
Planeswalker (1)

Land (2)


Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (2)

They said it couldn't be done...

As soon as I saw Battle of Wits in M13 I knew which deck I would be working on for the next year of magic! The deck usually tries to ramp into control and board wipes until it can eventually find the Battle of Wits . There is a fun alternate combo in Traumatize/Enter the Infinite + Psychic Spiral . I also expect to be running alternate win conditions in plansewalkers and keyrunes just in case I get controlled.

The deck is split up into the following; Combo pieces 27/230 (7/60), Misc 11/230 (2.9/60), Board wipe 28/230 (7.3/60), Spot removal 24/230 (6.3/60), Counter 20/230 (5.2/60), Draw 14/230 (3.7/60), Mana/ramp 106/230 (27.7/60).

Comments and suggestions would be awesome a deck of this size can be a little overwhelming and one can easily loose track.

Thanks, dont forget to +1 and/or comment.


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The deck was mentioned in an article on star city games yesterday,, thanks Mark Nestico for the kind words and for spreading the philosophy of fun decks!

As for the deck, it has had some good and terrible results recently.

I entered a medium level tournament recently (the popalot super series) and the deck came last. Yerp, dead last. I would like to say that I had a touch of bad luck (especially with mana) but that's just magic sometimes. Although I wasn't expecting to win the thing, I don't think that the deck deserved quite that bad a result lol. All except 1 of the games went 2-1 and I had a by, I played 2 bant hexproof decks, w/r humans, reanimator and a u/r concoction.

Last week I played the FNM and had a redeeming result wining against Golgari aggro and against U/R/B control, drawing against 4-colour control and losing to Jund midrange.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #35 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 1 Mythic Rares

78 - 4 Rares

57 - 0 Uncommons

32 - 8 Commons

Cards 230
Avg. CMC 3.87
Folders Odd, fun, Idea drain, Consider
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