the +1 and suggestions!

August 2, 2013 6:22 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #25

Thinking about side boarding the 2 Cyclonic Rift and putting in 2 Syncopate instead for earlier control... Any thoughts anyone?

August 6, 2013 11:39 p.m.

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