So it's me again. I'm starting over basically from fresh, with a lot of drama that we'll skip over for now.
I bought a box of Kaladesh and Elderitch Moon as my launching points for the new standard. With a couple of minor card stock buys, this is where I am currently. It, after it's first Tuesday Standard, is doing better than I had hoped, but it still needs some help.
The numbers of the particular cards in this deck is wrong. I'm not sure what number is appropriate, and there are things that need improving, but the numbers are need improving.
Game Plan : Use Midranging creatures to eventually win the game against aggro, using the power of
Chittering Host
Inspired Charge
to finish off the game.
The Creatures
Vampire Cutthroat - a Key card in this deck. This puts on a small clock, gains you life, and helps feed
Lone Rider
and Fretwork Colony. It's really hard to block when everyone is playing with bears+, so it's well worth the one drop.
Night Market Lookout - This is your one drop bear. It can't really kill anything, but the life drain is important, and if we have any combination of Lookouts and Cutthroats, then we flip the Lone Rider, which is important.
Fretwork Colony - This deck produces a heck of a lot of life, so we are able to use part of that as a resource. Fretwork Colony after two turns is big enough to exchange with the high end of most aggro decks on the attack, and give it 5 turns, and even midrange can have issues with it. It is subtle in it's power, but it gets scary really quick.
Smuggler's Copter - Ideally, I would be running 4, but the price spike is kinda amazing after the first SCG. Honestly, though, this is to give my low power dudes something to do. Works great with Lookout, not so great with a lot of other cards, the loot effect is nice, but I'll be honest, this deck doesn't want loot so much as it wasn't draw. This card is almost on the out list, and it's not that it isn't doing it's job, it just feels disruptive to the real game plan.
Lone Rider
Turn 4 4/4 First Strikers with Lifelink and Trample scare pretty much all decks. This deck realizes this and tries to take advantage of that as much as possible. Lone Rider is a powerhouse that intimidates everyone but green critters.
Graf Rats
Midnight Scavengers
Game End A. By the time you play Midnight Scavenger, you should have a pretty full field. This allows us to swing in with a mostly unstoppable force and deal impressive amounts of damage, and make a quick victory completely unreliable. If it sticks around, it'll typically win us the game the next round. Not bad for a set of commons!
Aerial Responder It's just too good not to play with. It's just a value creature that helps us flip Lone Rider and keeps us in the game.
Ovalchase Dragster These are our subsitutes for Smuggler's Copters. They are basically a lightning bolt to the face most of the time. It's okay.
Blessed Alliance - This card does work in this deck. I need to flip Lone Riders? Done. Do I need to defend myself? Doubly so. It's just a great card.
Succumb to Temptation
I'm not running enough of these. This deck needs card draw something fierce with all it's low cost creatures. I find myself hellbent alot.
Faith Unbroken The only other removal in the game that I have. I kinda like it, in a way. It takes care of a creature, and often, it's just played on the Responder to speed up the clock. It's got flaws, but it's a good card.
Inspired Charge
Gameplan B. Wait till after blocks are declared, and kill things! Gain Life! Win!
Whatever is in my sideboard at this time is junk and I'm not sure any of it should be in there.
Comments are appreciated. let me know what you would do to improve it! Don't think in budget terms. I might be starting off with a near budget brew, but I want to make this into a rogue terror of the Standard Field.
Thank you for your attention.