Hey Bovine073. Thanks. Much appreciated. Stuck Lotus Cobra in because of landfall, but there's probably a 2 drop with more synergy.
May 5, 2016 11:38 p.m.
Consider Plated Geopede. It's like Steppe Lynx, it could be useful here.
May 5, 2016 11:46 p.m.
Bovine073. Good shout. Throwing scavenging ooze in as well.
May 5, 2016 11:50 p.m.
You don't really have any creatures going GY, though. Your only removal to GY is Lightning Bolt, and fulminator, well you only run 2 of em. It could work, though.
May 5, 2016 11:52 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #7
I would suggest adding in Birds of Paradise and/or Noble Hierarch (for the green ramp) being that your deck doesn't really start until turn4 or 5, where other FNM decks will start at turn 2 or 3. Also I see AEther Vial in your maybeboard and I would greatly recommend that as well. For cards to take out I'd recommend 2 Steppe Lynx and 2 Atarka's Command for 4 Birds of Paradise for the ramp. Birds of Paradise takes the place of Steppe Lynx for the one drop, and granted Atarka's Command utility is nice, it doesn't seem to truly fit with the theme you have aside from putting a land onto the battlefield for you to sacrifice (or beef up). The +1/+1 doesn't really seem to matter as mots of your creatures can already be beefed up. For the 4 AEther Vial I'd recommend two Boom/Bust, one Scavenging Ooze, and possibly one land being that 23 is still a lot and your running an artifact that makes it so you don't need as many lands (Even though I know it is the theme of your deck.
Hope those suggestions help you in any way. Like the deck man. Original and it could actually work. How has it playtested?
May 6, 2016 3:43 a.m.
Hey Pheardemons. Thanks for the feedback. You definitely spotted my thinking with the maybe board. Yeah, cutting down on the Atarka's makes sense as most of the synergy is anti-landfall and more about lands hitting the graveyard. On which basis I was wondering if Scythe Tiger even in smaller numbers may be better in this shell than Steppe Lynx.
Land base needs a bit of tweaking. probably too many shocks at the moment.
Not had a chance to play test yet, so if anybody gets the chance to run it against typical modern decks that would be cool.
Also considering:
May 6, 2016 4:06 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #9
I wouldn't worry about Lightning Helix mainboard because you already have Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile as removal, and in all honesty If you're playing burn you've proabably already lost. Scythe Tiger is situational as he really only helps you if Countryside Crusher is already on the battlefield. Seismic Assault doesn't exactly help with your theme as lands in your hand don't do much. You either need them in your library (for Countryside Crusher) or on the battlefield to sacrifice (for Knight of the Reliquary). I see that you've already put in the cards I recommended, that's cool thanks for taking the advice.
May 6, 2016 4:17 a.m.
No worries Pheardemons. Currently playing around with the Sideboard. May maindeck Thalia over the ooze. Any thoughts welcome!
May 6, 2016 6:10 a.m.
RamblinMan says... #11
Noble Hierarch is the better mana dork over Birds of Paradise, I would switch to that. I think you could replace a copy of Kessig Wolf Run with Gavony Township. I like AEther Vial in here because it gets around the biggest problem for both Countryside Crusher and Knight of the Reliquary, namely being bolted before they have a chance to get bigger. I would definitely ditch Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Scavenging Ooze for everyone's favorite Tarmogoyf. I also think you need way more fetches to ensure cards like Steppe Lynx work consistently. I would go up to something close to 12 fetches. Go with more fetches than it feels like you should actually need.
May 6, 2016 7:48 a.m.
So, my friend...
Plus 1 for the name and plus 1 for you and your awesome decks.
I have to be kind of an ass here and disagree with everything RamblinMan just said, save for the agreeing of AEther Vial. Primarily because I feel like most of his suggestions take away from the core of the deck. I could see Thalia, Guardian of Thraben being slightly counterproductive, but I really think she will be helpful in most situations. With 21 lands and the Vial for your creatures I feel like playing 2 and 3 mana spells won't be detrimental. Scooze definitely needs to stay, as does Kessig.
Like the deck a lot man. Don't know it's tier 1 competitive but it would definitely give everybody at FNM a good laugh and probably give a few a run for their money.
Consider Pyroclasm for the sideboard. Most of the creatures you care about will get around it.
May 6, 2016 10:05 a.m.
wasianpower says... #13
Playtested some, the manabase definetly needs one or two Temple Gardens for fetching.
May 6, 2016 4:08 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #14
I second at least a one-of Temple Garden for fetching purposes. It isn't that horizon canopy is bad, rather that you need to be able to fetch for the G/W land as well.
May 8, 2016 4:31 a.m.
Thanks wasianpower, asasinater13. Tweaked. What are your thoughts on fetches. A few people suggested worth adding more, but not sure.
Hey TMBRLZ. Yeah, RamblinMan is probably right if you apply the rule "is this deck better with goyf?". But my thinking was we probably don't need beaters, and given we're a very heavy creature deck that really doesn't rely on our instants it felt like she could have a lot of upside.
May 8, 2016 5:08 a.m.
TMBRLZ, there's always Jotun Grunt aka the 'White goyf'... ;-)
May 8, 2016 5:09 a.m.
Hey draw Silverblade Paladin - its a knight and it gives that giant and that steppe lynx doublestrike
May 9, 2016 4:51 a.m.
Draw_Wurm - That's actually a really sweet card. I've never seen it before. Dies to Languish but that's a pretty workable upkeep cost. Nifty. Don't know if it deserves a spot here though. :P
May 9, 2016 1:07 p.m.
Hey Owlsey good shout. My guess here is evasion is probably our problem, so probably need ways to force dmg through.
Thanks ! Madzinskii
TMBRLZ yeah, it's deceptive. It's basically a graveyard hoser with a 4/4 body attached. Probably not the right fit.
I'm trying Tireless Tracker as it feels like there may be useful card draw synergy.
May 10, 2016 4 p.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #25
There are only 58 cards in here. Maybe another Boom and Sin Prodder?
Bovine073 says... #1
Worthy of a +1 just for the name. Looks to be a fun and interesting brew.
Why Lotus Cobra, though? You don't need to seem that much extra mana, your curve tops out at 3 and you're already running 24 lands.
May 5, 2016 11:31 p.m.